Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio JARINGAN EPITEL Jaringan epitel terdiri dari susunan sel-sel yang letaknya berdekatan dan disatukan oleh bahan antar sel Jaringan epitel ini di satu sisi mempunyai permukaan yang bebas, dan di sisi lain berbatasan dengan jaringan lain di bawahnya Ciri khas: Sel-selnya terletak berdekatan dengan susunan tertentu, memiliki daerah pertautan yang jelas dan kuat Memiliki permukaan bebas dan sel-selnya dapat membentuk penjuluran sitoplasma dengan tujuan tertentu Lazimnya terdapat pada membran basal (lamina basalis, membrana propia Jarang sekali terdapat pembuluh darah di dalamnya 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Klasifikasi jaringan epitel Morfologi : epitel pipih, epitel kubus, epitel silinder Susunan sel : epitel selapis/sebaris, epitel banyak lapis/baris Fungsi : pelindung, penyerap, kelenjar, indera 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis tunggal pipih Pembuluh Darah 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Pembuluh Darah 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Ginjal 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Spinal Cord 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis banyak pipih Esofagus 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Esofagus 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Esofagus 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Kulit 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Kulit 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Kulit 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Stratum corneum Stratum lucidum Stratum granulosum Stratum spinosum Stratum basale Kulit 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Tiroid 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Tubulus Ginjal 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Tubulus Ginjal 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis banyak kubus KELENJAR KERINGAT 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis tunggal silindris Kolon 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Duodenum 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Jejenum 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Villus intestine anjing (80x) Epitel Silindris Villus intestine anjing (80x) 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Villus intestine manusia (350 x) Transverse section of a villus, from the human intestine. X 350. a. Basement membrane, here somewhat shrunken away from the epithelium. b. Lacteal. c. Columnar epithelium. d. Its striated border. e. Goblet cells. f. Leucocytes in epithelium. f’. Leucocytes below epithelium. g. Bloodvessels. h. Muscle cells cut across. Transverse section of a villus, from the human intestine. X 350. a. Basement membrane, here somewhat shrunken away from the epithelium. b. Lacteal. c. Columnar epithelium. d. Its striated border. e. Goblet cells. f. Leucocytes in epithelium. f’. Leucocytes below epithelium. g. Bloodvessels. h. Muscle cells cut across. Transverse section of a villus, from the human intestine. X 350. a. Basement membrane, here somewhat shrunken away from the epithelium. b. Lacteal. c. Columnar epithelium. d. Its striated border. e. Goblet cells. f. Leucocytes in epithelium. f’. Leucocytes below epithelium. g. Bloodvessels. h. Muscle cells cut across. a. Basement membrane, here somewhat shrunken away from the epithelium. b. Lacteal. c. Columnar epithelium. d. Its striated border. e. Goblet cells. f. Leucocytes in epithelium. f’. Leucocytes below epithelium. g. Bloodvessels. h. Muscle cells cut across. Villus intestine manusia (350 x) 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio A simple columnar epithelium is a columnar epithelium that is uni-layered. In humans, a simple columnar epithelium forms a lining in the uterus and in most organs of the digestive tract including the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Simple columnar epithelia are further divided into two categories: nonciliated and ciliated. A simple columnar epithelium is a columnar epithelium that is uni-layered. In humans, a simple columnar epithelium forms a lining in the uterus and in most organs of the digestive tract including the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Simple columnar epithelia are further divided into two categories: nonciliated and ciliated. A simple columnar epithelium is a columnar epithelium that is uni-layered. In humans, a simple columnar epithelium forms a lining in the uterus and in most organs of the digestive tract including the stomach, small intestine, and large intestine. Simple columnar epithelia are further divided into two categories: nonciliated and ciliated. Contents [hide] Nonciliated Ciliated Additional images References External links Contents [hide] Nonciliated Ciliated Additional images References External links Contents [hide] Nonciliated Ciliated Additional images References External links [edit] Nonciliated Nonciliated columnar epithelia do not have cilia, and are found in the gastrointestinal tract and the gallbladder where they perform secretion and absorption. ~usually absorbs through the digestive system ~located in the stomach and intestines,gallbladder, and ecretory ducts of some glands. ~more function, more tissue, more cytoplasm ~ nucleus is closer to the basal surface ~ absorbs; seceretion of mucus enzymes and other substances; cillated type propels by cilary action. [edit] Ciliated Ciliated columnar epithelia move mucus and other substances via cilia, and are found in the upper respiratory tract, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the central part of the spinal cord. Ciliated columnar epithelium lines the lumen of the uterine tube, where currents generated by the cilia propel the egg cell, toward the uterus. [edit] Additional images [edit] Nonciliated Nonciliated columnar epithelia do not have cilia, and are found in the gastrointestinal tract and the gallbladder where they perform secretion and absorption. ~usually absorbs through the digestive system ~located in the stomach and intestines,gallbladder, and ecretory ducts of some glands. ~more function, more tissue, more cytoplasm ~ nucleus is closer to the basal surface ~ absorbs; seceretion of mucus enzymes and other substances; cillated type propels by cilary action. [edit] Ciliated Ciliated columnar epithelia move mucus and other substances via cilia, and are found in the upper respiratory tract, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the central part of the spinal cord. Ciliated columnar epithelium lines the lumen of the uterine tube, where currents generated by the cilia propel the egg cell, toward the uterus. [edit] Additional images [edit] Nonciliated Nonciliated columnar epithelia do not have cilia, and are found in the gastrointestinal tract and the gallbladder where they perform secretion and absorption. ~usually absorbs through the digestive system ~located in the stomach and intestines,gallbladder, and ecretory ducts of some glands. ~more function, more tissue, more cytoplasm ~ nucleus is closer to the basal surface ~ absorbs; seceretion of mucus enzymes and other substances; cillated type propels by cilary action. [edit] Ciliated Ciliated columnar epithelia move mucus and other substances via cilia, and are found in the upper respiratory tract, the Fallopian tubes, the uterus, and the central part of the spinal cord. Ciliated columnar epithelium lines the lumen of the uterine tube, where currents generated by the cilia propel the egg cell, toward the uterus. [edit] Additional images
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio f b a c a b c d Transverse section of pyramidal substance of kidney of pig, the blood vessels of which are injected; a. Large collecting tube, cut across, lined with cylindrical epithelium b. Branch of collecting tube, cut across, lined with cubical epithelium c, d. Henle’s loops cut across e. Blood vessels cut across. f. Connective tissue ground substance 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis banyak silindris KELENJAR LUDAH 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio KELENJAR LUDAH 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio (Mucous gland duct tongue) 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis banyak palsu bersilia 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Trakea 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Trakea 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Trakea 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Epitel berlapis banyak transisional Calyx 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Bladder 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Bladder 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Transitional epithelium of the urinary bladder. Note the rounded surface of the apical cells -- a distinguishing characteristic of this type of epithelium. 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio
Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio Epitel Transisional 26 Maret 2010 Struktur Hewan/Any Aryani/Bio