ASOSIASI CULTURE Observed behavioral regularities Group norms Espoused values Formal philosophy
ASOSIASI CULTURE Rules of the game Climate Embedded skills Habits of thinking and mental models
DEFINISI FORMAL BUDAYA A pattern of shared basic assumptions that the group learned as it solved its problem of external adaptation and internal integration, that has worked well enough to be considered valid and, therefore, to be taught to new members as the correct way to perceive, think, and feel in relation to those problems.
MANFAAT MEMPELAJARI BUDAYA Memahami perilaku anggota organisasi Membangun organisasi yang lebih effektif Tool for managing across national and ethnics boundaries A primary source of resistance to change Determine company image
ARTIFACTS Physical Environment Technology Language Style in Clothing Myths & Stories Observable Rituals and Ceremonies
ESPOUSED VALUES Misi Visi Strategies Corporate aims / Goals Motto Philosophies Basic mentality
ASTRA ESPOUSED VALUES CORPORATE AIM : “ Prosper with the Nation” MOTTO : “Per Aspera Ad Astra” (Work hard to reach the star) CORPORATE PHILOSOPHY : (Catur Dharma) To be an asset to the Nation To provide the best service to our customers To respect the individual and develop teamwork To continually strive for excellence
ASTRA BASIC MENTALITIES Fokus pada pelanggan Fokus pada PDCA Fokus pada Fakta & Data Fokus pada kerjasama Fokus pada keunggulan
BASIC UNDERLYING ASSUMPTIONS Himpunan pandangan, pendapat, dugaan dan keyakinan yang dimiliki anggota perusahaan, baik tentang diri mereka, lingkungan, maupun hal-hal yang dijumpai dalam pekerjaannya. Tiga Tingkatan : - Dugaan / Anggapan - Kesimpulan - Keyakinan
PROSES TERBENTUKNYA BASIC ASSUMPTIONS Terbentuk melalui proses atribusi melalui : Pengalaman Langsung Pengamatan Perenungan atau Pemikiran terhadap berbagai asfek kehidupan berorganisasi.
BASIC ASSUMPTIONS & ESPOUSED VALUES Basic Assumptions adalah dasar dari espoused values. Assumptions about mission and strategy Assumptions about operational goals Assumptions about means Assumptions about Criteria for measuring results.
DIMENSI BASIC ASSUMPTIONS The nature of reality and truth The nature of time The nature of space The nature of human nature The nature of human activity The nature of human relationships
ASUMSI REALITAS & KEBENARAN England (1975) : Moralism-Pragmatism Scale : Moralisme Rationalisme Empirisme Positivisme
ASUMSI WAKTU Basic Time Orientation Monochronic and Polychronic Time Planning Time and Development Time Discretionary Time Horizons
ASUMSI RUANG Distance and Relative Placement The Symbolics of Space Body Language
DISTANCE Intimacy Distance Personal Distance Social Distance Public Distance
ASUMSI HUMAN NATURE Abraham Maslow (1954) : Hirarki Kebutuhan Manusia Mc Gregor (1960) : Teori X dan Teori Y
ASUMSI HUMAN ACTIVITY The Doing Orientation The Being Orientation The Being-in-Becoming Orientation
ASUMSI HUMAN RELATIONSHIPS Individualism and Groupism Participation and Involvement
LANGKAH MEMBANGUN THE WINNING CULTURE STRATEGI : Merumuskan Budaya STRATEGI : Merumuskan Kekuatan Pengaruh. TAKTIK : Memulai perubahan TAKTIK : Mempraktekkan & Mengamalkan.
MERUMUSKAN BUDAYA Bagaimana budaya saat ini Bagaimana budaya mendatang Bagaimana anggota diorganisasikan saat ini Bagaimana anggota diorganisasikan mendatang Bagaimana lingkungan eksternal saat ini Bagaimana lingkungan eksternal mendatang
NILAI-NILAI UTAMA BUDAYA UNGGUL Asas Tujuan Asas Konsensus Asas Keunggulan Asas Kesatuan Asas Prestasi Asas Empirisme Asas Keakraban Asas Integritas
MERUMUSKAN KEKUATAN PENGARUH Produk Pelanggan Persaingan Dinamika Teknologi Peraturan
EVALUASI PERUBAHAN BUDAYA Reaksi Afektif Proses Belajar Perubahan Perilaku Perubahan Performansi
HAKEKAT BUDAYA PERUSAHAAN Budaya suatu perusahaan mengalami evolusi (siklus hidup organisasi) Aktor utama yang berperan : Founders / leaders. Learning organization
LEARNING ORGANIZATION Learning process in organization Tujuan : Membangkitkan antusiasme (keinginan) seluruh karyawan untuk belajar. Dimensi yang dipelajari - pengetahuan, keterampilan, nilai-nilai dan perilaku- yang dapat meningkatkan efektivitas organisasi. Sifat : Everlasting !