STUDI PUSTAKA & STUDI BANDING/BEDAH KARYA Setelah judul dan tema telah saudara tetapkan, selanjutnya rencanakan studi banding pada proyek nyata yang sama/mirip atau sejenis dengan topik. Perhatikan kompleksitas, jenis/variasi serta besaran proyek yang akan diamati. Pada studi banding, informasi setidaknya menjelaskan tentang : Data pokok seperti nama proyek, lokasi, serta keterangan lain Penjelasan tentang isi fasilitas tersebut, spt jenis ruang, besaran, dll Jelaskan Karakteristik pengguna/pemakai/pengelola fasilitas tsb Susunlah narasi kajian pengamatan saudara berdasarkan aspek perkotaan, arsitektur,struktur, serta utilitas-nya Gambaran schematic plan Foto-foto eksterior, interior, detail, suasana, dll Keterangan lain yang dianggap perlu Susunlah informasi tersebut pada kertas A3, beri keterangan judul (Studi Banding Proyek: …..) dan identitas saudara. Cantumkan criteria tapak yang saudara perlukan, selanjutnya tentukan usulan lokasi tapak (Tahap awal dapat meng-copy peta umum, selanjutnya menggunakan Peta terukur 1:5000 atau 1:1000 dari Dinas Tata Kota Pemda Setempat).
"Front of House" or FOH. Catatan : Isian tabel diatas disusun setelah mendapat data dan informasi. Jika diperlukan kutip dan analisis data tersebut. Page 3
Theatre Recital Studio Theatre Studio Jendela Outdoor Venues The concert hall's Pipe Organ comprises 4470 pipes and 61 stops. It was custom designed and built by Johannes Klais Orgelbau , one of the world’s renowned organ-builders. The Concert Hall is able to comfortably seat 1,600 people over four levels in an intimate setting. Types of seats include Stalls, Foyer stalls, and Circles 1, 2 & 3. There are another 200 seats in the chior stalls behind the concert hall stage, which may be converted into Gallery seats for an additional 200 people. There are also four exclusive VIP Private Boxes, where one is able to have a close-up view of the performance. Theatre The Esplanade's 2,000 seat Theatre is a form of an adaptation of the horseshoe form of a traditional European opera house Spread out over four levels, it is designed for all genres of the performing arts, including but not limited to Asian and Western arts, Musicals and plays, classical, traditional and contemporary forms and advanced multimedia performances, whether they are large scale, or intimate in size. The Theatre is home to Singapore’s largest performing stage (39m length x 23m width), and this caters for a diverse range of performances. There is a main stage and two ancillary stages of similar size to facilitate technical set-ups and quick scene changes. The main stage is framed by an adjustable proscenium arch, allowing the stage width to be adjusted from 12m-16m. There is also a 30m high fly tower, as well as an adjustable orchestra pit that can hold up to 100 musicians. Although the theatre is considered large with 2000 seats, the viewing distance between the furthest seat and the stage is just 40m, thus allowing patrons a clear view of what's going on on stage. Recital Studio The fan-shaped Recital Studio is able to contain 250 people and is a good venue for small scale and intimate chamber musical performances, as well as presentations and meetings. In addition to its timbre flooring, the studio’s wall and ceiling finishes are designed in order to ensure good acoustics. The Studio is also commonly used as a rehearsal space for orchestras and choirs. Theatre Studio The Theatre Studio, with a capacity of 220, is a small setting for experimental theatre and dance presentations. The performance space, equipped with movable and retractable seating, offers a wide variety of configrations . Although small, it is equipped with adaptable staging, lighting and sound systems, therefore enabling it to accommodate different kinds of performances. As it is approximately the same size as the Theatre stage, the Theatre Studio is also commonly used for full production rehearsals. Jendela Jendela means window in Malay. The Esplanade Jendela is a 215sq m exhibition space on the second level dedicated to the presentation of the visual arts. With a distinctive architecture and panoromic views of Marina Bay, the Jendela hosts many art exhibitions, some of them which are full scale shows that are integrated with other events at the Esplanade. Outdoor Venues The Esplanade features two outdoor performing venues. They are the Waterfront Stage and the Stage@Powerhouse, located along the promenade. These venues stage regular free performances, meant to liven up the arts scene. Other than that, the building also features a large roof terrace with a panoramic view of Marina Bay and the City Area. There are also courtyards and open spaces which can be used for various activities. . Page 5