Pendahuluan Bagaimana mempertahankan sumberdaya alam? Meningkatkan Biomassa ? Ketersediaan pangan bagaimana membangun hutan ?
Ketahanan & keamanan pangan dan lingkungan di Indonesia
Food Security and Vulnerability of Indonesia (FSVA 2010) Dewan Ketahanan Pangan Nasional, 2009
Number of People Under Poverty Line
Food Availability and Consumption, 2007
Food Availability and Consumption 2012 (FAO data)
Food Import Dependency, 2007
Rice Production,
KESEJAHTERAAN Bio-resources for Sustainable Bio-industry
Keunggulan komparatif : Keanekaragaman Hayati
Energi Pangan Kesehatan Lingkungan Industrial- Market Driven Penelitian & Pendidikan Body of Knowledge BioresourcesBioprosesBioproduk Teknologi yang perlu dikembangkan untuk mendukung
Limit amount of resource extracted from the earth’s crust Minimize waste produced by society Prevent degradation of environmental support system (air, water, etc) Meet human basic needs worldwide. Kesejahteraan 2045 Sustainable development Bagaimana menciptakan pembangunan yang berkelanjutan?
Environmental Security vs Environmental Sustainability Sustainability Focuses on sound socio- economic development Security Preventing conflict related to environmental factors Amelioration of environmental scarcities and hazards Repair of environmental damage.
Hal yang perlu dipertimbangkan dalam pembangunan berkelanjutan
Teknologi untuk mempertahankan Sumber Daya Alam dan Lingkungan Tropika
Pengembangan Teknologi yang mempertimbangkan kondisi lokal
Teknologi vs Sistem Ekologi & Budaya Lokal
Teknologi untuk produksi biomasa & mempertahankan Siklus Biogeokimia Produktivitas (efisien)
24 Agro - Silvo - Fishery
25 Teknologi - Sistem Rantai Pasok Komoditas Bioproduk 25 Pengemasan dan pengolahan Pemanenan Petani budidaya Konsumen Pembenihan Limbah/Sampah Pengepul/ Pengecer / Pedagang Distribusi Transport volume besar Penyimpanan / Gudang Agro - Silvo - Fishery
International Seminar on Tropical Bio-resources for Sustainable Bio-industry october Health: any bio-resources to support health industry 2. Food: any bio-resources to support food industry (natural or GMO) 3. Feed: any bio-resources to support feed industry 4. Fuel: any bio-resources and bio-process to support biofuel industry 5. Fertilizer: any bio-resources to support fertilizer industry 6. Fiber: any bio-resources to support fiber industry (natural fiber)
UCAPAN TERIMAKASIH Pimpinan ITB Seluruh staf dosen Sekolah Ilmu dan Teknologi Hayati ITB atas kontribusinya dalam pemikiran/ide
What SITH have done Innovation in Food Industry Standardization of Indonesian Traditional Food Organic Poultry, Fishery and Feed Fermented Food Development The Usage of Probiotic Bacteria
What SITH have done Innovation and Application in Agriculture Zero Water Discharge Technology Development and Application Rice, Soy bean, and Sugar Production Intensification Integrated Pest Management Conservation value of cacao agroforestry for amphibians and reptiles Biofilter Development for Aquaculture Technology
What SITH have done Ecology Toxicity Of Municipal Solid Waste Compost Forest condition analysis based with remote sensing approach. Geographic Information System for Estimating Habitat Carrying Capacity Genetic engineering of teak Study for Assessing the Carbon Sequestration Potential of Different Tree Species for Reforestation
What SITH have done Environmental Interaction Phytoremediation agents and their combination on contaminated water. Mycoparasitic and antagonistic inhibition on Phytophthora cinnamomi Rands by microbial agents isolated from manure composts. Cellular and Humoral Immune Defenses of Oxya japonica (Orthoptera: Acrididae) to Entomopathogenic Fungi Many more. (Full list can be viewed at 62)