COMMUNICATION THEORY Moh Rizal Muges Anggita Sefta Nur khalifah Desy Chandra Wiranti Arlando Denny Nugraha.

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1 COMMUNICATION THEORY Moh Rizal Muges Anggita Sefta Nur khalifah Desy Chandra Wiranti Arlando Denny Nugraha

2 Uncertainty Reduction Theory
It is basic process about how do we know other people When we meet with someone who we don’t know we could maybe have a strongly desire to reduce the uncertainty about the people Berger declares, when we’re communicating, we making plan to achieve our destiny. They are: Using information that we have about the people We will be alert in the situation We will be conscious and carefully with the plan we made. Non-verbally action will reduce the uncertainty

3 The uncertainty level more high will create space, but uncertainty reduced tends unity people when communication participant find the similarity between them Sometimes, the behaviour will directly diminish the uncertainty and you need no to have information. Ex: The weird attitude showed by someone If you call the plumber to fix the leaky in your house, maybe you will not to make relationship with the plumber more, but just little. It is because you assume that you will not meet with his again. On the countrary, if the plumber see that you put the sign “rented for bedroom’’ in your window and showing his yen looking for the new house you will suddenly pushed to got more any information about that plumber.

4 These are the way that could we do to got the information about people
Therefore, people tends talk over to have any information. When the uncertainty lost, question strategy and information exposure will be diminish These are the way that could we do to got the information about people Passive Strategy : Observation Reactivity searching disinhibition searching Active strategy : question, searching, etc Interactive strategy : Self introduction

5 Social Exchange Theory
Adalah teori yang mempelajari perilaku manusia yang terus menerus dalam kehidupan sehari-hari Teori ini dikembangkan oleh pakar psikologi John Thibaut dan Harlod Kelley (1959),ahli sosiologi seperti George Homans (1961), Richard Emerson (1962), dan Peter Blau (1964). Hubungan pertukaran dengan orang lain dapat memperoleh ganjaran. Pada umumnya, hubungan sosial terdiri daripada masyarakat maka kita dan masyarakat lain dilihat mempunyai perilaku yang saling mempengaruhi hubungan tersebut yang terdapat unsur ganjaran seperti cost dan profit.

6 Teori ini memandang, kita berhubungan dengan orang lain karena mengharapkan sesuatu
Berdasarkan teori ini, kita masuk ke dalam hubungan pertukaran dengan orang lain karena daripadanya kita memperoleh imbalan. Misalnya, Misalnya, pola-pola perilaku di tempat kerja, percintaan, perkawinan, persahabatan – hanya akan langgeng manakala kalau semua pihak yang terlibat merasa teruntungkan. Menurut Thibault dan Kelly bahwa hubungan akan berlanjut ketika menguntunkan begitupun sebaliknya.

7 Konsep-konsep di dalam teori pertukaran sosial
Biaya( cost) Hasil atau laba (outcomes) Tingkat Perbandingan(comparison level)

What is Interactional view ? In order to understand the movement of any single figure in the family system one has to examine the communication, patterns among all its member What is a family System? It is a self-regulating, interdependent network of feedback loops guided by member’s rules, the bahaviour of each person affects and is affacted by the behaviour of another In his book, Watzlawick referred to these family rules as axioms.

9 Axiom 1 One cannot not communicate eventhough one wishes not to communicate verbally, the non-verbal cues still exist and they speak volumes. ex: A teenage girl does not to tell her mother about her day so she rolls her eyes and folds her arms.

10 Axiom 2 Communication = content + Relationship
Content is what is said verbally Relationship = how it is said non-verbally Ex: Content : “ Yeah mom, I love this smoothie you made me !’’ Relationsip : Disgusted face

11 Axiom 3 The nature of a relationship depends on how both parties punctuate the communication sequence Ex : Wife believes her loneliness is caused by her husband always working

12 Axiom 4 Who is in control? One-up communication : a move to gain control One-down communication : a move to yield control Ex : The child is making a one-up move to be in control of the communication theory with his family.

13 THANKS What do you think ??

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