1 Pertemuan 9 Loaders Matakuliah: H0182/Pemrograman Sistem Tahun: 2006 Versi: 01
2 Learning Outcomes Mahasiswa dapat memahami cara kerja awal dari sebuah eksekusi program di memory Mahasiswa dapat mengerti evolusi yang terjadi pada sistem operasi di komputer
3 Task of Loader 1.Allocate space in memory for the program (allocation) 2.Resolve symbolic references between object decks (linking) 3.Adjust all address dependant locations, such address constants, to correspond to the allocated space (relocation) 4.Physically place the machine instruction and data into memory (loading)
4 Loader Schemes 1.Compile and Go Loaders 2.General Loader Scheme 3.Absolute Loaders 4.Subroutine Linkage 5.Relocating Loaders 6.Direct-Linking Loaders 7.Other Loader Scheme -Binders -Linking Loaders -Overlay -Dynamic Binders
5 Compile and Go Loaders Source Program deck Program Loaded In memory Assembler Compile-and-Go Translator (e.g.,assembler) Memory
6 General Loader Scheme Source Program Object Programs Ready for execution Loader Translator Memory Object Program 1 Loader Source Program Translator Object Program 2