KETERTIBAN UMUM (Public Order) If Indonesian international private law must use a foreign law, because of nationality principle, it does not mean, that Indonesian judges must enforce the foreign law In certain cases, Indonesian judges may refuse to use foreign law, despite the nationality principle, and keep using Indonesian law for cases of personal status.
In cases when the use of a foreign law will violate the values of justice, morality, and basic rights that exist in the national law of the Judge, he/she can waive the use of the foreign law. Examples: (see p. 135-137 of Pengantar HPI Indonesia)
1. Perbudakan 2. Kematian perdata 3. Larangan perkawinan antar ras/etnis 4. Perkawinan poligami 5. Perkawinan sejenis/homoseksual
Ketertiban Umum, dibedakan: 1. Ketertiban umum intern 2. Ketertiban umum internasional Lihat hal. 142 – 143 Buku Pengantar HPI Indonesia oleh S. Gautama
Catatan: 1.Pengertian Ketertiban Umum dapat berubah menurut situasi dan kondisi dari negara ybs. (hal. 144-145 Pengantar HPI Indonesia, oleh S. Gautama) 2.Doktrin Ketertiban Umum ini harus dipakai seiirit mungkin. Jangan terlalu sering menerapkan doktrin ini, yg berakibat tidak berjalannya sistem HPI di dunia.