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Developing Knowledge Management dalam perusahaan Week 10 – Pert 19 & 20 (Off Class Session)

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Transcript presentasi:


DELEGATION Involves the assignment of new responsibilities to subordinates and additional authority to carry them out Commonly used to describe a variety of different forms and degrees of power sharing with individual sub-ord

DELEGATION Aspek utama: Macam dan seberapa penting tg jwb tsb Keleluasaan utk melaksanakan tg jwb terkait dgn kebijaksanaan dan pilihan” dlm melaksanakan tugas Wewenang utk bertindak dan dan mengimplementasikan keputusan tanpa persejutuan atasan Frekuensi dan sifat dari syaratan ‘harus lapor’ scr alami Arus informasi kinerja

DELEGATION Keuntungan potensial: Perbaikan kualitas keputusan Meningkatkan komitmen bawahan untuk menerapkan keputusan secara efektif. Membuat pekerjaan menjadi lebih menarik, menantang, dan berarti. Sebentuk manajemen waktu bagi manajer yang berlebih tgjawbnya Sebentuk metode efektif dari pengembangan manajemen

DELEGATION Reasons for lack of delegation: Confidential information Keputs dan tugas yg sangat penting Keputs dan tugas yg penting bagi peran delegator Keputs dan tugas yg dgn tkt kesalahan yg nyata Delegator dpt mengerjakan dgn lbh baik Susah dijelaskan pada bawahan Susah diawasi Interesting and enjoyable

Guidelines for DELEGATION What to delegate Task that can be done better by subordinate Task that are urgent but not high priority Task that are relevant to subordinate’s career Task that are appropriate difficulty Both pleasant and unpleasant task Task not central to manager’s role

Guidelines for DELEGATION How to delegate: Jelaskan tg jwb scr spesifik Berikan wewenang yg layak dan batasan ‘kebijaksanaan’ yg spesifik Tetapkan waktu lapor scr spesifik Ensure that subordinate acceptance of responsibilities Informasikan pihak lain yg perlu mengetahui pendelegasian tsb Monitor progress in appropiate ways Arrange subord to receive necessary info Provide support and assistance Make mistake a learning experience

Empowerment Psychological empowerment menjabarkan bagaimana motivasi intrinsik dan [self-efficacy] seseorang dipengaruhi oleh: Leadership behavior Job characteristic Organization’s structure Personal needs and values owned Self efficacy: elf-efficacy has been described as the belief that one is capable of performing in a certain manner to attain certain goals belief in one's own ability to perform a task

Empowerment melibatkan persepsi anggota organisasi bahwa mereka memiliki kesempatan untuk: (1) menentukan peran kerjanya, (2) mencapai karya yang berarti, (3) mempengaruhi peristiwa penting. Leader actions and dec. processes are an important determinant of empowerment, but by themselves they do not explain when and why people will actually feel empowered.

Empowerment Keuntungan potensial: stronger task commitment greater initiative in carrying out role responsibilities greater persistence in the face of obstacles and temporary set back more motivation and learning, and stronger optimism about the eventual success of the work higher job satisfaction stronger ogrn commitment less turn over

Facilitating conditions for empowerment Job design Organization structure Organization culture Leader selection and assessment Procedures for influencing decision Shared leadership Exp.

Guidelines for empowerment Clarify obj & explain how the works supports them Involve people in making decision that affect them Delegate responsibility and authority for important activities Mempertimbangkan perbedaan motivasi dan ketrampilan individu Provide access to relevant informations Provide resources needed to carry out new responsibilites Change management systems to be consistent with empowerment.

Guidelines for empowerment Lepaskan batasan birokratis dan pengendalian yg tidak perlu Perlihatkan kepercayaan dan mempercayai orang lain Provide coaching and advice when requested Encourage and support initiative and problem solving Recognize important contributions and achievements Pastikan bahwa imbalan sepadan dgn tg jwb baru Pastikan akuntabilitas penggunaan kekuasaan scr etis