SUCCESS IN ENGLISH NATIONAL EXAMINATION 2013 By: Drs. Heni Kumudasmara, M.Si Pengawas SMK DISDIK Kab. Pati
KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012 -2013 Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang kegiatan yang sedang terjadi di dalam ruangan (indoor) / di luar ruangan (outdoor) sesuai dengan gambar. Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang lokasi suatu benda/ posisi seseorang sesuai gambar. Menentukan pernyataan lisan yang tepat tentang penampilan (ciri-ciri fisik) seseorang/ deskripsi benda sesuai dengan gambar.
I. IDENTIFYING PICTURES CONTENT A. Meaning Questions To test accurate description: Correct preposition usage B. Sound Questions To test ability to hear accurately Distinguish sounds. “sleep/slip, slept/slipped” C. Combination Questions To test both sound and meaning Never allow one question to force you to miss the next question!
INITIAL ACTIVITY Make a mental list of words/phrases that could describe the picture. Don’t make notes. Just think of them
Picture No. 1
Words/phrases you might have thought of: Boy girl students theater practice drama office
Picture No. 2
Words/phrases you might have thought of: Cars jeeps some cars trees parking lot
Picture No. 3
Words/phrases you might have thought of: Woman glasses smile beautiful scarf pointed nose oval face
TIP: ALWAYS remember that a sentence is usually constructed as: S P O/C. This means that the potential mistake could be the S, the P, or the O/C. “If you are not sure about the right answer, determine the wrong ones”. DON’T SPECULATE!
EXPLORE THE FOLLOWING PICUTRES EXPLORE THE FOLLOWING PICUTRES! What words/phrases do you have in your minds now?
Picture No. 1
Picture No. 2
Picture No. 3
Picture No. 4
Picture No. 5
Picture No. 6
Picture No. 7
Picture No. 8
Picture No. 9
Picture No. 10
KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012-2013 Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap pernyataan/pertanyaan lisan yang berisi pemberian saran/pendapat. Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap pernyataan/pertanyaan lisan yang mengungkapkan sebuah undangan/penawaran. Menentukan respons yang tepat terhadap pernyataan/pertanyaan lisan yang berisi pemberian arah atau lokasi suatu tempat/keberadaan seseorang/kondisi suatu benda/tempat.
2. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS CONTENT INFORMATION QUESTIONS Suggest / Invite Question starting with; who, when, where, etc. Why don’t we have a cup of coffee? TAG Question: How about going to a movie? He likes New York, doesn’t he? Why not take a bus? EITHER or Question: Is he coming by train or bus? Offer Can I help you with your bag? Could I get you anything? Would you like a sample? FUNCTION QUESTIONS May I help you with your coat? We use these kinds of questions to: Won’t you come in? What can I do for you, Sir?
2. RESPONSES TO QUESTIONS Request Excuse me, I’m looking for a travel agent near here. Do you have any idea where is it? Can you tell me where the South street is, please? Could you tell me the way to the nearest drug store, please? Ask Opinion How did you like the TV program? Do you think it’s going to rain? What do you think of her dress? Isn’t that girl attractive? Ask Preference Would you like a cup of coffee or tea? Would you prefer an aisle seat or a window seat? What do you like your coffee, black or with cream?
DON’T MAKE A CARELESS DECISION ! STRATEGY Identify the type of question (information or function) as you listen to it. Determine what information or function the question is asking about. Evaluate each response. DON’T MAKE A CARELESS DECISION ! The choices in Part II often consist of colloquial or incomplete sentences. For example, the correct answer to the question “Where did you see Bill?”, might be “When I went to the football game yesterday.”, or “On the bus.” The answer to a Yes/No question is usually not a simple “Yes” or “No”. For example, the correct answer to question “Would you like a cup of tea?” could be “Sure.”, “That sounds good.”, or “If it’s not too much trouble.” INITIAL ACTIVITY Practice distinguishing between information and function questions “What time is Bill coming to the party?” Is it: an information question? Or a function question?
KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012 - 2013 Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan sehari-hari/ kegiatan yang sedang berlangsung. Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang pemesanan sesuatu/pemberitahuan tentang keadaan suatu barang.
KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012 - 2013 Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang suatu perijinan /perjanjian. Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tersirat dari percakapan lisan singkat tentang kegiatan masa lampau/pendapat terhadap sesuatu hal (benda/tempat/masalah).
3. UNDERSTANDING DIALOGUES Content General Information Questions Questions focus on: the topic of the conversations “What are they talking about?” the occupation of one of the speakers “What is the man’s job?” the place where the conversation happens “Where is the conversation taking place?” the plans of one of the speakers “What is he planning to do?” the other general information about the conversation. “What did he decide to do?” “What does he have to do?”
Specific Information Questions Questions ask about specific information and place great emphasis on time and implied information. Focus of the Question Examples Point of time When did he leave? Frequency (Interval) How often does he go to Paris? Duration How long will he be in Brazil? Suggestion What is suggested to solve the problem? Reasons Why did he call? Desires What does he want? Inferences What does he mean?
STRATEGY A: Jack, Mr. Stevens wants to see you in his office. Read the question before you listen to the conversation. In this way you can listen for the information that you need to answer the question. As you read the question, try to determine what information you should listen for when you hear the conversation. A: Jack, Mr. Stevens wants to see you in his office. B: Do you know why? I hope I haven’t done anything wrong. A: Don’t worry. He just wants to go over some numbers. The choices for this question are: Sample question: A. The man’s assistant. Who is Mr. Stevens? B. A friend. What kind of information are you going to listen for? C. A colleague. D. Jack’s supervisor. This is a general information question asking about occupation. You should listen for information that will tell you what the man job is. If you listen for the correct information, the words “in his office,” and “go over some numbers” told you that choice D. Jack’s supervisor is the correct answer. You will hear:
STRATEGY Sample question: What does the woman want to do? What kind of information are you going to listen for? This is a specific question asking about desire. You should listen for information that will tell you what the woman wants to do. You will hear: A: Are you taking any vacation time in the next couple of months? B: I’m not sure. Why do you ask? A: I’m trying to create a master schedule of vacation times, so that we can plan better. The choices are: A. Take a holiday. B. Vacate the office. C. Move in a few months. D. Make a vacation schedule. If you listen for the correct information, the word “create” told you that choice D. make a vacation schedule is the correct answer.
KISI-KISI UJIAN NASIONAL TAHUN PELAJARAN 2012-2013 Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat dengan tepat dari monolog lisan singkat tentang proses pengerjaan/pengoperasian suatu alat/tips melakukan sesuatu . Menentukan gambaran umum/informasi tertentu/informasi rinci/informasi tersirat dengan tepat dari monolog lisan berbentuk pengumuman singkat /iklan singkat/brosur suatu produk.
4. Understanding Short Talks Content: This part consists of short monologues of five major types: a. Commercial advertisements such as those heard on the radio b. Public service advertisements such as those from government agencies that are heard on the radio c. Recorded announcements such as those heard on the telephone and in public places d. News spots such as those heard on the radio e. Business talks such as introduction, reports, and announcements made at business meeting STRATEGY The main strategy to apply on this part is just similar to that on understanding dialogues part. That is by reading the questions before you listen to the tape. But this time you have to read two questions before.
INITIAL ACTIVITY You will preread two questions and then listen to a talk. As you read the questions try to determine what information you should listen for. Sample questions: When is the speaker talking? What is the purpose of event? Now listen to the talk. You heard: Good afternoon and welcome to the grand opening of Grand Department Store. Here is a coupon for a free drink at our café. We are open until 9:00 this evening and there will be music and entertainment from 7:00 – 9:00. Today only, everything in the store is 15% off the listed price. In addition, if you apply for a Grand account, you will receive an additional 10% discount. Enjoy your shopping! If you listened for the correct information, the words “Good afternoon” told you the answer to the question “When is the speaker talking?” and the words “the grand opening” told you the answer to the question “What is the purpose of event?”
How to use Sony Handycam
Possible Questions What will happen if you press the projector button? What happens when you press the start button? When will the image move to the screen?