DEFINISI Prasarana = Infrastruktur Infrastruktur : ‘The Underlying foundation or basic framework of a system’
2 (two) Types of Infrastructure Social Infrastructure : Consists of institutions – The people and the patterns of regular, repetitive interactions that transform input into outputs
2 (two) Types of Infrastructure Economic Infrastructure Consists of physical infrastructure and the services derived from it to improve economic productivity and quality life Economic Infrastructure = Public Infrastructure
PUBLIC INFRASTRUCTURE Is defined as those services derived from the set of public works traditionally supported by public sector to enhance private sector production and to allow for household consumption Infrastructure includes services such as roads and transport systems, electric power, irrigation, telecommunications, and water supply and sanitation, both in the rural and urban dimensions
KARAKTERSITIK Peran pokok infratruktur adalah dalam delivering of infrastructure services baik dalam produksi maupun konsumsi Ada 2 (dua) dimensi, yaitu : Dimensi Fisik dan Dimensi Jasa pelayanan Infrastrukstur = Prasarana Dasar Ekonomi Pengadaan / Penyediaan Infrastruktur oleh Sektor Publik dan Sektor Swasta.
3 (tiga) Perspektif Pemeliharaan Permintaan Competitive Markets
EKONOMI PRASARANA Keterkaitan Infrastruktur dengan Ekonomi bersifat ‘Complex and Multiple’ Langsung mempengaruhi produksi dan konsumsi Banyak menciptakan eksternalitas (Spillover Effects) – Negatif dan Positif Expenditures yang besar
EKONOMI PRASARANA Aggregate Public Capital Expenditure and Aggregate Output Physical Capital Stocks and Aggregate Output Linking Infrastructure and Sectoral Output Infrastructure and Regional Growth Differentials Composition of public and private investment
Dampak Infrastruktur terhadap Pembangunan Ekonomi Kontribusi terhadap Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Mempengaruhi marginal productivity of private capital Investasi publik komplementer terhadap investasi swasta Kontribusi terhadap peningkatan Kualitas Hidup Menciptakan amenities dalam lingkungan fisik
Infrastructure Potential For Competition Excludability Rendah Tinggi Public Goods Urban roads Local rural roads Waterways Highways Waste water treatment Toll Goods Toll Highways Telecomunications Port Airport Urban water system Power transmission Power distribution Common Property Goods Irrigation system Rural water system Hydro power genr. thermal power genr Storm drainage Private Goods Road transport Urban transport Rail transport Water storage On farm irrigation
PENDEKATAN DEMAND Kebijaksanaan infrastruktur secara tradisional berorientasi pada supply, yang ditentukan terutama oleh dominansi elemen teknis dan kenyataan bahwa jasa pelayanan diselenggrakan secara monopoli dioperasikan oleh sektor publik atau keduanya.
PENDEKATAN DEMAND Memfokuskan pada peningkatan orientasi pada demand dan accountability dari jasa pelayanannya Fokus pada Reliability of services Perluasan competitive markets Perluasan peran sektor swasta Perluasan peran competition surrogates
PENDEKATAN DEMAND ‘Infrastructure decision are best approached from a bottom-up, micro level, rather than macro level top-down perspective’ Pengambilan keputusan Pembangunan Prasarana melibatkan 4 aktor : Policy Makers Infrastructure managers Operational Staff Users
PROSES PERENCANAAN INFRASTRUKTUR Yang Terfokus pada Demand : Merancang Infrastruktur Delivery System Mengartikulasikan demand Mendefinisikan demand Mengukur demand dan Project benefits Informasi setempat ( lokal ) Managing Demand Beyond Benefit / Cost Analysis
Mengartikulasikan Demand melalui : Willengness and ability to pay Govermental process to ensure that an economic and efficient quantity is produced Govermental process to ensure that people have a minimum standard of living Combination of three above
2. Mendefinisikan Demand berdasar : Accessibility Capacity Diversity Quality Time Condition price