Biology is knowledge of life. Terminology based on Dutch ”biologie”, also based on romaic, bios (”life”) dan logos (”symbol”, ”knowledge”). Several years ago this terminology was named knowledge of life (based on Arabic, means ”knowledge of life”).
Berbagai aspek kehidupan dikupas tuntas melalui cabang Biologi seperti ciri-ciri fisik dipelajari dalam anatomi (tumbuhan, hewan maupun manusia), sedang fungsinya dipelajari dalam fisiologi Abiotic component is component of nature that not live, like air, water, sunlight, etc. Biotic componnet is component of nature that, like human, animal, plant, fungus, bacteria, etc.
Nature indication of biotic consist of the human life, like insect metamorphosis, photosynthesis, pollination, the growing of human life, etc.
Telur: egg Berudu: tadpole Katak muda: young frog Katak dewasa: frog
Grow and developing Movement Breath Sensitive from stimulus
The nature indication of abiotic related with dengan physical and chemistry out of human life, like rain, weathering, erosion, explosion, etc.
Example : Gambar 9.3 The result of flood that flooding the field, the farmer Harvesting the rise earlier Sumber Gambar: