Robby Djohan Informal Terbuka Tangkas Bertindak Berani mengungkapkan segala sesuatu dengan jelas
Garuda tidak punya image –Sering terlambat –On Time Performance 80% –Rata2 industri di atas 90% –Robby Membuat target OTP diatas 90% –Berhasil menjadi 94%
Hutang Garuda 158 juta dolar, cash flow negatif –Target Robby cukup break even –Menurup semua rute2 ke Eropa yang terus merugi
Banyak pesawat yang tidak terbang (grounded) –48-49% rusak –Lobi ke Swiss Teknik –Don’t have money –Part of profit
Mengganti top manajemen dengan tenaga yang lebih muda –Bukannya lebih jagoan tapi highly motivated
Tidak perlu 200 hal, cukup 5 hal, kerjakan 100%
Stan Shih (Acer) One of a few leaders in industry with a vision Inspiration behind the tirelessness of his engineers Delegated a lot Deeply rooted in Chinese tradition –Ancient Chinese board game ‘Go’, or wei chi –In Go, you always play from the corner you need less resources to occupy the corner Always listened carefully to others’ views Did not object to his executives having a high public profile
There is an old Chinese saying: –It is better to be the head of the chicken than the tail of the ox –It is better to run your own shop than be an employee in a large enterprise – Entrepreneurial spirit (like to be their own boss)
General Electric