Mengembangkan Rasa Ingin Tahu Siswa Taman Kanak-kanak KGI ke 2, Balai Kartini Jakarta 28 th November 2007
About Me About Me
Child brain development
Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi perkembangan anak
Every child is uniquie
Different children have different learning styles visual auditory kinesthetic
Multiple Intelligences
excerpted from Aletha Solter's workbook to accompany Helping Young Children Flourish.workbook Helping Young Children Flourish 1. All children are born with the desire and the ability to learn. 2. Children learn best when the learning is self- initiated, arising from their own curiosity and interests, rather than imposed on them. 3. Children learn best through hands-on experiences and self-discovery rather than through direct instruction. Concept formation arises naturally out of concrete experiences. 4. Play is the primary mode of learning during the first eight to ten years. It has three major functions.
Bagaimana upaya membantu anak berkembang secara optimal?
Alat Bermain Indoor
Sarana/Sumber belajar
Aktifitas yang menarik dan terprogram
Rasa aman dan kasih sayang
Interactive learning tool will develop The four key skills -language and literacy skills -thinking skills -self-confidence -self-control
Appropriate stimulation is important. A rich environment with a variety of manipulative materials facilitates children's learning. Children also benefit by being exposed to stories, books, people, places, ideas, music, games, and real-life activities.
Guest speakers
Menonton tayangan bermanfaat
Story telling dan membaca
Teknologi Informasi dan komunikasi
Merangsang anak untuk berpikir Berikan sebanyak-banyaknya pertanyaan kepada anak Hargai pertanyaan anak Bantu anak mencari jawaban
Show appreciation and give reward….
Thank you Semoga bermanfaat..