Perencanaan Bundaran untuk Persimpangan Sebidang
Motor Vehicle Conflict Points Source: FHWA Roundabout Guide
ROUNDABOUT Low/medium flows Good for turners having to both cross and merge with traffic streams Minimal delays at lower flows (i.e. off-peak) Not good for safety of cyclists and other slow vehicles
Older Drivers - Tips Older people report that roundabouts are one of the most difficult features of modern motoring. Knowing the rules is an issue; and The complexity of watching all traffic while manoeuvring is an issue. Discuss the rules for traversing roundabouts.
Older Drivers - Tips When turning left. Approach in the left lane, use your indicator before and throughout the turn. Turn into the left hand lane.
Older Drivers - Tips When continuing straight ahead. Approach in either lane, stay in that lane to exit, use your indicator after you enter the lane to indicate your exit.
Older Drivers - Tips When turning right. Approach in right hand lane, stay in that lane to exit, use your right indicator before entering the roundabout. Use your left indicator as you approach the exit.
Older Drivers - Tips When making a U-Turn. Approach in right hand lane, stay in that lane to exit, use your right indicator before entering the roundabout. Use your left indicator as you approach the exit.
Older Drivers - Tips General principle. Enter in the lane that matches your turn, stay in that lane, indicate your intentions at each point of the roundabout.
Key elements for pedestrians Truck apron keeps roadway narrower
Truck apron keeps roadway narrower
Prosedur Perencanaan Bundaran Tentukan jumlah lajur bundaran (Tabel 1), Tentukan kendaraan rencana, kecepatan rencana, diameter dan jenis bundaran (Tabel 2), Tentukan lebar jalur lingkaran (Tabel 3), Rencanakan pulau bundaran (subbab 4.2.6), Tentukan superelevasi jalur lingkaran (subbab 4.2.7), Rencanakan lajur masuk/keluar (subbab, radius masuk dan radius keluar (subbab, kelandaian maksimum lengan pendekat (subbab, pulau pemisah (subbab, Periksa syarat jarak pandang, Rencanakan penempatan rambu, marka dan fasilitas lainnya.