Brand identity session.03. August 22 2008 What is a Logo? And Why do we need Logo?


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Brand identity session.03. August What is a Logo? And Why do we need Logo?

a logo? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Let us begin with motive. Man’s desire to claim ownership is inherent. Whether this is a result of pride, greed, or hope of immortality is personal. We mark our names on childhood drawings. We develop a signature, unique to each of us, to protect our identity. We carve initials into tree trunks with a heart, hoping to make a union permanent. The Logo is an extension of these acts. It redefines these motives from the individual to the collective. introduction Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

How many Logos have you seen since you wake up? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

In your bedroom In your bathroom In your Dining room In your trip to here In this class Stick in yourself Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

So how many Logos do you see in the whole day? in tens, hundreds, or thousands logos? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

And have you ever been thinking before what does the world without Logos to be? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

If Mc Donald doesn’t have their Golden Arcs, how do we distinguish with Burger King or Klenger Burger? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Without a Logo, ’Product Chaos’ will be happened a Logo just not for a product, but Company, Organization, Service, Person, Publication or Idea. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

What is a Logo ? A distinctive symbol of a company, object, Publication, person, service, or idea. (Adams Morioka) is a graphic element which uniquely identifies corporations, products, services, institutions, agencies, associations, events, or any kind of organizations in order to differentiate publicly the owner of the logotype from other entities. ( Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Kellogg' s Lancôm e Pfizer Hertz The following are a few examples of logotypes including only the name, actually brand names with the same font. The first table shows the names of six well-known companies in the same typeface in all cases In the next table, each company has a specific design of its name, a logotype. Due to the design, the color, the shape, and eventually additional elements of the logotype, each one can easily be recognized from other logotypes. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Why are Logos created? A Logo is worth a thousand words Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

why ownership origin identify Who own this? Where was it made? Who made it? Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Who own this? Where was it made? Who made it? object idea company person place time culture company individual group community } Differentiate from competition Create a focus internally Provide clear identification Enable the audience to form a personal relationship Create merchandising opportunities Create credibility Bring order to chaos Communicate the message Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Logos in Character Adams Morioka said wordmarksymbolmonogram A wordmark uses the company name with proprietary letterforms. The Symbol is the iconic portion of a logo. At times the logomark may exist without the wordmark, examples being the Nike Swoosh, Apple’s apple, and The CBS eye A design of one or more letters, usually the initials of a name, used to identify a company, publication, person, object, or idea. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Logos in Character Adams Morioka said wordmarksymbolmonogram Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Logos in Character Adams Morioka said Advantages and Disadvantages wordmarksymbolmonogram Visual Communication Design 02.session.03 A: The Proliferation of Logos in the world has made recognition of symbols very difficult. Using the entire name sidesteps the problem of recognition. D: If not handled skillfully, a wordmark alone may be generic and lack mnemonic value. A: The benefit of utilizing a symbol alone follows the idea that “a picture is worth a thousand words.” D: If the symbol is separated from the wordmark and the mark does not have equity, it may be difficult to recognize. A: The monogram solves mnemonic and legibility Issues. D: Monograms are often masquerading as logos. Generic initials, treated in clever ways may look better on towel or glasses than on a Corporate business card. Initials woven together have very little meaning.

The Simple Type of Logo David E. Carter said WordmarksDevice marks logotypelogogram

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Name only Logos Name/Symbol Logos Initial Letter Logos Pictorial Letter Logos Associative Logos Allusive Logos Abstract Logos Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Name only Logos Logo yang awalnya mengacu pada bentuk tanda tangan si pemilik usaha sebagai jaminan kualitas produk. Examples: Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Name /Symbol Logos Logo yang terdiri dari nama perusahaan atau produk dengan gaya tipografis yang berkarakter kuat, tersusun dari sebentuk lingkaran, oval, atau kotak. Kelebihan jenis logo ini adalah bentuknya yang ringkas dan fleksibel karena logo seperti ini mampu berdiri sendiri. Terkadang orang menggolongkan jenis logo ini menjadi satu bagian dengan Name-only Logos karena karakternya yang hampir mirip. Contohnya adalah Ford, Du Pont, Hertz, etc. Examples: Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Initial Letter Logos Logo yang menggunakan huruf awal (inisial), dari nama perusahaan atau produk. Logo jenis ini kadang menunjukkan gabungan nama pemilik perusahaan seperti logo produsen hardware komputer Hewlett Packard. Contoh lain IBM, RCA, JSP, etc. Examples: Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Pictorial letter logos Jenis logo ini mempunyai kelebihan karena dua unsur yang saling mendukung, elemen tipografi dan grafis yang dikombinasikan sesuai konsep dan karakter produk. Jenis logo ini misalnya Mc.Donald’s, Kodak, Pepsi, Coca Cola, etc. Examples: Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Associative Logos Jenis logo ini mempunyai kekhususan tersendiri jika dibandingkan ketiga jenis lainnya. Perbedaannya terletak pada bentuk logo yang harus dapat diasosiasikan dengan jenis produk yang dihasilkan atau dapat juga dihubungkan dengan jenis bidang usaha yang dijalankan suatu perusahaan. Examples: Shell Bentuk ikon kerang Eksplorasi minyak lepas pantai Wella Bentuk ikon kepala Dengan rambut terurai Berkonotasi pada produk yang berhubungan dengan rambut 20 th Century Fox Gemerlap dan Megahnya Dunia perfilman Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Allusive Logos Jenis logo ini memiliki kekhususan yang menghubungkan bentuk dengan jenis kegiatan perusahaan yang tak langsung terbaca secara harfiah. Examples: Gelombang radio Bentuk stabiliser Horisontal Pesawat terbang Lingkaran stir Mobil/ sistem Kemudi mobil Frame monitor PHILIPS ALITALIA MERCEDES-BENZ Picture Services Network Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Type of Logo John Murphy & Michael Rowe said Abstract Logos Jenis logo ini pertama kali digunakan oleh perusahaan-perusahaan Jepang. Karena sifatnya yang abstrak logo jenis ini dapat menimbulkan berbagai intepretasi makna. Sehingga perlu perhitungan dan penjabaran konsep yang matang agar arti/makna logo tersebut dapat dipertanggungjawabkan secara rasional. Examples: Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Rules of Logo Visual Communication Design 02.session.03 Adams Morioka

1. Answer who, what, why? “Who is the client? Who is the audience? What is needed?” A logo should grow organically from the answers to these questions.

Briefing questions 1.Positioning Compared with other companies, what is the client’s current positioning? 2.Purpose What is the client’s business? What is the client’s purpose? 3.Mission Beyond the economics, why is it worth doing? What is the client’s mission? 4.Composition What is the client’s current internal structure? 5.Culture What are the client’s distinctive shared behaviors that best support the purpose and mission? 6.Personality What is the client’s chosen style and manner? 7.Client Goals What are five key goals over the next year/five years? 8.Growth What are the greatest opportunities for the growth of the client and it’s image? 9.Promises What promises does the client make? 10.Current Audience Who is the client’s current audience? Who, Where, When, Why? 11.Audience Goal Does the client want another type of audience? What’s the desired demographic? 12.Perception How does the client’s target audience currently view the brand? 13.Desired Perception How does the client want the audience to view the brand? 14.Competition How is the client different from its competition? 15.Response What response does the client want the target audience to take away with them? 16.Objective What is the marketing objective?

2. Identify, don’t explain 3. Understand limitations 4. Be seductive 5. Make mnemonic value 6. Pose a question Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

7. Design for longevity 8. Make the logo the foundation of the system 9. Design for a variety of media 10. Be strong Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

The Benefit of Logos John Murphy and Michael Rowe said 1.Identification 2.Differentiation 3.Communication 4.Make values 5.Assets 6.Legally registered Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

identification Melalui sebuah logo, khalayak dapat mengidentifikasi perusahaan tersebut bergerak di bidang apa, dan barang serta jasa apa yang dihasilkannya. differentiation Logo dapat membedakan perusahaan yang satu dengan yang lain, produk yang satu dengan yang lain. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03 communication Logo dapat berperan sebagai pemberi informasi (jika berupa rambu-rambu), dan dapat juga menjadi pemberi tahu keaslian sebuah produk.

make values Produk yang memiliki merek atau logo akan lebih dikenal oleh khalayak dan lebih dihargai keberadaannya. assets Jika produk tersebut telah dikenal di negara-negara lain, maka suatu merek akan dihargai dengan cara waralaba. legally registered Logo yang telah diregistrasi dapat dijadikan jaminan kualitas produk yang dilindungi undang-undang. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Good logo? ) Visual Communication Design 02.session.03 John Murphy and Michael Rowe said

Original & distinctive legible simple memorable Easily associated With the company Easily adaptable for all graphic media Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Good logo? ) Evelyn Lip said Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

1. Harus sesuai dengan kebudayaan. 2. Logo harus menyandang citra yang diinginkan dan menunjukkan keadaan sebenarnya atau kegiatan dari perusahaan serta menggambarkan sasaran komersial organisasi yang dimiliki produk suatu perusahaan. 3. Harus merupakan alat komunikasi visual. 4. Harus seimbang dan, karena itu, bisa dengan hitam putih atau seimbang dalam warna. 5. Logo harus menggambarkan suatu irama dan proporsi. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

6. Harus artistik, elegan,sederhana namun memiliki penekanan atau titik fokus. 7. Desainnya harus harmonis. 8. Harus menggabungkan antara tulisan atau huruf yang tepat sehingga dapat menyampaikan pesan yang dimaksud secara logis dan jelas. 9. Harus menguntungkan secara Feng Shui dan seimbang dalam unsur yin dan yang. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

a Logo design visually represents brands in marketplaces The result should be a logo design that not only translates the brand but also does it quickly and memorably for the audience. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

A logo is a powerful weapon. It can boost consumer perception. It can boost internal perception. What a logo cannot do is actually make the company great. It can and should be the flag that signals brand change. Visual Communication Design 02.session.03

Thank You for your attention and see you next week