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Materi Tutorial Matakuliah WRITING 2 /PBIS4312 “Abstract”

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1 Materi Tutorial Matakuliah WRITING 2 /PBIS4312 “Abstract”
Pertemuan ke 4 Materi Tutorial Matakuliah WRITING 2 /PBIS4312 “Abstract” Sri Sumiyati/Oneng

2 Differentiate Kinds of Abstracts (Full Abstract and Reduced Abstract)
Pertemuan ke 4 An abstract ; is a short summary of your completed research. is a brief, accurate, and comprehensive summary of the contents of the article without added interpretation or criticism. Two kinds of abstract: A full abstract consists of around 1000 words and in not more than two pages with one spaces → in thesis and dissertations A reduced abstract consists of not more than 250 words → in journals and paper presentations

3 The Text Structure of An Abstract
Pertemuan ke 4 Title Authors Authors’ affiliations Summary introduction Method Results Discussion References

4 The Basic Components of An Abstract
Pertemuan ke 4 Motivation/problem statement → Why do we care about the problem? What practical, scientific, theoretical or artistic gap is your research filling? Methods/procedure/approach → What did you actually do to get your results? (e.g. analyzed 3 novels, completed a series of 5 oil paintings, interviewed 17 students) Results/findings/product → As a result of completing the above procedure, what did you learn/invent/create? Conclusion/implications → What are the larger implications of your findings, especially for the problem/gap identified in step 1?

5 “Writing Support”

6 Quotations and Paraphrasing
Pertemuan ke 4 Quotations Quote (mengutip) → menggunakan kata-kata sekaligus ide penulis lain, tidak mengubah kata-kata yang dipakai oleh penulis, persis seperti yang tertulis dalam sumber tersebut. Aturan mengutip: Harus membubuhkan tanda kutip sebelum dan sesudah kutipan. Ex: Illness was rarely a routine matter in the nineteenth century [assertion]. As what Ross observes, "Maternal thinking about children's health revolved around the possibility of a child's maiming or death" (1993, p. 166). Jika hanya ingin menggunakan sebagian saja kutipan, bubuhkan tanda titik tiga kali Ex: ... and recent research has indicated that '... teachers in both primary and secondary schools are finding it increasingly difficult to teach effectively...' (Kimble 2005 p.46)

7 Quotations and Paraphrasing
Pertemuan ke 4 Jika kutipan lebih dari 40 kata, pisahkan kutipan tersebut dari tulisan dan letakkan semuanya agak menjorok ke dalam paragraph dengan memberi indentasi. Ex: From early childhood, the desire to connect emotionally and communicate with other people seems to drive speaking. A children move through infancy, they begin to communicate with others about things in their shared world, and develop their vocabulary of labels alongside their developing abilities to categorize (Locke, 1993) Paraphrasing Paraphrasing → menyampaikan ide penulis lain dengan memakai kalimat kita Paraphrasing dapat ditunjukkan dengan frase misalnya: according to, state, say, argue, believe, reveal, conclude, report atau suggest. Ex : Lynch (2003) state that achievement assessment may be carried out with non-testing procedures where the purpose is observation and the provision of feedback to the individual learner. Sri Sumiyati/Oneng

8 Summarizing Pertemuan ke 4 Cara lain untuk menghindari plagiarisme
Menulis ide yang sama dengan sumber yang kita baca namun dalam bentuk yang lebih pendek Langkah-langkah membuat rangkuman/kesimpulan: baca tulisan dengan hati-hati Sebutkan sumber dan penulisnya di awal rangkuman Tuliskan ide pokok tulisan Tulis bukti-bukti/hal-hal penting yang ditulis penulis namun tidak perlu menyertakan hal-hal yang detailnya Gunakan kata-kata sendiri Jangan masukkan ide, pendapat, atau opini kita Sri Sumiyati/Oneng

9 Thank You…

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