PP ICT ITB Pusat Penelitian Information & Communication Technology Institut Teknologi Bandung Budi Rahardjo Dipresentasikan pada Rapat Pimpinan ITB 19 Oktober 2004 Revised version Budi Rahardjo Dipresentasikan pada Rapat Pimpinan ITB 19 Oktober 2004 Revised version
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Agenda Why ICT? Where are we heading? Program Kerja Why ICT? Where are we heading? Program Kerja
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Why ICT Promising? (is it true?) ICT is the base of many things, it has become an “infrastructure” Promising? (is it true?) ICT is the base of many things, it has become an “infrastructure”
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 ICT Trends
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 NowandFuture
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Where Are We Heading? Become the most prominent ICT center in Indonesia –Producing technology [ ITB4ICT ] –Using technology [ ICT4ITB ] Become the most prominent ICT center in Indonesia –Producing technology [ ITB4ICT ] –Using technology [ ICT4ITB ]
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Producing I&C Technology Computing platform –Hardware ( electronics, devices, telecommunication [wireless], implementations ) –Software ( OS, development tools, applications ) Soft platform –Algorithm, simulation –… Target output: paper (technology), products (misal: sistem informasi?), methodology, consulting Computing platform –Hardware ( electronics, devices, telecommunication [wireless], implementations ) –Software ( OS, development tools, applications ) Soft platform –Algorithm, simulation –… Target output: paper (technology), products (misal: sistem informasi?), methodology, consulting
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Using I&C Technology: providing platform Any fields, really, but newer fields are more interesting –Bioinformatics –IT4Energy Special fields of interest –Arts, multimedia –Smartcampus (integration of many technologies – smartcard, network, security, crypto, etc. – with contents) –Business computing: perbankan (AS/400, mainframe), large scale enterprise (ERP, SAP, JDE) Target output: ICT show case, “infrastructure” for other ITB, training Any fields, really, but newer fields are more interesting –Bioinformatics –IT4Energy Special fields of interest –Arts, multimedia –Smartcampus (integration of many technologies – smartcard, network, security, crypto, etc. – with contents) –Business computing: perbankan (AS/400, mainframe), large scale enterprise (ERP, SAP, JDE) Target output: ICT show case, “infrastructure” for other ITB, training
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 MIT Media Lab True to the vision of its founders, Nicholas Negroponte and Jerome Wiesner, today's Media Laboratory continues to focus on the study, invention, and creative use of digital technologies to enhance the ways that people think, express, and communicate ideas, and explore new scientific frontiers. For information on current research activities at the Lab, please see the Research section. Center for Bits and Atoms Changing Places Communications Futures Consumer Electronics Laboratory Digital Life SIMPLICITY Things That Think True to the vision of its founders, Nicholas Negroponte and Jerome Wiesner, today's Media Laboratory continues to focus on the study, invention, and creative use of digital technologies to enhance the ways that people think, express, and communicate ideas, and explore new scientific frontiers. For information on current research activities at the Lab, please see the Research section. Center for Bits and Atoms Changing Places Communications Futures Consumer Electronics Laboratory Digital Life SIMPLICITY Things That Think
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Roadmap we are here (2005) fork dead end we want to go here (2010) McDonald
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Roadmap, … seriously Kriteria …2010 Finansial, bisnis, lapangan kerja, startup 2 startup, Rp 5 Milyar / thn 2 startup Technologi (termasuk produk) 1 patent, 1 product 1 trade secret SDM, cluster SDM, partnership with multinational companies 200 orang SDM, 3 PhD, 3 MSc, 2 postdoc, 3 partners
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Teaching universityResearch universityEntrepreneurial University Output: Lulusan S1, S2, S3 Output: hasil riset, teknologi, HaKI (patent, trade secrets) Output: companies, investasi Resep: kurikulum, management pengelolaan sistem pendidikan, proses dan prosedur, kultur Resep: roadmap, management pengelolaan penelitian, proses dan prosedur, kultur meneliti Resep: … Engine & Operator: dosen, asisten, infrastruktur Engine & Operator: peneliti, dosen, infrastruktur Engine & Operator: entrepreneur Intake: Lulusan SMA, lulusan S1, dan lulusan S2 Intake: Lulusan S1, S2, S3 Intake: … Sumber: Budi Rahardjo, “Towards a Research University.” Unpublished,
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Strategi: Kemitraan Ke luar: bermitra dengan –Industri ICT (Microsoft, Sun, HP, IBM, dll.) –Bisnis (Perbankan, energi) –Pemerintah (Ristek, Deperindag, Dikti, Dikmenjur, Pemda,dll.) Ke dalam –Knowledge management Ke luar: bermitra dengan –Industri ICT (Microsoft, Sun, HP, IBM, dll.) –Bisnis (Perbankan, energi) –Pemerintah (Ristek, Deperindag, Dikti, Dikmenjur, Pemda,dll.) Ke dalam –Knowledge management
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Program Kerja Melanjutkan riset yang telah berjalan –Riset Unggulan ITB: Smart Campus –RUSNAS (wireless multimedia Internet, sensor lingkungan), Rapid, … –Mendata & mengumpulkan penelitian 2 di kampus Membuat program baru –“Media lab” –Enterprise (business) computing –Menumbuhkan daya tarik PP (the carrot?) Melanjutkan riset yang telah berjalan –Riset Unggulan ITB: Smart Campus –RUSNAS (wireless multimedia Internet, sensor lingkungan), Rapid, … –Mendata & mengumpulkan penelitian 2 di kampus Membuat program baru –“Media lab” –Enterprise (business) computing –Menumbuhkan daya tarik PP (the carrot?)
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Riset Unggulan Theme: “smartcampus”
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 KK / KP Terkait ex KPP ME (PPAUME), ex KPP MIT (Matematika) KK/KP baru? … ex KPP ME (PPAUME), ex KPP MIT (Matematika) KK/KP baru? …
PP ICT ITB - BR 2004 Komentar Penutup Masih banyak details yang harus dijabarkan –Kriteria keberhasilan –Where’s the carrot? Masih banyak details yang harus dijabarkan –Kriteria keberhasilan –Where’s the carrot?