Dari Ide Sampai Realitas; Perlunya Riset Pemasaran


Presentasi serupa
Analisis Pelanggan Customer Analysis

Rencana Pemasaran (Marketing Plan)
Marketing Mix (Bauran Pemasaran)
I M C Integrated Marketing Communication
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Marketing Mix Dwiyadi S W. Konsep dasar: our job is not to find the right customers for our product, but to find the right product for your customers.
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Training, Learning, and Development Strategy
Dalam marketing plan, tujuan pemasaran, strategi pemasaran dan program action yang akan dilakukan terlihat secara jelas. Marketing plan harus tetap mengacu.
Chapter 10 Marketing.
Analisis dan Perancangan Sistem
Manajemen Proyek: Overview
Competitive Advantage
Bahan Kajian Riset Pemasaran
Chapter Two Corporate, Business and Marketing Strategy
RISET KHALAYAK Nora N. Amal, S.Sos., M.L.M.Ed., Hons.
THE OLD WAY OF BRANDING Brand (-ing) is only about tagline for promotion Brand (-ing) is only about the logo & creative Brand (-ing) is only for the communication.
BINUS Core Competencies. I. Business Acumen The ability to make good judgment and quick decision to improve results based on understanding ones role in.
To accompany A Framework for Marketing Management, 2nd Edition
Dari Ide Sampai Realitas; Perlunya Riset Pemasaran
PERTEMUAN 5 Strategy.
Pert. 16. Menyimak lingkungan IS/IT saat ini
Kemampuan Berkomunikasi Siswa
E-Marketing Plan Pertemua 8.
Strategi Positioning Kompetitif (1)
Bahan Kuliah ASPEK HARGA.
Konsep Marketing bukan konsep fungsional melainkan sebuah konsep bisnis strategis yang bertujuan untuk meraih kepuasan berkelanjutan yang memiliki nilai.
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Catarina Natasha Manurung,SH. MM.
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01. Defining Marketing for the 21st Century
penjelasan singkat yang kira-kira bisa dipetik:
How You Can Make Your Fleet Insurance London Claims Letter.
How Can I Be A Driver of The Month as I Am Working for Uber?
Don’t Forget to Avail the Timely Offers with Uber
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Memenangkan Pasar melalui Perencanaan Stratejik yang Berorientasi Pasar.
Transcript presentasi:

Dari Ide Sampai Realitas; Perlunya Riset Pemasaran Pengantar Riset Pasar Riset Geografi Pemasaran Triarko Nurlambang Staf Pengajar di Jurusan Geografi UI


Temuan alat transportasi TEMUAN SAINTIFIK DAN TEKNOLOGI TELAH MENCIPTAKAN EVOLUSI (REVOLUSI ?) KEHIDUPAN DI DUNIA Temuan mesin beban dan jangkauan Temuan komputer Temuan optik (mikroskop dan teleskop) Temuan alat audio Temuan teknologi pangan Temuan teknologi kesehatan, bersih, energi, material, instrumentasi, dll. Temuan alat transportasi Knowledge is like light. Weightless and intangibles, it can easily travel the world, enlightening the lives of people everywhere Science for Life

Consumer Evolution Question Is there a new economy? What’s really changed? Who do customers think they are? What is today ‘s business cycle? Who’s in control? What’s your REAL value proposition Topic Use of technology changes our psychology Our perception of time and space has changed Your products must help people do things better Business is cycle Everything is global Commodities aren’t sustainable proportions Theme Basic business rules still apply We are in a period of concentration You can’t separate yourself from your customer Your business must operate in tune with your customers cycles Scalable business can’t survive in niche markets Don’t sell products, sell something that meets a need Old psychology The future is predictable Unlimited growth was the goal of business Producers controlled product development Business cycles were a few years long Your could survive in inches Market competitiveness is based primarily on price New psychology We live in an uncertain world We can’t waste resources and we must be future oriented Customers need products which make them more effective There are several cycles of change running simultaneously To be sustainable you must be global Customers demand products which are effective when they use them Business strategy Don’t bet on tomorrow Retreat to your core competency Redo your brand Get your cycles in sync with cultural change Define a global market Find a universal need; not a fad. Sumber: Grantham dan Judith, 2002

PENGETAHUAN UNTUK MEMBANGUN KORPORAT Innovation and value creation Leading Corporate Learning Process Knowledge Based Management Masalah : (nilai --> budaya)+ knowledge gaps Science for Life

Membangun kemampuan daya saing APA YANG HARUS KITA LAKUKAN? Membangun kemampuan daya saing Competence Creative Connection Commitment Science for Life

Perubahan Orientasi Perusahaan (1950 -1980) PRODUCT DRIVEN (Production-driven, technology driven) (1980s) MARKET - DRIVEN (Market focused, customer - driven) (1990s) MARKET DRIVING (Innovation - driven) Science for Life

Role of Marketing Research in Managerial Decision Making Implementation Performance monitoring Refining strategies and program Situation Analysis Understand the environment and the market Identify threats and opportunities Assess the competitive position Strategy Development Define the business scope and served market segments Establish competitive advantages Set performance objective Marketing Program Development Product and channel decision Communication decisions Pricing Personal selling decisions

Proses Riset Pemasaran Definisikan masalah dan tujuan riset Bangun Rencana Riset Kumpulkan data dan informasi Analisis informasi Sampaikan Temuan Riset

Riset Pasar Tahapan Metode Identifikasi kebutuhan Definisikan masalah Rancangan Riset Pengumpulan data Analisis data Interpretasi hasil Metode Internal data Observasi Survei Focus Groups Interview Eksperimen

Analisis Pasar Analisis Lingkungan Analisis Kompetitor Tren Makro Bisnis Perubahan Struktural Kenali situasi “hulu” Kenali situasi “hilir” Analisis Probabilitas Tingkat pengaruhnya terhadap perusahaan Analisis Kompetitor Definisikan kompetitor SWOT Identifikasi competitors: prestasi, tujuan, strategi, structur biaya Konflik, kompetisi, koeksistensi, kerjasama, kolusi

Analisis Internal Strengths/ kekuatan Weaknesses/ kelemahan Constraints/ hambatan Uncertainties/ ketidakpastian Customer requirements/ kebutuhan pelanggan

Konsep-konsep Kunci Marketing/ pemasaran The marketing imagination Marketing mix (4P) Opportunity and market definition (peluang dan definisi pasar) Segmentation Targeting Positioning Perceptual mapping (pemetaan persepsi) Models of consumer buying (model kebiasaan belanja konsumen) Organizational buying (organisasi pembelajaan ) Organization buying roles (peran organisasi pembelanjaan) Market plan (rencana pasar) Methods of market research Environmental analysis SWOT Internal analysis Positioning strategies Generic strategies for new, growth, mature, and declining markets

Struktur Bangun Pemasaran Peluang dan definisi pasar Segmentation Targeting Positioning Rancangan dan implementasi rencana pemasaran

Definisi Pasar Apa Produk nya? Bagaimana tipe pelanggan? Bagaimana situasi Geografis Bagaimana Tahapan produksi dan sistem distribusi nya?

Segmentasi Pasar Variabel Pertanyaan kunci Demografis Geografi Psycho-graphics Benefit/ manfaat Pertanyaan kunci Apa yang dibeli? Bagaimana cara mereka membeli? Dimana mereka membeli? Kapan mereka membeli? Kenapa mereka membeli? Siapa yang membeli?

Mengenal Pemasaran secara lebih rinci pada segmen yang lebih kecil Komunitas pembeli siapa saja? Niche marketing (ceruk pemasaran) One-to-one marketing (satu per satu) Relationship marketing (hubungan pemasaran, mis.nya MLM/ Multi-Level Marketing atau Harley-Davidson Club)

Targeting Variabel Kunci Pendekatan Ukuran dan potensi penjualan/ sales Potensi pertumbuhan Profitabilitas Kekuatan dan kelemahan pesaing Pengorganisasian kekuatan dan kelemahan Ketepatan Strategi Sumberdaya yang diperlukan Pendekatan Fokus pada segmen tertentu/ single/tunggal Fokus Produk Fokus Pasar Dominasi Pasar

Positioning Pendekatan Atribut Produk dan Manfaatnya Usage occasions (saat kejadian) atau fungsi Kategori pengguna/ pelanggan Keunggulan relatif terhadap pesaing

Perceptual Mapping (pemetaan persepsi) Heavy Bitter Mild Light

Perilaku Pelanggan (Consumer Behavior) Proses pengambilan keputusan, dimana para pelanggan menjadi membeli dan menggunakan produk. Dipengaruhi oleh Proses berpikir/ Thinking processes Proses perasaan/ Feeling processes Proses sosial/ Social processes

Bagaimana Pelanggan jadi membeli? Stimulasi Eksternal dan internal – mengenal permasalahan Mencari informasi dan alternatif dalam memenuhi keperluannya/ kebutuhannya Evaluasi alternatif Justifikasi Subjektif Sikap dan pilihan Membeli/ purchase Perilaku setelah membeli/ Post-purchase behavior

Kategori Konsumsi Pemecahan masalah konsumsi Perilaku kebiasaan membeli/ belanja Pendorong belanja/ Impulse buying

Organizational Buying Different from consumer buying Size and concentration Multiple decision makers Complexity of decisions Close and intricate (many details) relations Professional buyers

Organizational Buying Roles Per Webster and Wind, Users Gatekeepers Influencers Deciders Approvers Buyers

Organizational Buying Situations Straight rebuy Modified rebuy New task buying Problem recognition Problem defined Responsibilities assigned Search and evaluation Choice among alternatives

Types of Products and Services Raw materials Components and partially processed materials Capital goods Ancillary (additional services) equipment Supplies Services

Concept development and testing Marketing Strategy Development RISET DAN PROSES PENGEMBANGAN PRODUK BARU “Society continuously expects new ideas, inventions and innovations from private citizens, enterprises, as well as from persons working in scientific and technological development” (International Small Business Congress, 2000) Idea generation Idea screening Concept development and testing Research Marketing Strategy Development Business analysis Product Development teruskan stop Commer- cialization Market testing Science for Life

Marketing Plan A detailed and focused strategy for designing a marketing mix to meet consumer needs and wants and to realize a sustainable competitive advantage

Pengambilan Keputusan Macam-Macam Pola Pengambilan Keputusan Terstruktur vs Tidak Terstruktur vs vs Terprogram vs Tidak Terprogram a b c d vs Rasional vs Intuisi * * * * 1 2

From Data to ... Intelligence Pengetahuan yang tersebar INFORMASI Mengumpulkan pengetahuan yang tersebar ANALISIS Kategorisasi dan klasifikasi informasi INTELLIGENCE Implikasi untuk pembuatan keputusan

Tujuh Karakteristik Riset Pemasaran Yang Baik 1. Metode Saintifik: observasi seksama, formulasi hipotesa, logika sistematik, prediction, dan pengujian 2. Aktifitas Riset: melalui jalan inovatif untuk mengatasi permasalahan 3. Metode ganda (Multiple methods): nilai dalam memanfaatkan lebih dari satu metode dalam rangka menambah hasil yang lebih dipercaya 4. Interdependensi model dan data 5. Nilai dan biaya informasi 6. Skeptisme yang Sehat: skeptisme yang sehat dengan memanfaatkan asumsi yang tepat yang ditetapkan oleh pengelola tentang bagaimana pasar itu ‘bekerja’ 7. Etika pemasaran: memberikan manfaat, baik yang berasal dari sponsor maupun dari pelanggan

Minuman Sehat Lidah Buaya "KAVERA" (FMIPA UI) Pengembangan Produk Minuman Sehat Lidah Buaya "KAVERA" (FMIPA UI) New Product derivatives 1, 2, 3…dst Center of excellent for LIDAH BUAYA FMIPA UI (Research and Product Development) - Idea generating - idea screening - concept dev. & testing - product development Reinvestment MSLB “KAVERA” Pengmbg bisnis per-LIDAH BUAYA-an PT BTL (Investasi dan Pemasaran) - Marketing strategy - Market testing - Product development - Commercialization Net-Profit Share FMIPA UI, PT BTL, Inovator Science for Life Contoh 2

MODEL PENINGKATAN POSITIONING KORPORAT The act of designing the company’s offering an image to occupy a distinctive place in the target market’s mind Heartshare Marketshare Voiceshare Mindshare ROI K O G N I T F Afektif Konatif Model Komunikasi Merek Korporat Identitas korporat Komunikasi pemasaran Citra Korporat Strong Position 3 langkah mencapai POSISI YANG KOKOH Merumuskan model nilai nasabah (customer value) 2. Mengembangkan hirarki customer value Menetapkan paket customer value Customer Relation Management Positioning Elements: Pricing Prod. Quality Service Distribution Contoh 3

LANGKAH TAKTIS YANG DIPERLUKAN Review Visi, Misi, Tujuan dan Strategi BUKOPIN RISET TERHADAP NASABAH UNTUK: Mengetahui awarerness level dan pemahaman terhadap korporat berikut produk/ jasa Mengetahui kebiasaan nasabah dalam memanfaatkan jasa bank Mengetahui ekspektasi nasabah terhadap elemen positioning Membandingkan dengan pesaing (perceptual mapping) MERUMUSKAN MODEL NILAI NASABAH BANK Nasabah Bank Bukopin Nasabah bank kompetitor MENGEMBANGKAN HIRARKI CUSTOMER VALUE MENETAPKAN STRATEGI DAN TAKTIK PAKET CUSTOMER VALUE Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran HARVESTING Contoh 4

di rumah/kantor responden METODOLOGI Survey kuantitatif dengan face to face interview menggunakan kuesioner terstruktur POTRET - Perceptual Mapping Bank Bukopin & bank kompetitor Lokasi pengambilan sampel: di kantor bank/ATM wawancara: di rumah/kantor responden Metode Sampling: Non-Probability Sampling --------- Practical Area Sampling & Convenient Sampling Contoh 5

BANK UTAMA YANG DIGUNAKAN Nasabah [n = 550] Non Nasabah [n = 550] 1% 2% 3% 5% 7% 78% 0% 4% 23% 15% 22% 12% Bank BRI Bank Jabar Bank Niaga Bank BTN Bank Danamon Bank Lippo Bank BNI 46 Bank Mandiri Bank BCA Bank Bukopin

BANK YANG DIKETAHUI ( TOP OF MIND ) Nasabah [n = 550] Non Nasabah [n = 550] Bank Astra Graha Bank BII Bank BTN Bank Danamon Bank Jabar Bank Lippo Bank Bali Bank Mandiri Bank BRI Bank BNI 46 Bank BCA Bank Bukopin 1% 2% 7% 8% 10% 19% 47% 3% 6% 11% 23% 32% 0%

PERTIMBANGAN DALAM MEMILIH BANK Nasabah [n = 550] Non Nasabah [n = 550] 24% 47% 44% 64% 36% 17% 9% 11% 23% 39% 45% 74% Bank pemerintah Jumlah Outlet/kantor bank Jaringan ATM yang luas Keamanan (tingkat kesehatan bank) Kecepatan pelayanan Lokasi yang strategis

APAKAH PERNAH BERPINDAH BANK Non Nasabah [n = 550] Nasabah [n = 550] Tidak 71% Ya 29% Tidak 68% Ya 32% Mengapa Pindah Bank ? Nasabah Non-nasabah Lokasi Bank/ATM jauh (24%) (18%) Kurang puas pelayanannya (17%) (22%) Potongan administrasi besar (13%) (17%) Karena ada kasus rush/likuidasi (13%) (16%) Lokasi bank yang dituju mudah dijangkau(12%) (10%) Rekomendasi kantor (10%) (6%)

LOKASI KANTOR BANK YANG BIASA DI DATANGI Nasabah [n=550] Non Nasabah [n=550] 3% 4% 37% 54% 5% 11% 49% 34% Lokasi dekat tempat belanja Lokasi dekat kampus/sekolah Lokasi dekat rumah Lokasi dekat kantor/tempat usaha

Riset Geografi Pemasaran Dalam pendekatan Marketing Mix (4P), Geografi Pemasaran menitikberatkan pada salah satu P yaitu PLACE Bagaimana kita dapat merumuskan PLACE dalam kaitannya dengan urusan Pemasaran / Pasar ? Komponen dasar PLACE (geografi): a. Titik b. Garis c. Ruang/Area d. Kombinasi diantara ketiga komponen di atas Metode Penelitian yang digunakan pada prinsipnya sama dengan Riset Pemasaran dan Penelitian Geografi lainnya Teknik Analisisnya menggunakan pendekatan keruangan/ spatial

Figure 7:2 Skills matrix for geographers, University of Leeds, 1998    Knowledge  Analysis  Synthesis  Evaluation  Creativity  Professionalism  Level of Year Broad knowledge and understanding of areas of Geography. Fluency in subject vocabulary Problem solving ability. Evidence of understanding. Ability to apply concepts to novel situations. Ability to bring together different facets of material, and to draw appropriate conclusions. Ability to review, assess and criticise one's own work and that of others in a fair and professional manner. Ability to make an original, independent, personal contribution to the understanding of the subject. Ability to act as a practising geographer, to present argument in a skilled and convincing manner and to work alone or in teams  1 Demonstrate a basic understanding of core subject areas, happy with geographical terminology. Demonstrate a knowledge of appropriate supporting analytical techniques (stats., computing, lab and field techniques ..) Apply geographical techniques to real situations through class and field examples. Understand that there may be unique or multiple solutions to any issue. Appreciate relative validity of results. Be able to handle material that presents contrasting views on a topic and develop personal conclusions. Draw conclusions from results and identify the relative significance of a series of results. Evaluate the accuracy and reliability of information, results and conclusions. Offer original comment on geographical material. Display or present information in different ways. Be effective in planning time, use of geographical resources including library, computer packages including databases. Present information orally, and written to a high standard.  2 Demonstrate a comprehensive knowledge of specific subject areas. Be able to question the accuracy and completeness of information. Appreciate how different parts of the subject inter-relate. Apply geographical theories to individual situations critically examine the results. Understand that it may be appropriate to draw on multi- disciplinary approaches to analyse and solve geographical problems. To locate and comment on diverse material, add personal research observations and integrate literature based information with personal results. Review existing literature and identify gaps, appraise the significance of results and conclusions. Develop original independent research skills, interpret data and offer personal comment. Be able to display information in a variety of ways. Confident use of computer packages for analysis and information presentation. Confident worker in group and collaborative activities. Produce written work to a high professional standard.  3 Demonstrate a deep understanding of a limited number of specialised subject areas and methods. Appreciate the provisional state of knowledge in subject areas. Understand how to solve problems with incomplete information, how to make appropriate assumptions. To develop appropriate research hypotheses. Question and verify results. Appreciate the breadth of information available. To identify and tap into key elements of the material. Produce coherent reports. Critically appraise information, evidence and conclusions from personal and others work. Gather new information through personal research, draw personal conclusions and show where these insights link to the main subject areas. Be able to set objectives, focus on priorities, plan and execute project work to deadlines. Produce structured, well argued reports. Demonstrate fluency in personal presentations and electronic communication. MA MSc Demonstrate a broad, deep understanding of specialised subject areas and methods. Understand where this knowledge dovetails withthe subject in general. Understand the current limits of knowledge. Demonstrate ability to propose solutions to geographical problems involving appreciation of different approaches, gaps and contradictions in knowledge or data. Differentiation of unique and non-unique answers. Appreciation of reliability of a proposal or result given constraints and assumptions involved. Be able to collate material from a wide range of appropriate geographical and non - geographical sources, integrate personal research material and collate the whole in a coherent, thoughtful and professionally appropriate manner. Be able to work to a specified brief. Perform independent critical evaluation of information, evidence and conclusions, including their reliability, validity and significance. Be able to form and justify judgements in the light of contradictory information. Offer insights into the material under discussion that are independent of data immediately available. Propose investigative approaches to geographical problems utilising geographical and non-geographical methods as appropriate. Be able to make effective confident presentations, answer detailed questions thoughtfully and clearly. Produce substantive reports that are well structured, well reasoned, well presented and clear. Work effectively as a team member and team leader Skills matrix for geographers, University of Leeds, 1998 Figure 7:2 Skills matrix for geographers, University of Leeds, 1998

Ilustrasi Analisis Spatial Titik : lokasi / tempat layanan Garis: jaringan transportasi (jalan, sungai, garis layanan transporatsi udara  dapat mempengaruhi alokasi tempat layanan atau sebaliknya Area: wilayah layanan jasa/ produk tertentu untuk segmen pasar pada entitas wilayah layanan tersebut

Market Threshold and Range Range: batas jangkauan wilayah layanan (jarak) Threshold: batas optimal pasar (jumlah potensi pasar) Sumber : bahan kuliah dari Washington Univ. untuk topik Economic and Spatial Structure of Transportation System (Dr. Jean –Paul Rodrigue)

Market Size and Threshold

Profitabilitas Pasar Profitable Market Area Jika target pasar ada dalam wilayah jangkauan layanan Not (always)-Profitable Market Area Jika masih ada target pasar ada diluar jangkauan layanan

(Pendekatan Teori Christaller) Bentuk-bentuk Pasar Optimal (Pendekatan Teori Christaller)

Melayani hanya satu jenis segmen pasar ( only one kind of demand) Isotropic, Non-Isotropic dan Modified Melayani hanya satu jenis segmen pasar ( only one kind of demand) Melayani lebih dari satu jenis segmen pasar ( more than one kind of demand)

Supply, Demand and Equilibrium Price Asumsi: Supply tetap Asumsi: Demand tetap Jika harga barang murah maka permintaan akan meningkat dan sebaliknya Jika harga barang murah maka supply/ penawaran barang akan semakin rendah dan sebaliknya Namun situasi di atas pada kenyataannya (diantaranya ) dipengaruhi oleh faktor-faktor manfaat barang, tingkat pendapatan, inflasi, pajak, dan tabungan

Derivation of Supply and Demand Equilibrium

Customer Distance Decay (Penurunan kapasitas layanan kepada konsumen karena aspek jarak) Dipengaruhi oleh aksesibilitas dan prinsip2 Supply-Demand-Price di atas Semakin jauh semakin sedikit jumlah pelanggan/ konsumen yang dapat dilayani Area persaingan ketat: antara convenience, grocery, dan superstore Area persaingan antara grocery, dan superstore

Hotelling Principle and Market Competition (Contoh Lokasi mempengaruhi Kompetisi dari aspek harga) Contoh: Intervensi Hotel A terhadap market area Hotel B Competitiveness market area yg tinggi

Reilly's Law Untuk menghitung perkiraan titik ‘kritis’ jarak persaingan antara “a” dan “b”

Reilly’s Law and Market Areas 30 b e 30 km 35 35 km a 55 km a b c d e 21.4 19.7 9.4 17.3 14.6 10.3 5.6 12.7 15 km 20 d 30 km 15 c

Huff's Law 37,5 km Pa Biasanya digunakan untuk mengkaji profitabilitas pelanggan relatif terhadap satu lokasi layanan. Dalam kasus di atas Pelanggan di lokasi A lebih memiliki/mendapat manfaat ketimbang di lokasi B  P(Ca) > P(Cb)

GIS Method to Estimate Market Areas

Contoh Kasus Menentukan Lokasi Outlet Pizza Hut