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ABDUL HADI Disampaikan di Depan Rapat Terbuka Senat Guru Besar Universitas Lambung Mangkurat pada Tanggal 27 April 2013 UPT. PERPUSTAKAAN UNIVERSITAS LAMBUNG MANGKURAT Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi pada Perpustakaan, Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, 23 Des 2016

2 PENDAHULUAN Visi UNLAM: Menjadi universitas terkemuka dan berdaya saing dalam bidang lingkungan lahan basah Visi UPT. Perpustakaan Misi UPT. Perpustakaan: Mengadakan koleksi, terutama tentang lingkungan lahan basah Pengolah koleksi sehingga mudah diakses oleh semua sivitas akademika UNLAM dan luar UNLAM yg memerlukan informasi, terutama tentang lingkungan lahan basah Memberikan pelayanan peminjaman koleksi, terutama terkait Memberikan pelatihan dan pendampingan pengelolaan koleksi, terutama tentang lahan basah

3 Aula, kapasitas 200 org (Bjm), 100 org (Bjb)
FASILITAS GEDUNG Aula, kapasitas 200 org (Bjm), 100 org (Bjb) Ruang diskusi: kapasitas masing2 20 org Ruang rapat (Bjm), kapasitas 30 org Ruang teknik informatika Ruang & tempat baca (Bjm & Bjb) Lapangan (bjm)

4 Tabel..Tenaga Kependidikan UNLAM Berdasar Jabatan Fungsional
Unit Total (T) Pustaka-wan (P) Maha-siswa (M) P : T P : M Rektorat 181 11 FKIP 44 2 11.158 F.Hukum 19 2.359 F.Ekonomi 26 2.387 FISIP 14 2.491 Faperta 2.127 F.Kehutanan 34 1 723 FPK 793 FT 27 2.588 FK 54 2.019 FMIPA 37 1.705 FKG 3 356 Ratio profesi pustakawan : jabatan lainnya masih rendah

Sistem terintegrasi menggunakan SLiMS (Senayan Library Management System) Menerbitkan Keterangan Bebas Pustaka Tugas Akhir Mahasiswa dipublikasikan secara 0n-line Memfasilitasi kegiatan riset Berlangganan E-journal Terakreditasi A pada tahun 2018 Berkontribusi pada FPPTI Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi pada Perpustakaan, Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, 23 Des 2016

6 MENGAPA RISET? Pustakawan berupaya bekerja profesional, bertanggungjawab, jujur…..Tujuan bekerja adalah untuk mendapatkan penghasian berupa uang/barang guna mencukupi kebutuhan hidup dan kenaikan pangkat… (Mutingah, 2016)

7 Untuk meraih angka kredit, seorang pustakawan harus kreatif, memiliki program kerja, mandiri dalam melaksanakan tugas, meningkatkan keterampilan, dan mampu melakukan penelitian (SK MENPAN 132/KEP/MPAN/12/2002 Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi pada Perpustakaan, Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, 23 Des 2016

8 Essential Parts of a Scientific paper
MENULIS PROPOSAL DAN LAPORAN RISET Essential Parts of a Scientific paper Title Abstract (+ keywords) Introduction Materials & Methods Results Discussion Summary Acknowledgement References

9 The Title A good title is defined as the fewest possible words that adequately describe the content The title is extremely important and must be chosen with great care as it will be read by thousands, whereas few will read the entire paper An improperly titled paper will get lost and will never be read.

10 The Abstract An abstract can be defined as a summary of the information Write the abstract clearly and simply, as it is the first and may be the only part of the manuscript read It should provide a brief summary of each of the main sections (IMRaD) of the paper: State the principal objective and scope of the investigation Describe the methods used Summarize the results, and State the principal conclusions A „secret” idea: It is easier to write the abstract after completion of the whole paper

11 Criteria of the Abstract
It should not exceed 200 to 300 words It should be written in one paragraph It should be written in the passive past tense as it refers to work done Long words should be followed by its abbreviation which would be used through out the abstract and paper It should not cite any references Abstract must be accurate

12 The Introduction The introduction should answer the following questions: What was I studying? Why was this an important question? What did I know about this topic before I did this study? What model was I testing? What approach did I take in this study?

13 Bahan dan Metode Must identify accurately experimental details, including animals, plants, soils, fertilizers, management methods, etc. If human subjects are used, the criteria for selection should be described For chemicals used, include exact technical specifications and source Avoid the use of trade names of chemicals, generic or chemical names are preferred

14 This part of the manuscript must be clear, precise and concise so that it can be reproducible
If the method is new, all details must be provided If the method has been previously published, only the reference should be given with some identification Questions such as “how” or “how much” must be answered Methods used for statistical analyses must be mentioned; ordinary ones without comments, but unusual ones require literature citation

15 Results Results section is written in the past tense
It is the most important part of the paper It needs to be clearly and simply stated, it contains the new knowledge contributed to the world The purpose of this section is to summarize and illustrate the findings in an orderly and logical sequence, without interpretation The text should guide the reader through the findings, focusing the major points

16 Tables and figures Tables are appropriate for large or complicated data sets that would be difficult to explain clearly in text Figures are appropriate for data sets that exhibit trends, or relationships that are best conveyed visually Any table or figure must be sufficiently described by its title and legend, to be understandable without reading the main text of the results Do not include both table and figure showing the same information

17 How to write the Discussion
It is the hardest section to write Its primary purpose is to show the relationships among observed facts It should end with a short summary or conclusion regarding the significance of the work

18 Components of the discussion
Try to present the principles, relationships, and generalizations shown by the Results Point out any exceptions or any lack of correlation and define unsettled points Show how your results and interpretations agree or contrast with previously published work Discuss the theoretical implications of your work, and any possible practical applications State your conclusions as clearly as possible Summarize your evidence for each conclusion

19 How to State the Acknowledgements
You should acknowledge: Any significant technical help that you have received from any individual in your laboratory, field or elsewhere The source of special equipment, cultures, fields, or any other material Any outside financial assistance, such as grants, contracts or fellowships

20 References What is referencing?
Referencing is a standardized way of acknowledging the sources of information and ideas that you have used in your document A list of ALL the references used in the text must be written Reference format varies widely: Harvard format (the name and year system) is the most widely used Citation order system

Sumber dana: DIPA ULM, pagu UPT. Perpustakaan Besaran dana: 60 jt utk 5 judul (10-15 juta per judul) Peneliti merupakan tim yang berasal dari profesi yang berbeda (Pustakawan dan ahli TIK) Ketua peneliti berasal dari UNLAM Ketua peneliti minimal pustakawan pertama dengan pendidikan minmal S-1 atau profesi lain dg pendidikan minimal S-2 Proposal harus bebas plagiarisme dan akan melalui seleksi oleh reviewer yg ditunjuk oleh rektor Reviewer terdiri dari pustakawan atau dosen yang kompeten (Mengacu pd Permenristek Dikti No 69 tahun 2016 ttg Pedoman Pembentukan Riviewer) Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi pada Perpustakaan, Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, 23 Des 2016

22 Terima Kasih Seminar Nasional Aplikasi Teknologi Informasi & Komunikasi pada Perpustakaan, Dafam Hotel Banjarbaru, 23 Des 2016


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