Divine Revelation. Expectation Bible + Notebook Catatan Ibadah Project: 1.Reading Report 2.Paper.

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1 Divine Revelation

2 Expectation Bible + Notebook Catatan Ibadah Project: 1.Reading Report 2.Paper

3 Hebrews 1:1-2 God, who at various times and in various ways spoke in time past to the fathers by the prophets, has in these last days spoken to us by His Son, whom He has appointed heir of all things, through whom also He made the worlds.

4 Although the Bible speaks of the “various ways” that God reveals Himself, we distinguish between two chief types of revelation— general and special. General revelation is called “general” for two reasons: (1) it is general in content, and (2) it is revealed to a general audience.

5 General Revelation and Special Revelation



8 Inspiration


10 Summary 1.Christianity is a revealed religion. 2.God’s revelation is a self-disclosure. He removes the veil that keeps us from knowing Him. 3.We do not come to know God through speculation. 4.God revealed Himself in various ways throughout history. 5.General revelation is given to all human beings. 6.Atheism and agnosticism are based on a denial of what people know to be true. 7.Foolishness is founded on the denial of God. 8.Wisdom is founded on the fear of God.

11 Chapter yang harus dibaca:

12 Project Christian Studies Level: Secondary Four Text Book: R.C. Sproul, Kebenaran-kebenaran Dasar Iman Kristen, Malang: Literatur SAAT, 2008. 1.Reading Report Pilihlah 10 bab pertama atau 10 bab kedua dari list yang ada untuk dibaca dan kemudian dibuat summary-nya. Tuangkan dalam 5-7 halaman A4.

13 2. Essay Pilih 3 topik dari list chapter yang ada, dan buat essay tentang 3 topik tersebut. Essay mencakup konsep, penerapan sehari-hari, pengalaman rohani dan komitmen. Tambahkan referensi Alkitab dalam esaymu. Masing-masing essay kerjakan dalam 1-2 halaman A4.

14 3. Format Project Font Style: Times New Roman Font Size: 12 Line Space: 1,5 Page Num: right, bottom 4. Batas akhir pengumpulan project: Reading Report : 20 November 2015 Paper : May 20, 2015

15 Transmisi dan Penerjemahan Alkitab Teks sumber, pandangan theologis, prinsip penerjemahan, dan kompetensi tim penerjemah. Teks sumber: teks tertua dan terbaik PL: Massoret Teks terkenal setia dan konsisten dalam penyalinannya.

16 Pengilhaman Alkitab Gagasan dalam pikiran Allah  Pikiran penulis insani  naskah asli Alkitab  Kumpulan 66 kitab (Alkitab)  Alkitab Yunani dan Ibrani Modern  Terjemahan bahasa Indonesia modern 

17 God reveals Himself God is creative and He creates universe Almighty, powerful God planned and organized His Works God simply speaking or commanding, all things came into being. God appraise His Works good. God is perfect God is Holy

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