
Presentasi serupa

Teori Graf.
Statistika Deskriptif: Distribusi Proporsi
Penggunaan Karbohidrat dalam Menghasilkan Energi
Harga beli = 100% Jika untung = a %  H. Jual = …….% (100 + a) %
Bulan maret 2012, nilai pewarnaan :
Tugas Praktikum 1 Dani Firdaus  1,12,23,34 Amanda  2,13,24,35 Dede  3,14,25,36 Gregorius  4,15,26,37 Mirza  5,16,27,38 M. Ari  6,17,28,39 Mughni.
Tugas: Perangkat Keras Komputer Versi:1.0.0 Materi: Installing Windows 98 Penyaji: Zulkarnaen NS 1.

LATIHAN SOAL-SOAL 1. Himpunan 2. Aritmatika Sosial 3. Persamaan GL.
GELOMBANG MEKANIK Transversal Longitudinal.
1 Diagram berikut menyatakan jenis ekstrakurikuler di suatu SMK yang diikuti oleh 400 siswa. Persentase siswa yang tidak mengikuti ekstrakurikuler.
Bab 11A Nonparametrik: Data Frekuensi Bab 11A.
Latihan Soal Persamaan Linier Dua Variabel.
Diklat Petugas Proteksi Radiasi
Flushing : Peningkatan makanan pada babi betina / dara yang dikawinkan
Mari Kita Lihat Video Berikut ini.
Statistika Deskriptif
Bab 6B Distribusi Probabilitas Pensampelan
Tugas: Power Point Nama : cici indah sari NIM : DOSEN : suartin marzuki.
Persamaan Linier dua Variabel.
DISTRIBUSI FREKUENSI oleh Ratu Ilma Indra Putri. DEFINISI Pengelompokkan data menjadi tabulasi data dengan memakai kelas- kelas data dan dikaitkan dengan.
KEBUTUHAN TERNAK Kebutuhan hidup pokok (maintenance): kebutuhan nutrien basal yang digunakan untuk memenuhi kebutuhan hidup yang minimal tanpa melakukan.
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Soal Latihan.
: : Sisa Waktu.
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Bulan FEBRUARI 2012, nilai pewarnaan :
PENGUJIAN HIPOTESA Probo Hardini stapro.
LAPORAN KEUANGAN Catur Iswahyudi Manajemen Informatika (D3)
Bahan Kuliah IF2091 Struktur Diskrit
FMIPA Universitas Negeri Medan
Nutrisi Unggas: Puyuh Oleh: Eko Widodo
Statistika Deskriptif: Distribusi Proporsi
• Perwakilan BKKBN Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah•
Bahan Kuliah IF2120 Matematika Diskrit
7. RANTAI MARKOV WAKTU KONTINU (Kelahiran&Kematian Murni)
Pohon (bagian ke 6) Matematika Diskrit.
Korelasi dan Regresi Ganda
Pengantar sistem informasi Rahma dhania salamah msp.
Manajemen Broiler Breeder Periode Grower
Manajemen Broiler Breeder Periode Grower
Transcript presentasi:

PETELUR KOMERSIAL COKLAT TYPE SEDANG PETUNJUK DASAR NUTRISI DAN MANAJEMEN FEED TECHNOLOGY CP INDONESIA May 13, 2003 Ladies and gentlemen: It is my pleasure to have this privilege to present to you this material today. You are my teachers, (Anda semua guruku), If you do not catch or miss something, please feel free to stop me anytime and I am happy to answer your questions. If I do not know the answer, I will address it to Dr. xxx, they are all my strong backups and resources of knowledge.

Produksi Telur Komersial “Keseimbangan Tindakan & Realita” Layer Pullet Commercial egg production starts from DOC and end with eggs. We want to have high profit with low cost. But how to obtain the max profit, it requires a balance between the input and output. Normally if we have a good start, we will have a sound result. Let look at the DOC where we should start our business with.

Apa Tujuan Kita ? 50% HD pada umur 21 minggu. Puncak produksi pada umur 27 minggu. 90% HD selama 15-20 minggu. Jumlah total telur 320 butir sampai umur 76 minggu. Berat telur 60g pada umur 28 minggu. FCR (pakan/berat telur) < 2.25. Daya hidup (Livability) 20-76 minggu, > 93.0%.

Kesalahan dalam perencanaan menyebabkan kegagalan Perencanaan dan Pemikiran Logis Merupakan Hal yang Penting Dalam Produksi Telur Kesalahan dalam perencanaan menyebabkan kegagalan If a poultry producer does not meet his goals it is usually because of a failure to plan properly. Follow a policy of all-in all-out on the pullet farm.2. Consider starting pullets as far away as possible form other poultry to reduce the chance of cross infections from adult or older pullets. This allows a build up of bacteria or virus on the premises that cannot be reduced unless the cycle is stopped by having the whole farm empty and clean it at one time. Having older birds in the immediate area hinders an effective vaccination program against prevalent diseases. Vaccination reactions can spread from the vaccinated to the non-vaccinated causing an extra stress. 3. Calculate the number of chicks needed, considering growing mortality culls and extras if the hatchery provides them. 4. Plan on providing enough labor for each pullet house to get the pullets grown properly as well as the enough help to weigh the pullets. The same caretaker should not brood chicks and also care for the older birds. 6. Put in print a well coordinated flock replacement plan. This expert system can help plan the most economical flock replacement program. Molting might fit into this replacement program. 7. Plan well in advance of the pullets arrival probable feeding schedules, lighting and vaccination programs. 8. Plan to keep a history of the flock's financial and performance record. Compare the actual performance record with that which was expected. This comparison is the only way to continually improve the profitability of the poultry operation.

Kunci Penting dalam Perencanaan Gunakan system “All-in and all-out” untuk periode pullet. Lokasi untuk pullet terpisah. Hitung jumlah pullet yang dibutuhkan sesuai dengan kapasitas kandang. Penugasan tenaga kerja: anak kandang pullet seharusnya tidak mengurus kandang/flock yang lebih tua dalam waktu yang bersamaan. Program pakan dan pemesanan pakan. Sejarah/riwayat kandang/flock dan catatan keuangan. If a poultry producer does not meet his goals it is usually because of a failure to plan properly. Follow a policy of all-in all-out on the pullet farm. Consider starting pullets as far away as possible from other poultry operation to reduce the chance of cross infections from adult or older pullets. Having older birds in the immediate area hinders an effective vaccination program against prevalent diseases. Vaccination reactions can spread from the vaccinated to the non-vaccinated flock causing an extra stress. Calculate the number of chicks needed, considering mortality culls and extras if the hatchery provides them. Plan on providing enough labor for each pullet house to get the pullets grown properly as well as enough help to weigh the pullets. The same caretaker should not brood chicks and also care for the older birds. Put in print a well coordinated flock replacement plan. This expert system can help plan the most economical flock replacement program. Molting might fit into this replacement program. Plan well in advance of the pullets arrival proper feeding schedules, lighting and vaccination programs. Plan to keep a history of the flock's financial and performance record. Compare the actual performance record with that which was expected. This comparison is the only way to continually improve the profitability of the poultry operation.

MASA PEMELIHARAAN PULLET Periode Brooding dan Growing 0-16 MINGGU Periode Brooding dan Growing Part 1. How to understand DOC and make a good pullet flock. We usually call early stage rearing (0-4 week) as brooding period; whereas from 4-16 weeks of age called growing period. The target of this period is to obtain standard body weight and proper body frame.

SEBERAPA BANYAK KITA MENGETAHUI TENTANG DOC? Temperatur rektal DOC berkisar 39.8 sampai 40.1oC. Temperatur tubuh DOC tidak tetap sebelum umur 7 hari. Temperatur tubuh DOC mempengaruhi performans selanjutnya. 1. DOC has a high body temperature, ranged from 39.8 to 40.1C. However, when they get chilled soon after hatched, the body T will be lowered. 2. DOC body T is not constant before 7 day age. it fluctuates according to ambient temperature. 3. Initial body T will affect subsequent performance, showing stunting syndrome, rust birds, etc.

SEBERAPA BANYAK KITA MENGETAHUI TENTANG DOC? DOC menggunakan yolk kuning telur sebagai energi cadangan setelah menetas. Energi cadangan ini akan dihabiskan dengan cepat (khususnya pada temperatur yang rendah/dingin). Kedinginan yang lebih awal dapat mengurangi pertambahan berat badan – kerdil (sifatnya tidak bisa diperbaiki kembali) Egg yolk is the major energy reserve for DOC chicks. If it is not absorbed properly after hatch, it usually cause infection – ompholitis. The yolk reserve can be better absorbed if the birds is in a comfortable condition and being fed soon after hatch. If the bird is under cold stress, it will use this reserve to keep the body temperature and exhaust quickly. If DOC is chilled soon after being hatched, its subsequent performance will be affected and this effect is irreversible.

TEMPERATURE TUBUH DAN PERFORMANS SELANJUTNYA DOC dengan temperatur tubuh yang rendah (<38.6oC) akan kehilangan serum glukosa lebih cepat dan pemulihan kembali sangat lambat dari pada ayam yang temperatur tubuhnya lebih tinggi (>39.1 oC). Untuk mengurangi kebutuhan metabolik glukosa, kuncinya adalah menjaga temperatur brooding selalu stabil (32-33°C). Most animals have a comfort or thermo neutral Zone of ambient temperature, within this temp range, the birds have an optimum performance. However, below the Lower critical Temperature (LCT), or higher than the Upper Critical Temperature (UTC), birds have to consume more energy to maintain its body temperature (maintenance cost ). The LCT at first 2 days is around 35C. Therefore, it is import to keep the brooding temperature as high as possible to the thermo-neutral zoon.

DOC hatched with blood glucose around 180-190 mg/dL, this blood glucose level usually drops in order to provide maintenance energy. However, as soon as the chicks begin to eat feed and water, the blood glucose level will recover. However, when a DOC is chilled soon after hatch, the blood glucose level keeps dropping to a very critical level (around 100 mg/dL). This will make the bird very vulnerable to disease challenge, environmental stress and other disadvantageous conditions. Which will lead to high early mortality.

A thermo neutral Zone is also called a “comfort” zone in which the animal feel comfortable and do not need extra energy to keep the temperature frpm dropping or to dissipate heat to keep the body cool. However when the ambient T Is out of this range, birds have to spend extra energy, it will increase the maintenance energy requirement.

KUNCI KEBERHASILAN BROODING Panas : Pre-heat/pemanasan awal brooding pen kira-kira 32-33°C selama 6-12 jam sebelum DOC datang. Sanitasi : Pen dan peralatan kandang harus disanitasi dan sediakan alas litter yang baru serta bersih dengan ketebalan kira-kira 5 cm. Pakan : Gunakan crumble starter yang halus, tersedia 6 jam sebelum DOC datang. Cahaya/Lampu : Atur cahaya yang cukup untuk menstimulasi konsumsi pakan dan aktivitas. Catatan/Record : Jaga catatan konsumsi pakan, berat badan ayam dan hasil pengamatan lainnya.

KUNCI KEBERHASILAN BROODING Udara : Jaga ventilasi minimum untuk menyediakan udara segar. Air Minum : Harus tersedia 6 jam sebelum DOC datang hingga hangat, atau tambah larutan gula (2.0g/L) untuk mendorong konsumsi air. Potong Paruh : Lakukan pada umur 8 – 9 hari. Jaga tempat pakan sepenuh mungkin selama minggu potong paruh. Vaksinasi : Ikuti program vaksinasi dan pengobatan.

TEMPERATUR BROODING DAN KEPADATAN KANDANG Umur (Hari) TEMP. (°C) Ekor/M² 0-4 32 - 35 40-50 5-7 31 - 34 30-35 8-14 29 - 31 20-25 15-21 28 - 30 10-15

PERALATAN DAN KEBUTUHANNYA PERALATAN LANTAI Tempat minum Starter 1/70 Tempat minum Gantung 1/160 Tempat minum Nipple 1/10 Baki/Tempeh 1/50 Chain feeder/rantai 2.5cm

PROGRAM PENCAHAYAAN 0-3 hari: 23-24 jam (40 Lux)

INTENSITAS CAHAYA & KEBUTUHAN LAMPU BOHLAM (DOP) ASUMSI: Intensitas cahaya yang diperlukan adalah 40 Lux. Ukuran kandang adalah : 8 meter lebar dan 100 meter panjang. Ketinggian dari lampu ke ayam adalah 1.5 meter. Bohlam/Dop (Watt) Incandescent (Lumens) Fluorescent 20 170 830 25 230 1000 40 430 2600 80 730 100 1600 LUX = 2N x Lumens / (lebar x panjang x Tinggi²) 40 = 2N x 2600 / (8 x 100 x 1.5²), kemudian N = 14 ( 7 x 2 baris) cahaya fluorescent. Diadaptasi dari Mr. Rangsit Rinsom

INTENSITAS CAHAYA DAN KEBUTUHAN LAMPU Fluorescent : 20 Watt, 1 buah/16-20 M2 Incandescent : 40 Watt, 1 buah/10 M2 60 Watt, 1 buah/20 M2

PROGRAM VAKSINASI PULLET (Area Jawa Timur) UMUR (Minggu) VAKSIN APLIKASI DOSIS 1 ND+IB Ma5+Clone30 IO (Tetes mata) 2 IBD (228 E or MB) DW (Air minum) 3 ND Killed Fowl Pox SC WW (Sayap) 0.5 ml 4 Coryza IM (paha) 10 ILT Fowl pox 14 ND+IB+EDS IM (dada) Terminology: ND= New castle; IB=infectious bronchitis; IBD= Infectious bursal disease; ILT=Infectious Laryngotracheitis EDS= Egg drop syndrom; SC=subcutaneous, IO= Intra Ocular (Tetes Mata); IM=intramuscular; IN-Intra Nasal; paha=thigh, dada=chest, WW= wing web, DW=drinking water.

PROGRAM VAKSINASI PULLET UMUR (Minggu) VAKSIN APLIKASI DOSIS 1 ND + IB (Ma5+Clone30) IO (Tetes mata) 2 IBD (228 E or MB) DW (Air minum) 3 ND (Killed) ND + IB (Ma5 + Clone30) Fowl Pox SC IO WW 0.5 ml 5 Coryza IM 10 ILT IO or IM 15 ND + IB + EDS (Killed) ND + IB (Ma5+ Clone30) Wk 1. ND + IB (2 in one) = New castle; + infectious bronchitis (IO= intra Ocular, Tetes Mata). Wk2. IBD= Infectious bursal disease (DW= drinking water). I dose. Wk3. ND killed (dead New castle), SC=subcutaneous; ND +IB (2 in 1), Fowl pox (WW= wing web). Wk 5: Coryza (IM= intra muscular paha = thigh). ND +IB (2 in 1). Wk 10: ILT = Infectious Laryngotracheitis. IO/IM. Fowl pox (WW). WK15: Coryza (IM, Paha); ND +IB + EDS (3 in 1, EDS=egg drop syndrome), (IM, data = chest). DN+IB (2 in 1, IO).

VAKSINASI LEWAT AIR MINUM Gunakan hanya air minum tanpa khlorinasi untuk vaksinasi Campurkan susu skim 25 g/L air sebelum dicampur dengan vaksin. Angkat / kosongkan air minum selama 2 jam sebelum memberikan vaksin (puasa minum). Batasi volume air untuk memastikan bahwa vaksinasi berakhir dalam 2-3 jam. Disarankan pemberian vaksin air minum dilakukan sebelum pukul 9.00 atau setelah pukul 16.00 untuk menghindari jam-jam panas. Chemicals such as Chlorine in water will inactivate or reduce the activity of vaccine. 2. Mix with milk powder can reduce the risk of the vaccine being inactivated; 3. To remove water before vaccination is to encourage water intake when vaccinated water is provided. 4. During the hot hours the birds are under stress and not active to move to the drinker. Also it may create over crowd situation. 5. Limit the volume of water to ensure all the designed dosage are consumed within given time period.

POTONG PARUH Potong paruh yang tepat pada umur 8-9 hari. Jangan kosongkan tempat pakan selama potong paruh. Gunakan antibiotik (lewat air minum) untuk mencegah infeksi sekunder setelah potong paruh. Timbang 10% dari jumlah ayam setiap minggu untuk memonitor berat badan dan keseragaman. Beak trimming is a huge stress to young chicks. It must handled properly. The best age for beaker trimming is around 8-9 day of age. Too early or too late will have more side effects to the birds.

GRADING DAN AFKIR Grading pada minggu ke- 5, 10, 15. Pisahkan ayam : kecil, sedang dan besar. Tambah waktu pemberian makan untuk ayam-ayam kecil. Disarankan untuk menggunakan kandang berbeda/terpisah untuk brooding dan growing. Lakukan Sampling 10% setiap minggu untuk mengetahui berat badan dan keseragaman. Afkir ayam-ayam yang memiliki karakter jelek seperti : masalah kaki (leg problem), buta, vent pecking, dll. Grading is important to obtain target weight and uniformity. Following each time of grading, the feeding program and light program can be adjusted to match the growth chart. Culling is one of the important means to obtain a good uniformity, and also ways to reduce the FCR.

PROGRAM PEMBERIAN PAKAN YANG IDEAL UNTUK GROWING PULLET Umur sehari sampai target berat badan (480-500 g). Starter (CP 20-21%, ME 2900-2950 Kcal/kg) Target berat badan sampai dewasa tubuh (1360g). Grower (CP 18-19%, ME 2750-2850 Kcal/kg) Developer (Cp 16-17%, ME 2700-2750 Kcal/kg) Dewasa tubuh sampai telur pertama (dewasa kelamin). Pre-lay (CP 17-18%, ME 2700-2750 Kcal/kg)

FEED INTAKE DAN BERAT BADAN Umur (Mgg) Kode Pakan FI (g/ekor/hari) Berat Badan (g) Pencahayaan (jam) 1 511 or 520 11 65 22-24 2 18 120 20 3 24 200 19 4 29 290 - 300 511 is broiler starter, it contains 22.6% CP, 3060 kcal ME. It is designed for broiler, but it is now routinely used by layer pullet producers. 520 is the pre starter for layer pullet, it contains CP 20%, ME 2850 kcal, 520P, modified from 520, the energy is relatively higher than 520. Recommended to replace 520. Minggu Pertama : Pakan diberikan 6-8 kali sehari

FEED INTAKE AND BERAT BADAN UMUR (MINGGU) KODE PAKAN FI (g/ekor/hari) BERAT BADAN (g) 5 511 atau 520 34 385-410 6 511 atau 520/521 39 480-500 7 521 44 570-590 8 49 660-680 9 54 750-780 10 57 840-870 11 61 930-965 12 521/522 64 1020-1060 13 522 68 1105-1150 14 71 1190-1240 15 73 1275-1330 16 522/324 PL 76 1360-1420 17 324 PL 80 1445-1520 521 is the pullet starter (should be Grower), it contains CP 19%, ME 2860 kcal, Ca, 1.00% and Pa 0.44%; 522 is the pullet grower (should be developer), it contains CP16%, ME 2700 kcal, Ca, 0.95% and Pa 0.40%. 324PL: Pre-lay feed, CP 18.5%, ME=2700, Ca, 2.1%, Pa=0.45%.

TARGET BERAT BADAN TERHADAP UMUR ”KONSEP BARU PEMBERIAN PAKAN PULLET” Pakan pullet mengacu pada berat badan dan kondisi flock sesuai umur. Penambahan pemberiaan pakan starter densitas tinggi bila berat badan umur 4-6 minggu dibawah standard. Pakan Pre-lay seharusnya hanya digunakan sebagai pakan transisi atau untuk mengkondisikan metabolisme Ca, bukan berarti untuk mengejar pertumbuhan semata. The traditional concept of pullet feeding is to feed pullet according to age of the birds. Eg. Feeding Starter to 6 wk, Grower to 12wks, then change to pre-layer at 17 wks and so on. This approach does not take into consideration of the flock variation and it is most damaging to under weight birds. As we can see in most situation, birds are under weight at 4-6 weeks of age. This can be related to many factors such as sub-optimum nutrition, heat stress, diseases, too heavy medication and vaccination, etc. If in this case, we should feed the high density starter to a longer time until reach the target weight before switching to Grower feed. If change to Grower at 6 wk without looking at the BW, most likely the flock will stay small until maturity, produce sub-optimum number of eggs and the size of eggs also small.

Umur saat telur pertama EFEK KETERLAMBATAN DEWASA TUBUH TERHADAP DEWASA KELAMIN DAN UKURAN TELUR Berat badan (g) Umur saat telur pertama (hari) Berat telur pertama (g) 18 Minggu Telur pertama Perubahan 1100 1360 260 153 40.7 1200 1440 240 150 42.0 1280 1500 220 149 42.5 1380 1590 210 148 43.7 1530 1650 120 133 44.8 Wrong concept about the role of body wt and sexual maturity: BT is not so important, because it will catch-up prior to the first egg. If the pullet is small, it will take a few days longer to become sexual mature, and it will start production at the same weight and compensate egg production by prolong laying period. The fact: If the birds are small at 18 weeks of age, they remain smaller at SEXUAL MATURITY, even though they can catch up a little, but not in full. Smaller pullet do take longer time to reach sexual maturity (first egg), but start lay at a small body weight rather than a normal body weight. Smaller birds (immature wt) seems “set” the weight of the birds throughout the laying cycle, it is also true to the egg weight. Same phenomena applies to young woman who has the first menstruation later may have the menopause sooner. It means the productivity of the whole reproduction cycle is lower, it is all because of the immature body weight.

MANIPULASI DEWASA TUBUH TERHADAP UKURAN TELUR Target telur lebih besar Memaksimalkan dewasa tubuh pada saat dewasa kelamin. - Pakan pullet mengacu pada berat badan sesuai umur. Target telur lebih kecil Kontrol berat badan pullet pada saat dewasa kelamin. - Stimulasi cahaya pada umur lebih dini/awal mendorong berat badan masuk dalam standard. - Pembatasan pakan pada umur growing, bukan pada umur peneluran/produksi telur. Under certain conditions, manipulation of mature body size have economic advantages depending on the market requirement for eggs. We know that body size has a dramatic effect on egg size, larger birds at maturity can produce larger eggs throughout their laying cycle, while smaller pullet can produce smaller eggs. To target larger eggs, simply maximize the mature body weight. However, tempering of egg size at 40-65 weeks of age is difficult, since the body weight controls feed intake and egg size, the easier way of manipulating life-cycle egg size is to control the mature body size before it reach sexual maturity. When control mature body weight, remember that “early maturity” is NOT a problem for birds as long as they have ideal body weight and frame condition. Early maturity and light stimulation will only result in subsequent small eggs and increased incidence of prolapse. This concept is preferred over the attempt to slow down the bird growth in order to control mature body weight by using low density feed or restricted feeding, this is effective to bring the body weight down, but at a very high cost of losing flock uniformity, which means lost control of feeding for egg production.

DEWASA KELAMIN PULLET DAN KARAKTERISTIK TELUR Umur dikandangkan Produksi Telur (HD, %) Ukuran Telur (% besar) 18-20 minggu Rata-rata ke 35 30 63 15 minggu 32 92 17 44 18 minggu 12 21 65 21 minggu 91 37 69 Early sexual maturity can produce egg early and take longer time (20 wks) to get average HD of 92%, egg size is smaller. Too late moving to laying house, chick takes short time (14 wks) to reach average HD 91%, egg size larger.

TATALAKSANA PEMBERIAN PAKAN DAN MANAJEMEN MASA PENELURAN 17-76 MINGGU Pre-lay, Puncak dan Pasca Puncak This included pre-lay, laying and post-laying period.

TUJUAN Mendorong peningkatan konsumsi pakan yang cepat (naik 40% dari 17sampai 24 minggu). Mencapai 300g pertambahan berat badan dalam periode 5% sampai puncak produksi. Mencapai puncak pada umur 27 minggu dan memelihara produksi pasca puncak yang persistent. Mencapai peningkatan berat telur yang cepat (60 gram pada akhir 28 minggu). At 17 week, the std feed intake is about 80 g/d, increase 40% means 80 x 1.4 =112 g/d. From 5% lay (20 week) to peak (27 week), bwt increase 300 g, averaging 43 g/week, 6 g/d. Egg weight reach to 60 g at 28 week of age. Reach to the peak within 7-8 weeks, averaging 12-14% per week, 1.8-1.92% per day.

PEMINDAHAN PULLET KE KANDANG PETELEUR Pemindahan dilakukan antara 16 dan 17 minggu, 14 hari sebelum 2% bertelur. Pemindahan pullet pada saat sejuk/dingin/teduh (sore hari atau pagi hari). Peralatan minum dan makanan harus sudah tersedia sebelum pullet dipindahkan. Gunakan vitamin A, D3, E atau vitamin B kompleks dalam air minum selama 3 hari sejak pemindahan. Berikan penerangan selama 1-2 malam terus menerus sejak pemindahan.

TATALAKSANA PAKAN UNTUK PRE-LAY DAN PERIODE PENELURAN Umur (Minggu) Kode Pakan Feed intake (g/ekor) Standard Berat Badan (g) 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 ke atas -------------- 40 – 76 522/324-PL 324 – PL 324 – PL/ 324-1 324 – 1 ----------------------- 324 – 2 76 80 84 88 93 98 108 112 115 – 120 ---------------- 1360 1445 1530 1650 1725 1800 1850 1900 1950 1950 - 2000 ---------------------- 2100 – 2150 Phase feeding: 1. 324PL: Pre-lay feed, CP 18.5%, ME=2700 Kcal, Ca, 2.1%, Pa=0.45%. 2. 314-1, Layer 1, CP 18.5%, ME: 2650 Kcal/kg, Ca: 3.78%, Pa: 0.42%; 3. 324-2, Layer 2. CP:17.0%, ME: 2600 Kcal/kg, Ca: 3.88%, Pa: 0.39%.

STRATEGI PEMBERIAN PAKAN UNTUK PERIODE PRE-LAY DAN PENELURAN Pakan ditujukan untuk pertambahan berat badan dan produksi telur. Mendorong feed intake (naik 40% dari 17 sampai 24 minggu). Pertambahan berat badan 300 g dari 5% hingga puncak produksi. Gunakan pakan pre-lay feed selama 16/17 to 19 minggu. Ubah dari pakan crumble ke tepung/mash secara bertahap: 75 + 25 2 hari 50 + 50 2 hari 25 + 75 2 hari 0 + 100 seterusnya Since the chicken are still growing at the early lay stage, feeding at this age should not only provide nutrient for egg production, it also provide nutrient for body weight gain.

PROGRAM PENCAHAYAAN UMUR Panjang Durasi (minggu) (jam) 17 Alami 6:00-18:00 18 Alami 6:00-18:00 5% bertelur 14 jam 4:00-18:00 Setelah 35% 15 jam 3:00-18:00 Setelah 60% 16 jam 2:00-18:00 Direkomendasikan untuk menggunakan tambahan penyinaran tengah malam untuk mendorong feed intake From wk 18, increase 0.5 h per week, until 16 h at 26, remain for the peak period. Add 1.5-2.0 h during the night is essential for peaking.

TIGA HAL PENTING YANG PERLU DIINGAT DALAM PROGRAM PENCAHAYAAN Pada semua tempat dan berbagai type kandang: Jangan pernah memulai stimulasi cahaya bila berat badan dibawah 1,250 g (14 mgg). Jangan pernah menambah lama penyinaran antara umur 8 sampai 14 minggu. Jangan pernah menurunkan lama penyinaran setelah mulai bertelur. In the absence of photo stimulation, the age at start of lay (sexual maturity) is determined by the body weight. Bwt can vary according to climate condition, day length and nutrition. Once photo stimulation is initialized, age at start of lay (sexual maturity) is NO LONGER influenced by the body weight. Therefore, regardless what type of rearing house and at all Latitude, the above three rules should be always observed it is important NOT to start light stimulation before target eight is achieved. At age 8 to 14 weeks, it is to develop body frame and achieve target body weight, not to become sexual mature. Actually from 8 to 14 weeks of age, lighting hours normally step down from 16h to 12h/d. Too early light stimulation will result in early sexual maturity with low body weight, it in turn will set life long small egg and incidence of prolapse. Once the birds start laying, photoperiod should be increased 0.5h per week from 12 h to 16 h, (from 18 to 26 week) until peak.

NUTRISI KALSIUM PADA PERIODE PRE-LAY (PRAKTIK PEMBERIAN PAKAN YANG BERBEDA) 1.0% Ca Grower 2.0% Ca Pre-Layer 3.5% Ca Layer Pre-lay period is a transition or conditioning period, which we can use as a crutch for poor pullet rearing management and bring about the transitional change of calcium metabolism before sexual maturity. Basically pre-lay period nutrition is mostly related Ca nutrition. Because egg production is an “all or none” event, for each egg laid, the bird has a net loss of about 2 g of Ca from the body. Ca from same day intake is insufficient for this demand, some of this Ca must come from the medullary bone, therefore, Ca reserve in the medullary bone becomes more demanding. To build up this reserve, a proper feeding program to aim Ca pre-deposition in Medullary bone is very important. There are some confusions and variations on Ca NUTRITION during pre-lay period. In the layer industry, there are three different practices for pre-lay period feed as outlined in this slide.

PENGGUNAAN 1.0% Ca PAKAN GROWER SELAMA PERIODE PRE-LAY KEUNTUNGAN KERUGIAN Manajemen pakan mudah. Menghemat biaya. Ketidak cukupan cadangan Ca untuk produksi telur. Rentang produksi pendek (Shorten production clutch). Cage layer fatigue. Advantages: Easy feed handling; save some cost on feed. Disadvantages: Use 1% Ca grower will be disadvantageous to the birds that are early sexual mature, because there is inadequate Ca reserve to sustain regular egg production, birds will lay 1-3 eggs and then stop laying. It makes the laying clutch very short. Due to Ca deficiency, birds with early egg production can easily get cage fatigue problem when they reach peak, generally symptoms are lame legs, sit at the back of the cage, fail to eat and drink, end up with dehydration or death..

PENGGUNAAN 2.0% Ca PAKAN PRE-LAYER SELAMA PERIODE PRE-LAY KEUNTUNGAN KERUGIAN Membentuk cadangan Ca tulang. Memelihara metabolisme mineral. Mengurangi ekskresi Ca dan kemungkinan litter basah (wet litter). Pemberian pakan tidak dapat melebihi 1% produksi telur. Kerja ekstra untuk penanganan pakan. Biaya lebih besar/mahal dari pakan developer Use 2% Ca pre-lay diet is recommended for sustainable egg production, because it can help build the medullary Ca reserve without adversely affecting the mineral metabolism. However, this diet is designed to condition Ca metabolism before laying, it is inadequate to sustain long tern egg production, it can not be used when egg production pass 1%. Change from a low to high Ca diet should coincide with the observation of secondary sexual characteristics, esp comb development, which usually preceeds the first oviposition by 14-16 days.

PENGGUNAAN 3.5% Ca PAKAN LAYER SELAMA PERIODE PRE-LAY KEUNTUNGAN KERUGIAN Menyediakan kecukupan Ca untuk ayam-ayam yang baru dewasa Retensi Ca meningkat. Penanganan pakan mudah. Ca yang berlebihan mengakibatkan stress pada ginjal atau menyebabkan Urolithiasis. Meningkatkan konsumsi air dan mencret (wet dropping) (Khususnya dibawah kondisi cekaman panas). Introducing high Ca diet at growing age can increase Ca retention, it is good for early mature birds. but may impose stress to or damage of kidney. Slightly increase Ca retention, approximately 2 g in 10 day, equivalent to one egg. Because the relative Ca absorption efficiency is reduced when dietary Ca increased, so more Ca is excreted. However, evidence showed that when more Ca is absorbed, water intake and excretion increases which results in wet litter problem. High density can make small framed bird grow more fat and fail to build a proper body frame, subsequently harm long term egg production.

KANDUNGAN Ca PAKAN DAN RETENSI Ca DARI 19 MINGGU HINGGA TELUR Ke-4 Diet Ca (%) Retensi Ca (g) Ekskreta Ca (%) 0.9 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 0.35 0.41 0.42 0.43 0.51 1.4 5.7 5.9 7.5 7.7 Birds are fed diet from 0.9 to 3.5% Ca from 19 week up to the 4th egg. The efficiency of Ca absorption reduced as dietary Ca increased from 0.9 to 3.5%. Feeding 3.5% Ca layer diet prior to first egg resulted in slight increase in Ca retention (0.51-0.35=0.16 g). Over 10 day period this accumulation of Ca is equivalent to the output of one egg (1.6 g). Leeson & Summers, 1997

Kandungan Ca dalam pakan Pre-lay EFEK KADAR Ca PADA PERIODE PRE-LAY TERHADAP KADAR AIR EKSKRETA (%) PADA PERIODE PENELURAN Kandungan Ca dalam pakan Pre-lay Umur ayam (minggu) (%) 21 25 28 35 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 71.4 71.6 72.1 77.0 78.7 77.2 80.0 75.3 73.9 74.1 76.0 65.5 63.9 69.4 Excessive Ca intake can increase fecal excretion of Ca as shown in the previous slide. This slide showed the result that feeding high dietary Ca did increase Ca absorption, because evidence showed increased water intake and water excretion in feces from bird consumed high Ca diet during the pre-lay period, this may partially responsible for wet litter problem during peak production. Commercial Poultry Nutrition. S. Leeson and J.D. Summers

NUTRIENT UTAMA YANG DIPERLUKAN OLEH AYAM PADA SAAT PUNCAK PRODUKSI ME 280 Kcal CP 18.00 g MET 0.36 g M+C 0.64 g LYS 0.72 g Ca 3.50 g Pav 0.40 g Na 0.18 g For a hen with mature body weight, feed intake 110g/d, the above nutrients are required to maintain normal production, When feed intake changes, or production level changes, the nutrient specs should be changed accordingly to meet the above nutrients requirement. It is recommended that protein intake be reduced from 18 g/d to 17 g/d when production dropped to 80%, and reduced to 16 g/d when production dropped to 70%. (if FI is 110 g/d, the CP content of feed should be dropped from 17% to 16% and 15% respectively).

TIP PEMBERIAN PAKAN UNTUK AYAM PETELUR Berikan pakan harian 30% pada pemberian pakan pagi hari (1-2 jam setelah terang), 70% pada pemberian pakan sore hari (4-5 jam sebelum gelap). Jangan menambah pakan pada tengah hari. Setelah umur 45 minggu, lakukan top dressing kulit kerang atau butiran biji batu kapur kira-kira 2 g/ekor/hari pada pemberian pakan sore hari untuk meningkatkan kualitas kerabang telur. Gunakan Vitamin D3 dalam air minum.

JADWAL WAKTU PEMBENTUKAN TELUR 10 menit kemudian, telur baru siap untuk oviposiSI 12 jam kalsifikasi Ayam bertelur lagi ayam bertelur The period of maximum shell accretion usually occurs in the dark period, when chickens are not eating. Ca supply in this period is therefore from feed that remained in the gizzard and other part of digestive tract AND from medullar bone. Oyster shell and large particle limestone are retained in the gizzard to provide Ca for shell acceration at this time. 5:00 Lampu nyala 6:00 Lampu mati 17:00 Lampu nyala 18:00 Lampu mati 21:00 Lampu mati 5:00 Lampu nyala 6:00 Lampu mati Pembentukan telur selama 11 jam

DEPOSISI KALSIUM KERABANG TELUR SELAMA SIKLUS OVULASI JAM DEPOSISI Ca (mg) 0 – 6 ( 6:00-12:00) 10 6 – 12 (12:00-18:00) 400 12 – 18 (18:00-24:00) 800 18 – 24 (24:00 - 6:00) 500 Total 1710 In the first 6 hours of the 24 h laying cycle, there is virtually NO shell deposition, this is the time for albumen and shell membrane secretion and for redeposition of medullar bone. From 6-12 h, about 400 mg Ca is deposited. From 12-18 h, it is the most active period for Ca deposition, about 800 mg Ca deposited. In the last 6 h, Ca deposition slows down, about 500 mg deposited. It comes a total of 1710 mg of Ca deposited during the 24 h cycle.

DEPOSISI MINERAL KERABANG/KULIT TELUR 1. Shell ash deposition follows the same pattern as Ca deposition as shown in the previous slide. 2. Accumulated deposition, 0 to 4 hours, approx 100 mg, 4 to 8 h, 400mg, 8 to 12h, 500mg, 12 to 16 h, 2000mg, 16 to 20 h, another 1500mg, totally 5000mg up to 24 hours. Dark period

CARA MENINGKATKAN EFISIENSI PAKAN Afkir ayam yang tidak produktif atau yang memiliki problem seperti : banci, lumpuh, dan buta. Kontrol eksternal dan internal parasit. Gunakan antibiotik atau vitamin bila terdapat stress challenge (penyakit, pakan atau perubahan cuaca). Jaga ventilasi dan sanitasi yang baik. Laying period uses the most quantity and more expensive feed, therefore FCR is an important factor to maximize profit.

PEMBERIAN PAKAN AYAM YANG BERADA DIBAWAH KONDISI CEKAMAN PANAS Increase dietary ME level in an attempt to compensate the reduced feed in take in hot weather condition; Stimulate feed intake to maintain optimum nutrient intake for egg production and body weight gain. At very high temperature, feed intake is reduced dramatically, bird use its body energy reserve to maintain regular egg production. If a bird has a large body weight prior to lay, then its energy reserve will be higher and it will be beneficial to overcome heat stress.

BAGAIMANA AYAM MERESPON CEKAMAN PANAS??? Panting/megap-megap dan dilatasi/pelebaran pembuluh darah untuk meningkatkan kapasitas pendinginan; Peningkatan kebutuhan energi; Perubahan mekanisme makan pada otak (apetite center/pusat lapar) yang mana mempengaruhi feed intake. Energi yang tersedia untuk produksi menjadi berkurang/negative bila temperatur lebih dari 33ºC. At above 27 C, birds start dilate blood vessels in order to move more blood to comb, wattles, feet, etc to increase the capacity of cooling, at even lower T, birds start to pant. Energy demand for metabolism and heat dissipation increased. Feeding mechanisms in brain responds to heat stress by reducing feed intake, Available energy for egg production or body weight gain becomes negative. Eg. To produce an egg need 80 kcal, at 90% production, it will need 70 kcal/d, due to extra expense on heat dissipation, the actual energy for production become negative. It is at this time the bird start to use body reserve.

KESEIMBANGAN ENERGI PADA AYAM PETELUR ME intake 290 Kcal (FI 105 g/hari) HI 24 kcal HI 1Kcal HI 70 Kcal 1. A mature laying hen with BWT of 1500g, feed intake 105 g/d, the energy balance is partitioned as above. Hidup pokok 120 Kcal Pertumbuhan 5 Kcal Telur 70 Kcal Steven Leeson & John Summers, 2001

PEMBAGIAN ENERGI PADA AYAM PETELUR DEWASA 1. On percentage basis, 24% of total ME intake is used for egg production 2% for growth, 41% for maintenance and 33% for heat increment.

KANDUNGAN ENERGI PAKAN YANG LEBIH TINGGI MENINGKATKAN INTAKE ME PADA IKLIM PANAS Diet ME (Kcal/kg) Ambient Temp 18 0C 30 0C Pakan/hari (g) ME/hari (kcal) (Kcal) 2860 3060 3250 3450 127 118 112 106 363 360 364 365 107 104 102 101 306 320 330 350 Birds eat for energy, theoretically, as the diet energy increased, feed intake should be reduced. It works perfectly under normal (18C) temperature, however, under hot condition (30C), this scenario does not work perfectly. Feed intake remains generally low, therefore, in order to get same amount of ME intake, it is better to use high energy feed under hot stress condition. To increase dietary ME in the hot weather, the best choice is to use oil or animal fat, it not only increases palatability, but also reduce heat increment when fat compared with protein is utilized in the body. Payne, 1967

CARA MENSTIMULASI FEED INTAKE DIBAWAH KONDISI CEKAMAN PANAS Pemberian pakan sesering mungkin setiap hari. Pemberian pakan saat dingin/sejuk (pemberian pakan tengah malam). Menyediakan air minum yang dingin. Gunakan pakan segar/baru atau sesegar mungkin. Gunakan pakan dengan ukuran 0.7 sampai 3.3 mm. Gunakan tambahan vitamin A, D3, E dan C dalam air minum.

NUTRISI PROTEIN PADA AYAM PETELUR DIBAWAH CEKAMAN PANAS Adalah suatu kesalahan jika meningkatkan level protein dalam pakan untuk mengganti kekurangan konsumsi protein akibat cekaman panas. Kadar protein yang tinggi pada pakan adalah berbahaya bagi ayam dan tidak ekonomis. Solusi terbaik adalah gunakan pakan rendah protein dengan asam amino esensial yang seimbang. Old concept to compensate protein intake is to increase dietary CP level. Protein is the most inefficiently utilized nutrient in animal body, therefore, extra protein will produce extra heat during catabolism which will overload the heat dissipation mechanism (panting, blood circulation). General recommendation is to increase use of synthetic Met and LYS in feed to maintain a 0.36 and 0.72g daily intake.

NUTRISI MINERAL DAN VITAMIN PADA AYAM DALAM KONDISI CEKAMAN PANAS Cekaman panas dapat mengurangi absorpsi Ca dan pembentukan vitamin D3 dalam tubuh. Kalsium tambahan harus diberikan dengan cara top dressing kulit kerang atau biji batu kapur. Pemberian Vitamin D3 harus disertai dengan suplementasi Ca. Vitamin C sangat membantu mengurangi cekaman panas. Heat stress can reduce the absorption of Ca and synthesis of Vit D3. So additional Ca and VitD3 should be provided during heat stress. Additional Ca should be provided by top dressing rather than mixing in feed, because too high limestone will squeeze space in formula that supposed to use for energy. Situation of P is more complicated. In practice P level is NOT increased unless cage fatigue problem is ongoing. Vit C is not formulated in feed for layers, but under heat stress the synthesis of Vit C in body is inadequate or impaired, therefore, add some vit C (200ppm) in feed or in water has proven beneficial in terms of maintaining egg production and shell quality.

1. Vit. C supplement is essential, because ascorbic acid synthesis is decreased in high ambient temperature. 2. Vit. C can control body temperature by reducing plasma corticosterone. 3. Vit. C can improve egg shell quality via its role in egg shell organic matrix formation. 4. Vit. C 200 mg/kg feed can improve growth, egg production, FCR, egg weight, shell quality, hatchability of breeder eggs and livability. However, too high dosage of Vit C can result in higher mortality. 1. 40 Leghorn type chicks were fed diets containing 0, 220, 330, 440, 880 or 1100 mg/kg Ascorbic acid before they were subject to heat environment at 29.1 oC. 2. Mortality reduced from 40 to 0% as AA increased from 0 to 330 mg/kg feed. 3. Mortality increased from 0 to 75% as AA increased from 330 to 1100 mg/kg.

KESEIMBANGAN ELEKTROLIT DIBAWAH KONDISI CEKAMAN PANAS Contoh: Suatu pakan layer mengandung 0.17% Na, 0.80% K dan 0.23% Cl: Na (mEq/kg) = 1700mg/kg, 1700/23.0= 73.91. K (mEq/kg) = 8000mg/kg, 8000/39.1=204.60. CL (mEq/kg) = 2300mg/kg, 2300/35.5= 64.79. Keseimbnagan dietary keseluruhan = Na+K-CL = 213.72 Rentang normal yang disarankan adalah : 200-250. 1.Supplement of 0.5% sodium bicarbonate or 0.3% ammonium chloride can alleviate the alkalosis caused by heat stress. 2.Potassium requirement increases significantly when temperature increases from 25 to 38 oC. 3. To compensate for the reduced feed intake, dietary allowance of electrolytes (K+, Na+ CL-) can be increased by 1.5% for each 1 oC rise above 25 oC.

EFEK TEMPERATUR AIR TERHADAP PRODUKSI TELUR (%) Umur (minggu) Temperatur Ambient (32 0C) Temp. Air (32 0C) Temp. Air (27 0C) 25 26 27 28 29 64 74 77 76 88 79 86 84 93 Rata-rata (%) 83 Feed intake (g/ekor/hari) 90 Bell, 1987

FLAWS TECHNICS Feed = Pakan Light = Cahaya Air = Udara Water = Air minum Stress = Cekaman

RINGKASAN STRATEGI MELEPASKAN DIRI DARI CEKAMAN PANAS Jangan pernah menempatkan pullet yang memiliki berat badan rendah pada kandang petelur. Meningkatkan energi pakan dengan menggunakan minyak atau lemak hewan. Kurangi protein pakan namun asam amino esensial tetap seimbang. Gunakan vitamin A, D3, E dan C (150-200 mg/kg feed). Tambah waktu pemberian pakan selama waktu dingin/ sejuk/ nyaman.

RINGKASAN STRATEGI MELEPASKAN DIRI DARI CEKAMAN PANAS Jaga dan pertahankan air minum sedingin mungkin. Pelihara keseimbangan elektrolit dan tingkatkan penggunaan air minum. Gunakan pakan crumble atau mash dengan ukuran partikel medium. Jangan merubah pakan bila terjadi kondisi panas secara tiba-tiba. Jangan menggangu ayam selama jam-jam panas.

HINDARI !!!!!!! STRESS CHALLENGES LAINNYA Parasi Penyakit Infeksi Kepadatan yang Tinggi/Sesak Kekurangan Air Kekurangan Pakan Kekurangan Udara Segar Intensitas Cahaya yang Tinggi Suara Gaduh/Ribut Rodensia/Tikus dll.

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Terimakasih atas segala masukan & input yang telah diberikan pada presentasi ini, yakni kepada: Mr. Surasak Mr. Chawangsak Mr. Rangsit Rinsom Dr. Desianto Dr. Chin Dr. Vinai Ms. Radiastuti

TERIMA KASIH atas Perhatian Anda