Medical Procedure and Equipment


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Transcript presentasi:

Medical Procedure and Equipment Nurona

Warming Up (5 min)

Check how rich your vocabulary (10 min) Check all new vocabularies you already got See a glance Say it loudly and the translation as well (untill you memorize)

Learning Objectives Students match the equipment with the pictures Students knows how to create an essay in describing the equipment and the processes Students are able to comparing the observation equipment Communication focus: giving instructions to a patient about medical procedure Communication focus: giving instructions and reasons

1. match the equipment with the pictures Scissor Catheter, Foley Dialyser daiəlaisə bandage ˈbandij Kidney Dish Syringe and Needle Blood Infusion Set Cannula, intravenous Defibrillator səˈrinj,ˈsirinj dēˈfaibrəˌlātər

Quiz A B C D E

Equipments Hospital Equipment Medical Equipment Patient Equipment

Hospital Equipment 1 2 6 3 4 5 10 7 8 9

Hospital Equipment 1, 2, 3, 7, 9 Please Write The Purpose Basin Bed pan IV pole Examination table Hospital bed Beakers Disinfectant Stretcher Heart monitor Defibrillator Please Write The Purpose of The Equipment Number 1, 2, 3, 7, 9

Medical Equipment 7, 9, 11, 12, 15 Please Write The Purpose 1. Needle 9. Thermometer 2. Syringe 10. Tongue depressor 3. Sterile syringe 11. Tourniquet (ˈto͝or-,ˈtərnikit) 4. Hammer 12. Stethoscope 5. Scalpel 13. Scissors 6. Tubing 14. Sphygmomanometer/Blood pressure monitor 7. Electric BP monitor 15. Ottoscope 8. Test tube 16. Oxygen bag ˈsterəl Please Write The Purpose of The Equipment Number 7, 9, 11, 12, 15

How to Spell Correctly Sphygmomanometer sfigmōməˈnämitər

d a c b e f Patient Equipment Crutches wheel chair Cane Walker Brace Sling e f

Students are able to comparing the observation equipment Sphygmomanometer/Blood pressure monitor vs Electric BP monitor Mercury vs digital thermometer Crutches vs cane Walker vs wheelchair Brace vs sling


A medical procedure is a course of action intended to achieve a result in the delivery of healthcare. A medical procedure with the intention of determining, measuring, or diagnosing a patient condition or parameter is also called a medical test. You could elicit and/or review the language used for giving instructions, e.g. Can you …, please? and the use of I’ll ... or I’m going to ... to explain the reason for the instruction. “I would like to” is the polite word of “I will” “Would you mind” is the polite word of “Can you” Insert “please” to make it a polite “Can” / “I will” is a direct order like when you need to say don’t instead of not

It’s about Pronounciation & Body Language

Hospital Procedures Giving a shot Taking a blood sample  Explaining a prescription  Giving a patient medication Procedure is all about the procedure.. Explaining, Acting on it, Answering. Before going to checking patient, always already understood what would you like to say as well as undestanding about the probabilty questions Preparation 10 minutes Learn the correct pronounciation

Make sure to iclude the important vocabulary PRACTICE TIME Make sure to iclude the important vocabulary

Step Brainstorming activity Have students in pairs or small groups Elicit some answers Understanding of the vocabulary necessary Students work with the vocabulary Practice the dialogue in pairs. Perform without using the handout Just force your self to speak English! Imagining you were in abroad, never feel ashamed w your pronounciation, they never bully you instead of proud for you.

How to Do Decide what procedures you would like to give to the patient Discuss the question, answers, information you would like to share between nurses and the patient Make sure to include the important vocabularly Make a dialogue between nurses and patient No need memorizing instead of understanding Practice without handout / note

Score >> when Message Delivery Your effort Rich / new / important vocabularly Pronounciation Body Language On Time

Make an audio with your partner (each 2 stdnts, max 10 min, sent to due date at this noon Friday) Please check this sources, make improvisations from this conversation. copy paste is avoided

Merci Beaucoup