International Management Mata kuliah ini bertujuan memberikan wawasan tentang manajemen internasional yang meliputi pandangan menyeluruh terhadap MI dan kecenderungan-kecenderungan yang terjadi, pengelolalan organisasi internasional dan sumberdayanya, etika dan tanggungjawab sosial MI serta masa depan manajemen internasional.
Materi Mata Kuliah 1. Worldwide development 2. Foundation for International Management 3. The cultural context for international management 4. Managing Across Culture 5. Strategic Planning 6. Managing Political Risk and Negotiation 7. Organizing International Operation 8. Decision Making and Controling 9. Personel Selection and Repatriation 10. Training and Organization Development 11. Labor Relation and Industrial Democracy 12. Communication 13. Motivating Human Resources 14. Leading Human Resources 15. Ethics and Social Responsibilities 16. The Future of International Management
Literatur International Management, Richard M. Hodgets and Fred Luthans, McGraw Hill,1994 2. International Management, concept and cases, Arvind V. Phatak, southwestern College Publishing, Cincinati, Ohio,1997. 3. Menjadi Manager Era Global, Kiat Komunikasi Bisnis Lintas Budaya, Richard D. Lewis. 4. International Business, Daniel and Radebaugh 5. Jurnal 6. Artikel
Penilaian Mid-test : 30 % Final Test : 35 % Assignment : 25 % Presentation/Actively: 10 % Assignment 1. Individual : Cases 2. Group : Practical International Management : Research and Analyses Pengumpulan : 1 Tugas Individu : Sebelum Mid test 2. Tugas Kelompok sebelum Final Test
Tujuan Bahasan BabI. WORLDWIDE DEVELOPMENT 1. Review trend investasi dan perdagangan 2. Membahas status Ekonomi 3. Menganalisis masalah dan perkembangan dunia.
Conceptual Definition and meaning International Management is the process of applying management concepts and techniques in multinational environment. 2. Multinational Corporation (MNCs) atau Multinational Entreprises (MNEs) is a firm having operations in more than one country, foreign sales and nationality mix of managers and owners. 3. Major Region of Global Community is the region which has many members (country) similarity in economics status. 4. Globalization is the production and distribution of product and services of homogeneous type and quality on worldwide basis. 5. Company (perusahaan,maskapai,firma) 6. Firms (perusahaan, firma) 7. Fabrics (barang tenunan, susunan, struktur) 8. Corporations (badan hukum, state corporation=perush. Negara) 9. Coorporate (kerjasama)
Emerging internationalizatiion international business is not new phenomenon the volume of international trade has incresed. every nation and companies buy and sell goods in the international marketplace the potential oh NAFTA the emerge of European Community the economic power of Japan, Asian four tigers Economic progress among less develop nations.
Perusahaan raksasa di berbagaai negara No Negara Perusahaan Multinasional 1. Amerika Exxon, Dupont, Ford, GM, IBM, ITT, Mobil Texaco 2. Swiss Netsle, Sandoz 3. Inggris Smith-Kline Becham 4. Germany Mercedes, Goldstar, Grundig 5. Jepang Dai-ichi Kangyo Bank, SumitomoBank, Fuji Bank, Toyota, Honda, Mitshubisi
Tujuan Bahasan Bab2. FOUNDATION FOR INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT 1. Menggambarkan karakteristik MNCs dan alasan Go Internasional 2. Tinjauan 3 superpower ekonomi (US, EC, Japan) 3. Membangun keunggulan kompetitif nasional menurut Porter. 4. Analisis firms-spesific, country spesifis advantage dalam membangun competitive advantage. 5. Membahas langkah-langkah MNC dalam mengelola operasi internasional.
KARAKTERISTIK MNCs UMUM Jumlah sedikit Mendominasi negara Penjualan tahunan lebih besar dari GNP Organisasi besar Berpengruh Memahami Manajemen Internasional KHUSUS Lingkungan Ganda (home country and Host country) Tantangan kritis (pesaing, pelanggan,pemasok, lembaga keuangan Pemerintah,budaya) operasi terpisah Centalized ownership Global,integrated strategy Memiliki sumber-sumber menyatu (Money,credit,paten,trademark, informasi, human resources)
1.melindungi diri dari resiko dan ketidakpastian ALASAN –ALASAN GO INTERNASIONAL 1.melindungi diri dari resiko dan ketidakpastian siklus bisnis domestik 2.mengetuk pertumbuuhan pasar dunia 3.merespon persaingan asing 4.mengurangi biaya 5.mengatasi tariff barriers 6.ingin memperoleh keunggulan teknologi
ECONOMIC SUPERPOWERS (THE TRIAD,GOLDEN TRIANGLE) UNITED STATES UNITED STATE 98,1 48,6 96,5 91,1 54,1 E.C JAPAN 28,7 Global flows of trade of triad in the end of 1990
TRIAD mendominasi Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) International Trade Pengaruh Investasi TRIAD sbg sumber investasi membantu menciptakan dan meningkatkan kelompok ekonomi regional
United States E.C Japan FOREIGN DIRECT INVESTMENT (FDI) CLUSTER American Cluster Argentina, colombia, Venezuela, Bolivia,Mexico, Philipine, Chile, Panama, Saudi Arabi United States E.C Japan Japanese Cluster E.C Cluster Cechoslovakia, Rusia, Yugoslavia,Polan,Brazil South Korea, Hongkong Thailand
FACTOR CONDITIONS Land Labor Capital DEMAND CONDITIONS Wants Customer Desires RELATED AND SUPPORTING INDUSTRIES All related and supporting industries FIRMS STRATEGY, STRUCTURE AND RIVALRY Competitor Domestic/foreign rivalry Location of competitors
MEMBANGUN KEUNGGULAN BERSAING MENURUT RUGMAN-VERBEKE MODEL Firm-Specific Advantages (FSAs) are strengths possessed by an MNC which provide a competitive advantages relative to competitors. Many forms such as technological expertise, a well-trained sales forces, highly efficient manufacturing facilities, exclusive distribution channels, strong customer loyalty. Country-Specifis Advantages (CSAs) are benefis whose sources lies outside the firm and which allow a company to be competitive against rivals. CSAs are environmental variabels and typically fit into three categories : economic non economic governmental
Economic variables includes : Labors /tenaga kerja Availability of capital/ ketersediaan modal Plentiful natural resources such as timber, water and minerals Non Economic resources includes : social and cultural norms and beliefs that constribute to an MNC’s effectiveness (such as desire to work hard , desire to produce quality output) Governmental variables includes : support of free entreprise system minimal regulation of business operation and protection of property right.