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Comparative Statics Slutsky Equation

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1 Comparative Statics Slutsky Equation

2 Perbandingan Statis Perbandingan 2 kondisi ekuilibrium yang terbentuk dari perbedaan nilai parameter dan variabel eksogen Contoh: Perbandingan 2 keputusan konsumen (consumer’s behaviour) dengan perubahan harga

3 Secara umum, harga dan jumlah permintaan berbanding terbalik.
Artinya, jika harga naik maka permintaan akan turun. Tetapi ternyata ada permintaannya yang jumlahnya menurun dengan menurunnya harga barang tersebut, yang dikenal dengan GIFFEN GOOD

4 Slutsky’s Identity Let be consumer’s demand for good i when price of good i is pi and income is m holding other prices constant Similarly for If the price of good i changes from to Total change in demand denoted by ∆xi = Let be consumer’s demand for good i when price of good i is pi and income is m holding other prices constant Similarly for If the price of good i changes from to Total change in demand denoted by ∆xi =

5 Slutsky’s Identity Now let be the new level of income such that the consumer is just able to buy the original bundle of goods Total change in demand ∆xi = can be rewritten as ∆xi = or denote ∆xi = ∆xis + ∆xin where ∆xis = substitution effect and ∆xin = income effect

6 Slutsky’s Identity Note that is the amount of the change in money income such that the consumer is just able to buy the original bundle of goods (i.e. purchasing power is constant) Denote ∆m = and ∆pi = ∆m = ∆pi This is the amount of money that should be given to the consumer to hold purchasing power constant

7 Slutsky’s Identity In terms of the rates of change, we can write Slutsky’s Identity as ∆xi ∆xis ∆xim xi(pi, m) ∆pi ∆pi ∆m where ∆xin = ∆xim

8 Dampak Perubahan Harga
Apa yang terjadi jika harga satu barang turun? Efek Substitusi: barang tersebut menjadi relatif murah. Konsumen akan meningkatkan konsumsinya terhadap barang yang menjadi relatif murah. Efek Pendapatan (Income effect): Dengan budget yang tetap, konsumen dapat mengkonsumsi lebih banyak barang, seolah-olah pendapatnya meningkat. Dan sebaliknya (Vice versa) untuk kenaikan harga

9 Effects of a Price Change
Consumer’s budget is $m. x2 Original choice x1

10 Effects of a Price Change
x2 Harga turun untuk komoditi 1 Menyebabkan pergeseran batasan (pivot) New Constraint: Daya beli (purchasing power) naik pada rasio harga yang baru x1

11 Effects of a Price Change
x2 Sekarang budget yang dibutuhkan hanya sebesar $m' agar konsumen dapat mempertahankan tingkat konsumsinya x1 Imagined Constraint: Income is adjusted to keep purchasing power constant

12 Effects of a Price Change
Perubahan jumlah permintaan akibat perubahan ‘extra’ income ($m - $m') merupakan income effect akibat perubahan harga. Slutsky menemukan bahwa perubahan jumlah permintaan selalu merupakan penjumlahan dari pure substitution effect dan income effect.

13 Real Income Changes Menurut Slutsky pada harga yang baru,
less income is needed to buy the original bundle then “real income” is increased more income is needed to buy the original bundle then “real income” is decreased

14 Real Income Changes x2 Original budget constraint and choice
New budget constraint x1

15 Real Income Changes x2 Less income is needed to buy original bundle.
Hence, …………………….. x1

16 Real Income Changes x2 Original budget constraint and choice
New budget constraint x1

17 Real Income Changes x2 More income is needed to buy original bundle.
Hence, ……………………… x1

18 Real Income Changes Absence of Money illusion
If money income and prices increase (or decrease) by the same proportion, e.g. double → budget constraint and consumer’s choice remain unchanged

19 Pure Substitution Effect
Slutsky isolated the change in demand due only to the change in relative prices by asking “What is the change in demand when the consumer’s income is adjusted so that, at the new prices, she can only just buy the original bundle?”

20 Budget Constraints and Choices
x2 Original budget constraint and choice Original Indifference Curve x1

21 Budget Constraints and Choices
x2 New budget constraint when relative price of x1 is lower x1

22 Budget Constraints and Choices
x2 Imagined budget constraint x1

23 Budget Constraints and Choices
x2 Imagined Budget Constraint, Indifference Curve, and Choice x1

24 Efek Substitusi (bundle yang sama)
x2 Lower p1 makes good 1 relatively cheaper and causes a substitution from good 2 to good ( , )  ( , ) is the pure substitution effect x1

25 The Income Effect (bundle beda)
x2 The income effect is  ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) x1

26 Total Effect x2 The change in demand due to lower p1 is the sum of the
income and substitution effects,  ( , ) ( , ) ( , ) x1

27 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
Umumnya barang bersifat normal (i.e. demand naik dengan pertambahan income). The substitution and income effects reinforce each other when a normal good’s own price changes.

28 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
x2 Good 1 is normal because .…… ……………………………………. ( , ) x1

29 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
x2 so the income and substitution effects ………… each other ( , ) Total Effect x1

30 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
When pi decreases, ∆pi is negative (─) ∆pi → ∆xi = ∆xis + ∆xin (─) ( ) ( ) ( ) both substitution and income effects increase demand when own-price falls. Alternatively, ∆xi ∆xis ∆xim xi(pi, m) ∆pi ∆pi ∆m ( ) ( ) ( ) x ( ) = ─

31 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
When pi decreases, ∆pi is positive (+) ∆pi → ∆xi = ∆xis + ∆xin (+) ( ) ( ) ( ) both substitution and income effects decrease demand when own-price rises. Alternatively, ∆xi ∆xis ∆xim xi(pi, m) ∆pi ∆pi ∆m ( ) ( ) ( ) x ( ) = ─

32 Slutsky’s Effects for Normal Goods
In both cases, a change is own price results in an opposite change in demand ∆xi ∆pi → a normal good’s ordinary demand curve slopes down. The Law of Downward-Sloping Demand therefore always applies to normal goods. is always…………

33 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
Tetapi ada barang yang bersifat income-inferior (i.e. Permintaan berkurang dengan bertambahnya higher income). Efek substitusi sama dengan barang normal tetapi efek income berlawanan arah. Dengan demikian, efek substitusi dan efek income berlawanan arah jika harga barang inferior berubah.

34 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
x2 x1

35 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
x2 Good 1 is income-inferior because ……………………………………………………………………… ( , ) x1

36 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
x2 Substitution and Income effects ……….. each other ( , ) Total Effect x1

37 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
When pi decreases, ∆pi is negative (─) ∆pi → ∆xi = ∆xis + ∆xin (─) ( ) ( ) ( ) substitution effect increases demand while income effect reduces demand Alternatively, ∆xi ∆xis ∆xim xi(pi, m) ∆pi ∆pi ∆m ( ) ( ) ( ) x ( ) = ─

38 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
When pi decreases, ∆pi is positive (+) ∆pi → ∆xi = ∆xis + ∆xin (+) ( ) ( ) ( ) both substitution and income effects decrease demand when own-price rises. Alternatively, ∆xi ∆xis ∆xim xi(pi, m) ∆pi ∆pi ∆m ( ) ( ) ( ) x ( ) = ─

39 Slutsky’s Effects for Income-Inferior Goods
In general, substitution effect is greater than income effect. Hence, ∆xi is usually positive when pi decreases. and ∆xi is usually negative when pi increases. That is is ………………….. and Demand Curve slopes downward ∆xi ∆pi

40 Giffen Goods In rare cases of extreme income-inferiority, the income effect may be larger in size than the substitution effect, causing quantity demanded to fall as own-price rises. Such goods are called Giffen goods.

41 Slutsky’s Effects for Giffen Goods
x2 Income effect ………… Substitution effect. x1 Substitution effect Income effect

42 Slutsky’s Effects for Giffen Goods
x2 A decrease in p1 causes quantity demanded of good 1 to fall. Total Effect x1

43 Slutsky’s Effects for Giffen Goods
Slutsky’s decomposition of the effect of a price change into a pure substitution effect and an income effect thus explains why the Law of Downward-Sloping Demand is violated for Giffen goods.

44 Hick’s Income and Substitution Effects
Previously, we learn Slutsky’s Substitution Effect: the change in demand when purchasing power is kept constant. Hick proposed another type of Substitution Effect where consumer is given just enough money to be on the same indifference curve. Hick’s Substitution Effect: the change in demand when utility is kept constant.

45 Hick’s Income and Substitution Effects
Total change in demand when price changes ∆xi = can be rewritten as + Where is minimum income needed to achieve the original utility u at price = substitution effect = income effect

46 Hick’s Income and Substitution Effects
x2 New budget constraint when p1 falls Original choice New choice Original budget constraint x1

47 Hick’s Income and Substitution Effects
x2 Substitution Effect is optimal choice found on the original indifference curve using the new relative prices x1 Income Effect

48 Hick’s Income and Substitution Effects
x2 As before, Substitution and Income effects ……….. each other x1

49 Demand Curves Marshallian (Ordinary) Demand
shows the quantity actually demanded when own price changes holding ……….. constant Slutsky Demand shows Slutsky substitution effect when own price changes holding …………………… constant Hicksian (Compensated) Demand shows Hick substitution effect when own price changes holding ……….. constant

50 Comparison: Hick and Slutsky Substitution Effects when own price falls
x2 ……….. budget constraint ……… budget constraint x1 …… Substitution ………. Substitution

51 Demand Curves for Normal Good when Own Price Falls

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