Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar STRATEGI PENYUSUNAN PROJECT PROPOSAL Tajudin Edy Komar Badan Litbang Kehutanan
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar PROJECT PROPOSAL: THE WAY TO GET FUNDING CHANCE TO BE FUNDED: - Match With Donor Interest - Submit A Good Proposal
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar - TIDAK ADA YANG GRATIS (Nothing for FREE) - GIVE LITTLE AND TAKE BIG - HARUS ANTISIPASI ( Be Anticipated the hidden agenda, Make trade off) DONOR vs RECIPIENT INTEREST?
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar A GOOD PROPOSAL-1 Secara umum Sesuai dengan guideline dan format donor Relevan dengan prioritas donor (proponent?) Personal proyek yang memenuhi kualitas Sesuai dengan mandat (tupoksi) institusi RAB yang reasonable and realistic Tata waktu yang realistis Secara teknis dapat dilaksanakan
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar A GOOD PROPOSAL-2 Lebih spesifik Justifikasi yang kuat dan dipersiapkan dengan baik Dapat meyakinkan donor: kualifikasi, expertise, fasilitas dan kolaborator Note: collaborative project is preferable by most donor agencies
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar A GOOD PROPOSAL-3 PROVIDE STRONG JUSTIFICATION Problem Is Clearly Addressed Cause Is Clearly Stated And Described The Effect Is Strongly Stated Hypotheses are Clearly Defined Priority Matches
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar How To Prepare …….1 Secara Umum Cermati guideline dan format yang disediakan Cermati prioritas donor Pilih atau rekrut personal yang qualified Cermati “implementing agencies” Siapkan RAB yang reasonable and realistis Sesuaikan tata waktu yang paling realistis Identifikasi siapa yang akan melaksanakan proyek
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar How To Prepare ……2 Secara spesifik Siapkan dokumen dengan cermat dengan justifikasi yang kuat Curahkan keahlian menulis dengan baik Sediakan personel yang qualified Tunjukkan capaian (prestasi) sebelumnya Tunjukkan kebutuhan “expertise and facilities”
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar How To Prepare …3, Before Submission Cermati sekali lagi seluruh dokumen dan do cross reference with guideline Minta kolega untuk mencermati (peer review)
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Barriers in the preparation of A GOOD PROPOSAL Perlu waktu khusus dalam penyiapan several months to year Perlu efforts yang terus menerus extra work, need a good team to prepare proposal Perlu pengorbanan money for typing, printings, meetings etc. resource from “office” mostly unavailable? Penantian yang tidak pasti (uncertainty)?
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Other barrier in the preparation of A good proposal Not many is eager to submit proposal to outside donor agencies Pada banyak kasus: - Tidak adanya support selama penyiapan - Tidak yakin akan dibiayai - Tidak jelas “ownership of the project” - Tidak ada “recognition”(self-initiative proposal belum dianggap sebagai IPR?)
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Why It Takes Time, Energy And Effort? 1. Perlu perencanaan awal yang matang 2. Perlu penyiapan yang cermat 3. Perlu informasi yang up-to-date 4. Perlu komunikasi dengan donor 5. Perlu penyesuaian, revisi, editing 6. Perlu strong commitment from teamwork 7. Perlu pertemuan, diskusi, presentasi
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Most Frequent Causes For Rejection Of Proposals The proposal does not correspond to the priority concerns of the organizations The proposal does not clearly state the hypothesis or question to be investigated The proposal does not contain enough detail on the methods and materials to be used for each proposed operation The proposal does not show that the principal investigator has enough experience of the proposed research topic
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Contoh: Assessment By Expert Panel-1? BMZ based on: Probability of achieving farm- and household-level impact through demand- driven, gender-specific and problem-solving approaches Effectiveness in dissemination and transfer of methodologies and research results to developing countries Comparative advantage of international agricultural research and the IARCs involved Capacity-building in NARS through collaborative research and training Coherence and coordination in implementing global and regional research priorities Overall conception and implementation in terms of efficiency and effectiveness (work plan) Participation of users and beneficiaries, including farmers, users organizations and NGOs, in identification, planning, implementation and evaluation of research projects Multidisciplinary, inter-institutional collaboration, including collaboration with research institutions in Germany and with German-funded development activities
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Contoh: proposal format…….ADB Background and Rationale Objective Scope Linkage to ADB Loan and other activities Participatory development issues Sustainable and structural poverty reduction impact Implementation arrangements Cost estimates and financing
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Contents of most project proposal Abstract of proposed research Introduction Details of collaborating institutes and counterparts Description of the research plan Logical Framework Time frame Materials and Methods Expected Results Discussion of the significance of the project Indicators of success and impact assessment Budget and budget justification Reference list, CV of applicants, including a list of publications Details of existing funded research
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Types of funding sources (donors) Bilateral donor all its money from one source ACIAR or DFID Multilateral donors agencies made up of members EU or CTA Foundations funded by companies or individuals grants to not-for-profit groups extremely wealthy!
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Overview Of Some Funding Agencies-1 - European Union (EC) - UNDP, UNEP, DFID, GEF - ITTO - Ford Foundation, - Habibie Centers - Other foundation
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar Overview Of Some Funding Agencies Global Environment Facility (GEF)GEF Objectives developed in collaboration with host country Major effect on donor goals Range from US$ to US$ for small project Over US$ millions per project Focus Agenda 21 deforestation sustainability biodiversity poverty alleviation water conservation
Workshop Penyusunan Dokumen Rancangan Proyek-JLWA, Bogor, 28 Nov08-Tajudin Komar
A GOOD PROPOSAL-3 PROVIDE STRONG JUSTIFICATION Problem Is Clearly Addressed Cause Is Clearly Stated And Described The Effect Is Strongly Stated Hypotheses are Clearly Defined Priority Matches