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Agenda: Metode Coach Pengertian Coaching & Perbedaan Peran
Coaching dalam InnoLab
Coaching adalah seni bertanya**)
Definisi Coaching COACHING Coaching is a collaborative process in which clients discover answers for themselves through the use of questions, a non-directive approach Coaching is all about asking powerful, probing questions that get the person to come up with their own understanding and solutions. *) Coaching adalah bagaimana membantu seseorang menemukan apa yg diinginkan, dari posisi dimana dia sekarang, dg menggali sumber daya apa saja yg dibutuhkan, sikap mental yg hrs dibangun, dan teknik2 yg cocok dalam mengimplementasikannya dg mengajukan pertanyaan yg tepat shg coachee akan menemukan jawaban dg sendirinya Coaching adalah seni bertanya**) Coaching is partnering with clients in a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires them to maximize their personal & professional potential (International Coach Federation) Coaching sebagai bentuk kemitraan bersama klien/coachee untuk memaksimalkan potensi pribadi dan profesional yg dimilikinya melalui proses yg menstimulasi & mengeksplorasi pemikiran & proses kreatif. ***)
Mentor Konselor Konsultan Trainer COACH Perbedaan peran
content expertise Proaktif/reaktif Proses Siapa yg menentukan agenda diskusi Power Tools
Mentoring, Counselling, Consulting, Training
Perbedaan Coaching dg Mentoring, Counselling, Consulting, Training Coaching A coach does not claim to be the expert in the profession of the client, but rather expert in learning & goal attainment Clients typically sets the agenda for discussions Proactive Transparent process, where client and coach share power Facilitate Mentoring A mentor is an expert in the field of the client. It is thus a hierarchical relationship Either client of mentor sets the agenda for discussions Mentor holds power Pass on experience Counselling A counsellor or therapist holds role of expert in psychological health Counsellor follows client Reactive Counsellor holds power of interpretation Consulting A consultant holds an expert or advisory role. This often leads clients to form a dependency on the consultant Agenda often determined by formal products and processes Reactive or Proactive Expert role assumes power Tell Training A trainer is expert, holding authority and setting the agenda Learning agenda formally set Teach Expertise Who sets agenda Proactive / Reactive Power Process Gebhardt, Thomas Basic Coaching Workshop. LAN-GIZ Workshop
Posisi Berdasarkan Proses & Konten
MENTORING & COACHING Powerful processes for human development
More directive Less directive MENTORING COACHING Similar skills Domain specific Transfer of knowledge & skills Wisdom & experience Internal or Network access Non domain specific Facilitation of learning Expertise as coach Often External
Coach Coachee COACHING Memberi pertanyaan yg tepat & dalam
Seni Bertanya Educated Dialogue Memberi pertanyaan yg tepat & dalam Memberi tanggung jawab substansi pd coachee Fokus pd sumber daya & kompetensi coachee Berorientasi pd proses & solusi Melakukan apa yang seharusnya dilakukan BUKAN apa yg ingin dilakukan Bertanggung jawab atas jawabannya sendiri
Coaching yang Baik…. Meningkatkan pilihan-pilihan untuk menentukan tindakan Membuka wawasan coachee dalam menganalisis persoalan Membantu, menolong, mendorong, memastikan kemampuan dan keyakinan diri coachee Coachee tidak kembali dengan isu yang sama
Metodologi Pencapaian Tujuan Coaching
Resources Internal External Techniques Attitude Present State Desired State Maneuver Sumber: Gendro Salim, Effective Coaching, Jakarta: PT Buana Ilmu Populer
(Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
5 LANGKAH COACHING Building Trust/ Rapport Active Listening Clarifying Asking the Right Questions Giving Feedback METODE NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming)
BUILDING TRUST Hi sir, how are you? Fantastic! Where are you from?
Korea Woow, why do you move to Gold Coast? That’s NOT your business!!!!!!
Penyelarasan & pembimbingan
1. Building Trust Membangun kesan pertama 3 Perangkat Komunikasi Pacing-leading: Penyelarasan & pembimbingan Mirroring
2. Active Listening Keterlibatan emosional Pay Attention
Show that you are listening Give feedback Defer judgement Respond appropriately Dis-asosiasi Asosiasi Keterlibatan emosional
3. Clarifying DELETION (Menghapus Kata) GENERALIZATION (Penyamarataan)
Kegiatan ini tidak sesuai dengan instansi kami. Program ini gagal. DELETION (Menghapus Kata) Semua kebijakan dari Pusat tumpang tindih dalam pelaksanaannya di Daerah. Siapa pun pasti kesulitan mengerjakan kegiatan ini. Tidak mungkin ada yang bisa kerjasama dengan Mr. X GENERALIZATION (Penyamarataan) Gara-gara proses yang buruk, kegiatan jadi mandeg. Saya sudah bekerja sama dengan dia. DISTORSION (Penyimpangan Arti)
4. Asking the Right Questions; Framework and Model
GROW Model: Goal, Reality, Options, What will you do? (Sir John Whitmore) SCORE Model: Symptoms, Causes, Desired State, Outcomes, Effects (Robert Dilts & Todd Epstein) P= p-i (Performance = potential – interference) Skilled Helper Model: 3 stages I. current state of affairs, II. preferred scenario, III. Strategies for action (Gerard Egan) PEDIE: Presenting the issues, Elaborating the problems, Developing alternatives, Intervening solution, Evaluating PRAM: Phenomenon, Result, Action, Motivation (Pramudianto)
4. Asking the Right Questions
Symptoms Causes Outcome Resources Effect
5. Giving Feedback Langsung Spesifik Apresiasi/Reinforcement Faktor Emosi FEEDBACK Memberikan apresiasi Menyampaikan masukan dan saran Memberikan tantangan lain
Hasil dan Bukti Inovasi
Tahap Lab Inovasi Output Drum Up Kemauan Berinovasi Diagnose Gagasan Inovasi Design Rencana Aksi Inovasi Deliver Hasil dan Bukti Inovasi Display Promosi Inovasi
Drum - up Membantu mengidentifikasi masalah, menumbuhkan kemauan inovasi Diagnose Membantu coachee merumuskan gagasan inovasi Disain Membantu coachee untuk membuat action plan dengan merinci menjadi tahapan kegiatan yg lebih detail, terstruktur, bertahap, memetakan stakeholder, melihat sbg suatu sistem input-proses-output Deliver Membantu coachee untuk melaksanakan rencana tindak, memberikan motivasi, mempertahankan dukungan, memberikan hasil dan bukti Display Membantu coachee untuk mencari cara paling efektif untuk mempromosikan inovasi
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