Year Eight Indonesian TEACHER MANUAL Semester One Term 2.


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Transcript presentasi:

Year Eight Indonesian TEACHER MANUAL Semester One Term 2

Maaf Being Polite Tolong- please Permisi – excuse me Maaf- sorry/ excuse me Terimah kasih- thanks Kembali/ sama-sama- you’re welcome Wk 1 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; To understand verbal and non verbal cues Teacher does; RECAP game Brainstorm words that we need to know to be polite We do together; Students choose appropriate word for scenario in pairs I do by myself; Students draw a cartoon strip of a time that they would use two or more of these words

Scenarios 1.You walk past a friend who is blocking the doorway. 2.You would like a stranger to point you in the direction of your hotel. 3.You accidentally knock a brochure off the counter of a shop. 4.Your teacher thanks you for giving out the books. 5.You thank a friend for picking up your books that you dropped. 6.You tap someone on the shoulder to see if it’s your penpal. 7.You break someone’s whiteout roller. 8.Your aunt thanks you for bringing her a cuppa.

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick) aku sibuk sekali (I’m really busy) aku lelah (I’m tired) saya merasa enak (I feel great) aku senang sekali (I’m really happy) aku lepar (I’m hungry) Siapa nama Anda? siapa namamu? (what’s your name?) siapa nama gurumu? (what’s your teacher’s name?) Nama saya John aku John (I’m John) namaku John (my name’s John) nama guruku Pak Miller (my teacher’s name’s Mr Miller) KOSA KATA Wk 1 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; To enhance our understanding and ability to use greetings Teacher does; Explanation of aku and kamu (ku/mu) Greeting variation notes We do together; Write a dialogue I do by myself; Write a dialogue

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar?

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling)

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja.

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick)

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick) aku sibuk sekali (I’m really busy)

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick) aku sibuk sekali (I’m really busy) aku lelah (I’m tired)

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick) aku sibuk sekali (I’m really busy) aku lelah (I’m tired) saya merasa enak (I feel great)

Greetings (part 2) Apa kabar? apa kabarmu? (how are ya?) bagaimana kabarmu? (how you feeling) Baik-baik saja. saya sakit (I’m sick) aku sibuk sekali (I’m really busy) aku lelah (I’m tired) saya merasa baik sekali (I feel very good) aku senang sekali (I’m really happy) aku lepar (I’m hungry)

Mau ke Mana? Mau ke mana? Aku mau ke sekolah Aku mau ke kota Cairns Saya mau pulang Aku mau ke McD 1.Pada hari Senin saya mau ke perpustakaan. 2.Pada hari Sabtu aku mau ke kota Cairns Kosa-kata Hotel= hotel Pelabuhan= harbour Toko swalayan= grocery store Mesjid= mosque Rumah = house Rumah sakit= hospital Lapangan olahraga= sports field Kebun binatang= zoo Perpustakaan= library Gereja= church Pabrik= factory Lapangan terbang= airport Kantor polisi= police station Kota= city Hutan= forest Bioskop= cinema Kantor= office Restoran= restaurant Perkebunan pisang= banana farm Pompa bensin= petrol station Terminal bis= bus terminal Toko pakaian= clothes shop Kampung= village Wk 2 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; To be able to make statements about places Teacher does; Mau ke Mana? Teacher mimes a conversation and then asks students what they think it means We do together; Label places Write sentences in pairs I do by myself; Write sentences or dialogue

Di mana? Di mana sekolah SD Tully? (Where is Tully Primary) Sekolah SD Tully ada di Jalan Bryant (Tully Primary school is at Bryant St) Di mana kantor pos Tully? (Where is Tully Post Office?) Kantor Pos Tully ada di Jalan Butler (Tully Post Office is at Butler St) Di mana toko Igguldens? (Where is Iggulden shop?) Toko Igguldens ada di Jalan Butler (Igguldens shop is at Butler St) Di mana rumah sakit? (Where is the hospital) Rumah sakit ada di Jalan Bryant (the Hospital is at Bryant St) Wk 2 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; To understand and use ‘di mana’ questions Teacher does; RECAP questions Sentences using place names and di mana We do together; Write class dialogue (practise for assignment) I do by myself;

Ini/ Itu/ Dia Dia = he/ she, his/ hers - her book= buku dia bukunya - his pen= pena dia penanya Ini = this - buku ini= this book - pena ini= this pen Itu = that - buku itu= that book - pena itu= that pen Activity- translate the following 1.Sekolah ini adalah sekolah bagus. 2.Pena itu tidak bagus. 3.Buku ini adalah bukunya. 4.Dia suka sekolahnya. 5.Toko Charlie adalah toko baik Extension Sentences 1.Penanya berwarna merah muda. 2.Saya tidak suka bapakmu. 3.Ibuku suka bermain olahraga dengan ibu temanmu. Introducing a friend Ini teman saya namanya Sonya. Dia berumur dua puluh lima tahun. Dia tinggal di kota Brisbane. Wk 3 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; To understand and be able to use ini, itu and dia/nya Teacher does; RECAP questions Notes; ini/itu/dia We do together; Translate a sentence Work in pairs to translate all five I do by myself; Write my own sentences

New Phrases “Saya baru belajar bahasa Indonesia” (I’m new to studying Indonesian language) “Apakah Anda bisa berbahasa Inggris?” (Do you can languaged English) “PR-ku sangat menarik” (My homework is very interesting) “Australia adalah negara besar” (Australia is a country big) KOSA KATA Mau ikut= want to join? Sayang= it’s a pity (also means sweetheart) Taman kota= city park (like central park) Mal= mall Pantai= beach Jam= hour Bersepatu roda= roller skating (sepatu is shoe and roda is wheel) Berbelanja= shopping Bersilancar= surfing Nanti= later Asyik= awesome Ide bagus= great idea Jam berapa?= what hour? Wk 3 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; To learn and be able to use some new phrases Teacher does; Consolidation cards Phrases worksheet New phrases notes We do together; Listening activity Bagus Sekali CD2 track 22 I do by myself; Write your own dialogue (use the sheet but choose different options)

Revisi Questions 1.What is the name of person B? 2.What is person A’s name? 3.Where does Ema want to go? 4.What type of café? 5.Does Yuli want to go? 6.Where does Ema want to go tomorrow? 7.How will she get there? KOSA KATA Warung= a small café or food stall Nasi goreng= fried rice Mau ikut= want to join? Sayang= it’s a pity Sekarang= now/ at this moment Harus= must Besok= hari besok= tomorrow Taman kota= city park (think central park) Sepeda motor= motor bike Mobil= car Sepeda= bicycle Berjalan kaki= walk Naik bis= riding a bus Sampai besok= until tomorrow Wk 4 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; To revise what we have been learning and build on our comprehension of conversations Teacher does; RECAP Place names Kosa-kata We do together; Listen to Bagus sekali CD2 and complete worksheet Answer questions I do by myself; Practice words on language perfect or write own dialogue

Melakukan apa? Pada hari Rabu Pada hari Subtu Hari ini Besok Pagi ini Tadi malam Wk 4 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; To ensure that we can identify when something is occurring. Teacher does; Sentence builder Making questions We do together; Telling the time worksheets I do by myself; Work through the practice profiles Saya Teman saya Guru saya Ibu Susanti Mengerjakan PR yang menjengkelkan Sibuk, membaca buku menarik Baru memasak kue besar Sudah belajar tentang pulau Bali Berbicara tentang ular yang ada di ruang kelasnya Belajar sedikit bahasa Indonesia Making questions Kapan is used to ask ‘When…’ questions ‘Kapan Anda ke sekolah?’ When you go to school? Apa is used for what or Apakah for which or does ‘Apa itu?’ what’s that? ‘Apakah Anda suka buku ini?’ Do you like this book? Mengapa or Kenapa are used for asking why ‘Kenapa Anda tidak suka es krim?’ Why you don’t like ice cream? Bagaimana is used for asking how to do something or how you feel about something ‘Bagaimana es krim itu’ How’s that ice cream? Berapa is used for asking how many or asking about a quantity of something ‘Berapa dolar es krim itu?’ How many dolars is that ice cream?

Making questions Kapan is used to ask ‘When …’ questions ‘Kapan Anda ke sekolah?’ When you go to school? Apa is used for what or Apakah for which or does ‘Apa itu?’ what’s that? ‘Apakah Anda suka buku ini?’ Do you like this book? Mengapa or Kenapa are used for asking why ‘Kenapa Anda tidak suka es krim?’ Why you don’t like ice cream? Bagaimana is used for asking how to do something or how you feel about something ‘Bagaimana es krim itu’ How’s that ice cream? Berapa is used for asking how many or asking about a quantity of something ‘Berapa dolar es krim itu?’ How many dolars is that ice cream?

Writing A Role Play Things to remember; You must write two role plays; one in a formal language situation (you and the teacher) and one in an informal language situation (you and a friend or sibling) Your roleplay should begin with a greeting and handshake (which of the three types of handshakes is most appropriate?). Do not write in English first! Look through your book at the activities, especially the class dialogue activities and worksheets of role-plays and talk to your partner about which of these questions you can use in your role-play Remember that Indonesians don’t usually use words for ‘am’ and ‘is’. Check your sentence builders for the structure of the sentence. You may ask Ms Verrall for the translation of about three words but you should have asked your friends and looked through your book first. Remember that you may bring in props to make your role play more interesting; a fake hamburger/ ice cream, a movie poster, a crown… Wk 5 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Students fill in one role play script Teacher does; Get into pairs Choose scenario 1 Teacher reads through rules We do together; Fill out role-play script using your book I do by myself;

Things to remember; You must write two role plays; one in a formal language situation (you and the teacher) and one in an informal language situation (you and a friend or sibling) Your roleplay should begin with a greeting and handshake (which of the three types of handshakes is most appropriate?). Do not write in English first! Look through your book at the activities, especially the class dialogue activities and worksheets of role-plays and talk to your partner about which of these questions you can use in your role-play Remember that Indonesians don’t usually use words for ‘am’ and ‘is’. Check your sentence builders for the structure of the sentence. You may ask Ms Verrall for the translation of about three words but you should have asked your friends and looked through your book first. Remember that you may bring in props to make your role play more interesting; a fake hamburger/ ice cream, a movie poster, a crown… You have 1 lesson per role play

Deciphering conversations Wk 5 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Person 1; Selamat pagi Pak. Person 2; Selamat pagi. Person 1; Apakah nama bapak, Pak Agus? Person 2; Ya benar, saya Pak Agus, dan kamu? Person 1; Saya Nikki, saya baru di sekolah ini. Person 2; Mari kami ke kelas Nikki? Person 1; Terimah kasih Pak. Person 2; Nikki pindah dari mana? Person 1; Saya pindah dari Brisbane, sekarang saya tinggal di Tully. Person2; Bagaimana kota Tully? Person 1; Tully cukup bagus. Person 2; Baiklah.

Person 1; Hai Santo, apa kabar? Person 2; Kabar baik, tapi sangat sibuk Peron 1; Kamu sibuk kenapa? Person 2; PRku bahasa Inggris banyak sekali, dan kamu? Person 1; Aku sudah PRku, mau ke bioskop? Person 2; Nggak mau, harus mengelasai ini, dong! Person 1; Oh benar, sampai nanti ya? Person 2; Ya, Daag.

Mengobrol dengan teman Wk 6 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Mengobrol dengan dewasa Wk 6 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Role-plays Wk 7 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Using appropriate gestures Wk 7 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Filming role plays Wk 8 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Filming role plays Wk 8 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Warna-warna Wk 9 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Buah-buahan Indonesia Wk 9 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Wk 10 Lesson 1 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;

Makanan Indonesia Wk 10 Lesson 2 Lesson Objective; Teacher does; We do together; I do by myself;