Sejarah perkembangan manajemen industri

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1 Sejarah perkembangan manajemen industri
Manajemen industri sdh ada sejak orang mulai membuat barang-barang/jasa Ada 5 faktor pendukung perkembangan manajemen industri yi: 1. Pembagian kerja (division of labour) Spesifisialisasi tenaga kerja pada tugas tunggal dapat meningkatkan produktivitas & efisiensi daripada karyawan yang kerja pada banyak tugas. Adam Smith (1776) mengemukan spesialisasi dapat meningkatkan output krn 3 faktor :

2 Ketiga faktor tersebut adalah :
A. Peningkatan keterampilan karyawan. B. Penghematan waktu kerja C. Penemuan alat & mesin. 2. Revolusi industri Revolusi industri pd dasarnya adalah penggantian tenaga manusia dg mesin-mesin Contoh : penemuan mesin uap, listrik dll 3. Manajemen ilmiah -Penerapan manajemen ilmiah: penerapan metode ilmiah pd studi kasus, analisis, pemecahan masalah, dll

3 4. hubungan antar manusia
Pendekatan hubungan antar manusia tentang arti pentingnya motivasi. Motivasi merupakan unsur penting dalam peningkatan produktivitas. 5. Komputer Penggunaan komputer dpt mempermudah dlm beberapa hal : perencanaan, penjadwalan, analisis, pengendalian dll.

Ada 11 perbedaan yaitu :

5 Standard Company Vs Deming Company
No Standard Company Deming Company 1. 2. 3. Quality is expensive. Inspection is the key to quality. Quality control expert and inspectors can assure quality. Defect are caused by workers. Quality leads to lower cost. Inspection is too late. If workers can produce defect-free goods, eliminate inspections. Quality is made in the boardroom. Most defect are caused by system

6 Lanjutan Standard Company Vs Deming company
No Standard Company Deming Company 4. The manufacturing process can be optimized by outside experts. No change in system afterward. No input from workers Process never optimized Ed ; if can always be improved. 5. Use of work standards, quotas and goals can help productivity. Elimination of all work standards and quotas is necessary. 6. Fear & rewards are proper ways to motivate Fear leads to disaster

7 Lanjutan Standar Company Vs Deming company
No Standard Company Deming Company 7. People can be treated like commodities- buying more when needed, laying off when needing less. Rewarding the best Performers & punishing the worst will lead to greater productivity & creativity. People should be made to feel secure in the jobs. Most variation is caused by the system. Review systems that judge, punish & reward above, or below-average performance destroy teamwork & company. 8 Buy on lowers cost. Buy from vendors committed to quality.

8 Lanjutan Standard Company Vs Deming company
No Standard Company Deming Company 9. Play one supplier off against another. Switch supplier frequently based on price only. Work with suppliers. Invest time & knowledge to help suppliers improve quality & cost. Develop long-term relationships with suppliers. 10. Profits are made by keeping revenue high and costs down. Profits are generated by loyal costumers . 11. Profits is the most important indicator of a company Running a company by profit alone is like driving a car by looking in the rearview mirror. It tells you where you’ve been, not where you are going.

9 Tugas : Berikan penjelasan menurut Saudara mana yang lebih tepat tentang Deming Company dan Standar Company. Berikan contohnya untuk masing-masing point tersebut.

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