Media Research, Planning and Buying Novrita Widiyastuti, S.Sos.

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1 Media Research, Planning and Buying Novrita Widiyastuti, S.Sos

2 Media research-ATL  To understand how many people buy specific newspaper and magazine-or more importantly, how many read them and what types of people they are-requires media research  For advertising agencies, media research is important to establish the profile of who receives the advertising message as well as the depth or penetration in the market place. This penetration is called coverage (print) or reach (broadcast).

3 Media research-ATL  For media houses, the result of the research allows them to set rates (costs) of advertising space and airtime, and these are not only based on the size of the space or the duration of the airtime, but most importantly on how many people will be exposed to the advertising message and their purchasing power to buy certain goods and services.

4 Media research-ATL  The advertising agency and its client, the advertiser, use media research to find the best media to target the desired market effectively.  The media department of the advertising agencies can rely on the data to ensure that the media that they plan to buy on behalf of their clients will get they message across the advertiser’s customer and consumers

5 Independent Research Organization  Independent research organizations are used to establish media data to assure advertisers and advertising agencies that the research is accurate, valid and unbiased.

6 Media Planning  In addition media houses also provide what is called media kit. The media kit contains interpretation of data collected and analyzed by the independent media research organizations

7 Media Kit/Media Profile/Rate Card The typical contents would be: 1. Circulation and readership figures (or viewing or listening figures) 2. Profile of readers (or viewers or listeners) 3. Area of coverage (in geographic terms) 4. An editorial schedule of subjects to be covered in the publication 5. Advertising rates (including rates for special positions or peak viewing times) 6. Frequency (daily, weekly or monthly appearance) 7. Mechanical details (method of printing and requirement for film for printed media)

8 Sample Griya Asri Pembaca Griya Asri :  Profesi Karyawan swasta / Pengusaha 37 % Arsitek / Desainer Interior 30 % Konsultan/ Dosen / Pendidik 10 % Pertamanan 5 % Seniman 3 % Mahasiswa 10 % Dokter, Ahli Hukum, PNS dan lain-lain 5 %  Golongan Pendapatan Rp 1.000.000,- s.d. Rp 5.000.000,- 25 % Rp 5.000.000,- s.d. Rp 10.000.000,- 33 % Di atas Rp 10.000.000,- 42 %  Usia Antara 20 – 30 tahun 30 % Antara 31 – 40 tahun 45 % Antara 41 – 50 tahun 15 % Di atas 50 tahun 10 %  Hobi: Membaca, Olahraga, Menata Rumah, Musik, Berkebun, Travelling dan Seni serta Melukis.  Distribusi DKI Jakarta dan Sekitarnya 45 % Jawa Barat dan Jawa Tengah 19 % Jawa Timur dan Bali 17 % Sumatera 8 % Kalimantan 5 % Sulawesi 3 % Maluku, Irian Jaya dan NTT 2 % Luar Negeri 1 % Data Iklan Majalah Griya Asri  Jumlah Halaman : - 100 + halaman berikut sampul - Sampul di laminating doff - Jilid punggung  Ukuran Majalah : 230 X 300 mm  Jenis Kertas : Sampul / Cover “Art Carton” 230 gram Halaman Dalam “Matt Paper” 100 gram  Materi Iklan : Display – dalam bentuk CD dan siap cetak (keterangan terlampir) Artikel – wawancara, pemotretan dan disain artikel oleh Tim Griya Asri Deadline Order Artikel dan Iklan : Dua bulan sebelum majalah terbit. Pembatalan Iklan order setelah deadline Dikenakan Biaya Administrasi sebesar 20 % dari nilai kontrak iklan.

9 Formula for comparing media  Cost per Thousand (CPM/CPT) Cost per Thousand =Cost per Space Readership / 1000 is used to compare the cost of different media, to determine which is more cost efficient. The elements are the costs for advertising space/airtime divided by 1000 readers/audience

10 Media Brief Media brief is a document prepared by the account handler which contains all relevant information required by the media planner.

11 The Scope of Media Planning Media objective: what is to be achieved, qualitative as well as quantitative Media objective: what is to be achieved, qualitative as well as quantitative Media strategy: how is the best way to achieve the above objective Media strategy: how is the best way to achieve the above objective Media schedule: the implementation of media strategy, when and where to place the advertisements and commercials Media schedule: the implementation of media strategy, when and where to place the advertisements and commercials Media budget: costs required to place the advertisements/commercials. Media budget: costs required to place the advertisements/commercials.

12 Media Buying The media buying is the implementation of media planning, meaning that after the approval of the media schedule by the client, the media buyer is responsible to purchase space and or airtime for the advertisers. In doing this they have two interests to achieve: 1. For the advertiser: negotiates the best price (discounts) 2. For the agency: finds opportunities to earn extra money (more discounts, flexible terms of payment)

13 The Scope of Media Planning Who to reach with the use of selected media Who to reach with the use of selected media How many How many How often (frequency) How often (frequency) Effective reach needed to get your message across Effective reach needed to get your message across Media budget Media budget Media Objectives:

14  Which media to use: (macro media selection and micro media selection)  Budget allocation for each type of media  Monthly reach and frequency  Media efficiency  Size and duration of advertising The Scope of Media Planning Media Strategy:

15 Media Schedule:  Showing the most effective and efficient use of media selected  Showing the reach and frequency as stated in the media objective Media Budget:  Monthly media budget  Macro media budget  Overall campaign budget. The Scope of Media Planning

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