A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat


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God... When I find joy in a friend Remind me that there would be an end So I stay with the One who has no end.

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This is pretty strange how it worked out this way. Even if you are not religious, you should read this. Cukup mencengangkan bgm mungkin semua ini bisa.
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1.Trus dari syurga datang ku, Ku khabarkan kepada mu Selamat dan kesukaan Yang untuk kaum sekalian J03M Terus Dari Syurga 1.
1.Noposiyan ne Yesus Mantad sid kapatayan. Otomon tokow kikiawi Dit kinamanangan di Yesus Kristus. G03 Noposiyan ne Yesus 1.
1. Nakajanji oku dot maya di su'u nu O'oput dogon Tuhan
This is pretty strange how it worked out this way
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
PDKK YB Praise & Worship Thema: “Ini Tahun Yobel”
At kĩkibiton dĩ Mariam? Dot ninsamũng di moleekãt
Nyanyi, nyanyi-lah hai orang.
Terpuji-lah Allah, hikmat-nya besar Begitu kasih-nya, 'tuk dunia cemar
H02 Ot Tongo Tulun Noontung Tokow
Sumungod tokow sorid Betlẽhem. Tumomon tokow; nosusu i rãja.
1. Yesus Tuhan penebus ku. Dengar doa ku. Jangan-lah Tuhan lalui
1a. Berdiri kerna Yesus. Hai serdadu Tuhan. Kibarkan panji raja,
1. It ita’ak nu aa otobus,. Tu riniba okoy. Gisom dot monorima om
1. Sudah-kah darah mu,. Yesus, tertumpah untuk ku
B20 Mimoyo Oku dot Nogontian Oku
G06 Mangarayow Okoy Dikaw
1. Aaluk gaam araa’an. Sampay matay i Tuhan ku. Tuhan tara’at nilabus,
H02M Kami Berdoa Ya Roh Kudus
B03M Hai Umat Puji Allah Mu
J03 Montod sid Surga Mindoo
SAAT TEDUH. SAAT TEDUH HERE I AM TO WORSHIP Light of the world, You step down in to darkness Open my eyes, let me see Beauty that made, this heart.
B23 Mangapil Oku sid Dikaw
1. Puji-lah akan Tuhan Atas tiap kebajikan: Karna kemurahan-Nya
Mari-lah, mari-lah ke Betlehem Mari tengok-lah, lahir raja syurga
B22M Ya Yesus ‘Ku Berjanji
Serikat beriman Cermin dan kasih Tuhan-nya Di dalam syurga t'rang.
1a. Poonongo ne ginawo ya. Do mangarayow dikaw. Pagka aso pogisaman
C8M Di Dalam Kristus Bertemu
A20M Sungguh Besar Kau Allah Ku
F05 Yesus, Tuhan Ku, Apakah Dosa Mu
1. Lebih dekat Tuhan kepada mu Meski salib Yesus yang angkat ku
1. Memandang palang raja ku Yang mati untuk dunia
Covenant in the Body of Christ
A18 Hormaton i Tama om i Ginama Yo
1. Yesus berpesan: Dalam malam g'lap Kamu harus jadi lilin gemerlap; Anak masing-masing di sekitarnya, Dalam dunia ini bersinar-lah. 5 B16M.
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yesus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potomon
B18M Ingat Akan Nama Yesus
Allah ku memrintah Allah kũ memrintah.
1a. Malam kudus, Bintang g'merlap bercahya Malam ini Yesus ku lahir-lah Manusia, binasa dalam dosa Terslamat-lah kerna Kristus datang.
B01M Tuhan Saja Gembala Ku
B24 Panalamat, Rongo’o Oku
1. Ondomo i Tuhan Yẽsus. Oy tulun di nosusa. I ngaran yo ot potõmon
Allah dimuliakan-lah Bersama putra tunggal-nya Yang menebus
1. It bõros di Tuhan ot. Popotũmbongon daaton,
1. O Tuhan ya, ong itungon ya banar I winaal nu sitid pomogunan
1. Ya mata hari jiwa ku. Tidak g'lap bila kau dekat
1. Kalau beban menghimpit di jiwa ku. Kesesakan melanda hati ku
A29 Pangarayow no di Yesus
VOS ( Voice Of Computer Science ) _ Nearer My God To Thee
B06 Potomumungo ‘Ku Dikaw Tuhan
Untuk Mengalami Tahun Yang Baik
This is pretty strange how it worked out this way
Take a look at these photos.... Also, in case you're wondering where this hotel is, it isn't a hotel at all. It is a house! It's owned by the family of.
Expressing loveExpressing sorrow Expression attention o I love you. o I love you too. o I really love you and I always will. o I truly love you endlessly.
Dimana kamu tinggal? Alamat anda dimana?
Jesus! What a Friend for sinners!
Transcript presentasi:

A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat Tempat berpaut jangkar ku. Kekal, ya Bapa, Kau membuat Putra Mu Dasar yang teguh: Biarpun dunia lenyap, Pegangan hidupku tetap! A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat

A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat 2. Itulah rahmat yang abadi, Yang melampaui akal ku: Tuhan, Kau rangkul dalam kasih Pedosa yang menjauhi Mu! Hati Mu iba tergerak Mencari aku yang sesat. A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat

A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat 3. Tak Kau biarkan ciptaan Mu Terkapar dalam dosa-nya: Telah Kauutus Putera Mu Menyelamatkan dunia Dan pintu hati Kau ketuk, Agar terbuka bagi Mu. A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat

A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat 4. Di dalam maut Tuhan Yesus Dosa ku sudah terbenam: 'Ku s'lamat oleh darah Kristus, Batal hukuman yang seram. Luka hati ku t'lah sembuh, Ya Tuhan, kar'na rahmat Mu! A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat

A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat 5. Inilah dasar andalan ku, Biarpun apa ku tempuh: Ya Tuhan, rahmat Mu berlaku Sepanjang jalan hidup ku! Sampai kekal ku pujilah Samud'ra rahmat yang baka! A7M T‘lah Ku Temukan Dasar Kuat

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 1. Now I have found the firm foundation Which holds mine anchor ever sure; ’Twas laid before the world’s creation In Christ my Savior’s wounds secure; Foundation which unmoved shall stay When Heav’n and earth will pass away. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 2. It is that mercy never ending Which human wisdom far transcends, Of Him who, loving arms extending, To wretched sinners condescends; Whose heart with pity still doth break Whether we seek Him or forsake. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 3. Our ruin God hath not intended, For our salvation He hath yearned; For this His Son to earth descended And then to Heav’n again returned; For this so patient evermore He knocketh at our heart’s closed door. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 4. O depth of love, to me revealing The sea where my sins disappear! In Christ my wounds find perfect healing, There is no condemnation here; For Jesus’ blood through earth and skies Forever Mercy! Mercy! cries. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 5. I never will forget this crying; In faith I’ll trust it all my days, And when o’er all my sins I’m sighing, Into the Father’s heart I’ll gaze; For there is always to be found Free mercy without end and bound. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 6. Though I be robbed of every pleasure That makes my soul and body glad And be deprived of earthly treasure And be forsaken, lone, and sad, Though my desire for help seem vain, His mercy shall with me remain. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 7. Though earthly trials should oppress me And cares from day to day increase; Though earth’s vain things should sore distress me And rob me of my Savior’s peace; Though I be brought down to the dust, Still in His mercy I will trust. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 8. When all my deeds I am reviewing, The deeds that I admire the most, I find in all my thought and doing That there is naught whereof to boast. Yet this sweet comfort shall abide— In mercy I can still confide. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 9. Let mercy cause me to be willing To bear my lot and not to fret. While He my restless heart is stilling, May I His mercy not forget! Come weal, come woe, my heart to test, His mercy is my only rest. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation

A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation 10. I’ll stand upon this firm foundation As long as I on earth remain; This shall engage my meditation While I the breath of life retain; And then, when face to face with Thee, I’ll sing of mercy, great and free. A7E Now I Have Found a Firm Foundation