Communicating in Cyber Society By: Arlinah I. Rahardjo Jimmy Agung Gunawan Diskusi Terbuka Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya,


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Transcript presentasi:

Communicating in Cyber Society By: Arlinah I. Rahardjo Jimmy Agung Gunawan Diskusi Terbuka Jurusan Ilmu Komunikasi Universitas Kristen Petra Surabaya, 14 Maret 2003

Future community/communication ?

Communicating in Cyber Society Cyber Society Capabilities of ICT ICT Application in Organization Impact of ICT on Organization Advantages of ICT ICT Potential Problems

Cyber Society Global village Rapid change Virtual workplace/ telecommuting ICT Global Competition Information age

Cyber Society (by example)

Cyber Society Information & Communication Technology Global village Rapid change Virtual workplace/ telecommuting ICT Global Competition Information age

Cyber Society Information & Communication Technology Global village Rapid change Virtual workplace/ telecommuting ICT Global Competition Information age

Cyber Society Information & Communication Technology Global village Rapid change Virtual workplace/ telecommuting ICT Global Competition Information age

Information & Communication Technology Speed Capacity (type/vol) interactivity Simoustenously / non - communication Control (content creation,presentation, preservation) Space/ distance

Secara lebih rinci ada lima bidang teknologi yang mengubah wajah sistem teknologi informasi secara dominan, yaitu: Network infrastructure Jay Pultz, Vice President Networking di Gartner Group mengatakan, "Hubungan antar jaringan (network) di antara perusahaan sangatlah penting dalam waktu mendatang, sama pentingnya dengan jaringan menangani perusahaan itu sendiri". Teknologi untuk membangun korporasi virtual akan meluas dan tidak terbatas, yang ditandai dengan peningkatan kualitas layanan jaringan. Jadi, infrastruktur jaringan dengan hubungan antar jaringan yang baik akan menjadi titik balik yang menentukan di dalam dunia bisnis.

Network infrastructure 1

Network infrastructure 2

Network infrastructure 3

Application-aware networking Aplikasi yang memahami jaringan, diartikan sebagai suatu dukungan program atau software yang dapat diakses dalam satu jaringan, baik itu berupa jaringan lokal (Local Area Network) dalam satu gedung atau skala yang luas seperti Wide Area Networking (WAN), maupun Metropolitan Area Networking (MAN) yang dapat menjangkau antar kota dan antar negara. Mobile workers Dukungan bagi pekerja di luar kantor yang senantiasa bergerak dan membutuhkan informasi secara cepat dan akurat serta kontinyu. Misalnya pergerakan saham dan valuta asing. lima bidang teknologi yang mengubah wajah sistem teknologi informasi (2)

Electronics commerce Perdagangan secara elektronik menuntut cepatnya laju informasi di belantara digital. Salah satu model teknologi yang disebut sebagai extended middleware application, akan memfasilitasi kolaborasi real time dan memastikan perubahan aplikasi inventory dan supply-chain berdasarkan waktu. Objects Diartikan sebagai object oriented program atau program berorientasi objek. Suatu program yang dapat dipakai kembali (reusable) berulang-ulang tanpa meninggalkan kemampuan dan tujuan aslinya. Umumnya bermanfaat dalam proses analisa suatu masalah, misalnya simulasi. lima bidang teknologi yang mengubah wajah sistem teknologi informasi (3)

Dengan teknologi informasi yang memadai dapat merangsang tumbuhnya inovasi dalam dunia teknik atau industri seperti: Automational, dengan otomasi dan software akan membantu proses produksi. Informational, menangkap konsumsi sumber daya dan energi kemudian dicoba untuk mengoptimalkan dan mengasah kemampuan. Sequential, dengan teknologi informasi dapat melakukan perubahan dalam sekuen suatu proses produksi atau mengubah dari sekuen ke paralel untuk mengurangi siklus proses sehingga lebih cepat. Tracking, memonitor dan melacak proses (Global Positioning System/GPS, data, dan lain-lain). Analytical, menganalisa selama mengambil keputusan atau menjalankan suatu proses.

Tracking, memonitor dan melacak proses (Global Positioning System/GPS, data, dan lain-lain).

Geographical, menghapus batasan geografis dalam bertukar informasi secara konsisten dan utuh. Integrative, konsolidasi dan manajemen serta distribusi data dalam suatu industri. Intellectual, membuat pengetahuan para pakar dapat disebarkan keseluruh divisi perusahaan. Disintermediating, menyalurkan informasi seperti aplikasi proses generik dari teknologi informasi, otomasi desain, sistem simulasi maupun sistem komunikasi jarak jauh.

Jay Kumar (1995) dalam buku The Evolving Global Economy: Making Sense Of The New World Order (halaman 93) "The fact that technology has revolusionized the work that managers do... In fact, technology has effected this transformation so throughly that the managers responding to the survey, typical of managers around the world, send to react to the surface disturbance that have been created by the underlying technological shifts.... In the workplace, technology can precipitate revolusionary changes that have dramatic impacts on the content of work..."

ICT Application in Organization WorkFlow Office Automated System Transaction Processing & Customer Integrated System Management/Executive Information System Knowledge management ( Decision Support System, Expert System, GDSS) E-commerce ( B-C ; B-B) E-learning & E-publication teleconferencing CRM ( Customer Relation Management) etc

ICT Application in Organization

WorkFlow Office Automated System

ICT Application in Organization Transaction Processing and Customer Integrated System

Impact of ICT on Organization change ICT Organizational Structure & Business Strategy Staff ‘Competencies & Characteristics Interpersonal relationships Flexible Workplace/work hour

Organizational Structure & Business Strategy 1 Flat structure Focus on customer Organization Integration: Process, partnering Integrated service (staff-suppliers-customers) personalizationDownsizing Knowledge creation

Organizational Structure & Business Strategy 2 Partnership Just In-Time Approach ( menjadi anggota jaringan organisasi dan berbagi resources pada saat membutuhkan) Teamworks ( tujuan yang sama dan saling bergantung) Information Partnerships ( sharing informasi) Timeless & Locationless Operations ( e-commerce) Transnational organization (ATM/credit card) Virtual Organization (beberapa organisasi berjaringan dan berbagi resources) Learning Organization ( organisasi yang selalu belajar dan sharing pengalaman/pengetahuan ke anggota yang lain)

Staff ‘s Competencies & Characteristics Information-literate Knowledge Worker ICT-literate Cross Cultural Understanding Team-work Capability Communication & interpersonal Skills Ethics Market-valued skills Information-literate Knowledge Worker ICT-literate Cross Cultural Understanding Team-work Capability Communication & interpersonal Skills Ethics Market-valued skills Mobile/ telecommuniting Innovative international Mobile/ telecommuniting Innovative international

Groupware environment

Organizational Interpersonal Relationship Give voices to “silent” members Control the “talkative” members More ideas generating Develop team building skills Sharing tasks, work-related problems, life events are more important than physical proximity

Advantages of ICT Time and cost saving Improve internal communication Increase participation in the organization process including decision making ( anonymous, flexible, direct) Improve access Improve relation with customer develop learning organization ( sharing information) Develop knowledge management program

ICT Potential Problems Ethics,Privacy, security (spam, hacker, plagiarism, misuse etc.) Information overloaded Conflict, misunderstanding Computer addicts, Health problems Alienation Technical Failures Digital Divide Unemployment

ICT Potential Problems

Reference Gulledge, Thomas R. & Ruth A. Haszko. The Information Technology Enabled Organization: A Major Social Transformation in the USA. ( March 12, 2003) Haag, Stephen, Maeve Cummings, James Dawkins. Management Information Systems for the Information Age. Boston: Irwin- McGraw-Hill, Malhotra, Yogesh. Knowledge management for the New World Business. ( March 12, 2003) Straubhaar, Joseph and Robert LaRose. Communications Media in the Information Society. California: Wadsworth, Yong-Chan Kim, "Partnering" Process in Interorganizational Relations :Roles of communication technology in the process of building organizational partnerships. ( (March 12, 2003)