Proses Terbentuknya Basin
SIKLUS HIDROLOGI PADA SUATU DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI evapotranspirasi Aliran Permukaan Peresapan Arus antara Permukaan Air Tanah Pelepasan air tanah Raymond Kemur
EFEK PERUBAHAN PENGGUNAAN LAHAN TERHADAP DEBIT BANJIR Sutopo, Dialog WFE, Bekasi 09 12 2004 Before development After development Retained in river basins Run-off into rivers Run-off volume Time What happened then as the result of such expansion? As explained well by this illustration, before development of the area any storm water flew into the river gradually after seepage deep into the ground through either farmland or woodland. However, the ground was covered thick with concrete or asphalt by conversion into housing or building lots. So, the area where water is rejected on the surface has increased largely, leading floodwater of greater volume into the river stream in a short time. Time