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Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning

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Presentasi berjudul: "Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Segmenting, Targeting and Positioning

2 Identifying Market Segments and Selecting Target Markets

3 segmenting targeting positioning
Target marketing requires marketers to take three major steps: segmenting targeting positioning


5 Market segmentation Identifying and profiling distinct groups of buyers who differ in their needs and preferences. Segmenting adalah aktivitas membuat pasar relatif lebih homogen yaitu dengan mengelompokkan pangsa pasar, sehingga kita bisa membeda-bedakan secara spesifik antara satu dan yang lainnya. Segmenting adalah aktivitas membuat pasar relatif lebih homogen yaitu dengan mengelompokkan pangsa pasar, sehingga kita bisa membeda-bedakan secara spesifik antara satu dan yang lainnya.

6 Market targeting Selecting one or more market segments to enter. mengevaluasi segment yang berbeda – beda untuk memutuskan seberapa banyak dan segment mana yang akan dilayani.

7 Pendekatan dalam segmentasi
geographics demographics geodemographics Psychographics

8 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Bases for Segmentation Geographic membedakan pasar berdasarkan jangkauan geografis.  target market dibedakan berdasarkan tempat tinggalnya. Nation or country State or region City or metro size small, big or metropolitan Density (kepadatan penduduk) : padat atau jarang Climate ( iklim) –tropic or sub tropic

9 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Age, race (mongoloid, negroid), gender (M/F) Income, education Family size and lifecycle Occupation : teacher, model, director, artist Religion, nationality  moslem, agnostic, budha ,etc ; java, kaukasian, mongoloid Generation th 60 vs 80 vs 2000 Social class  Socialite, moderate, lower class, white collar vs blue collar Bases for Segmentation Geographic Demographic Demographics reflect measurable population characteristics such as age, income, and ethnicity.

10 Segmenting Consumer Markets
ZIP Code areas and neighborhoods. Bases for Segmentation Geographic GeoDemographic based on demographic characteristics of consumers who reside within geographic clusters

11 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Activities Interests Opinions Personality (ciri-ciri psikologis seseorang yang menimbulkan tanggapan secara relatif dari lingkungannya) Core values kepercayaan akhir tentang pernyataan akhir dan tindakan yang ideal (John C. Mowen, 1995) Bases for Segmentation emographic Psychographic : Information about consumers’ attitudes, values, motivations, and lifestyles as they relate to buying behavior in a particular product category.

12 Psychographics For example :
a psychographic study of sports utility vehicles (SUVs) would assess the types of activities owners of SUVs participate in (e.g., camping and fishing, tailgating at sporting events, hauling lawn care items and do-it-yourself building materials) and measure their values and attitudes toward issues related to owning or not owning an SUV (e.g., how much value they place on safety, their views toward the environment, and their need for control).

13 Psychographics This information would be useful in designing advertising messages and selecting appropriate media outlets.

14 Activities Interests Opinions Work Hobbies Social Events Vacation Entertainment Club membership Community Shopping Sports Family Home Job Recreation Fashion Food Media Achevement Themselves Social Issues Politics Business Economics Education Products Future Culture

15 Segmenting Consumer Markets
Bases for Segmentation hographic Behavioral Target adopters dibagi kedalam kelompok berdasarkan pengetahuan, sikap, penggunaan, atau tanggapan mereka akan suatu produk atau isu tertentu . Occasions Benefits User status Usage rate Loyalty status Buyer-readiness Attitude


17 targeting ”analyzing, evaluating, and proirizing those market segments deemed most profitable to pursue” Duncan (2000:238) . Targeting atau menetapkan target pasar adalah tahap selanjutnya dari analisis segmentasi. Targeting adalah persoalan bagaimana memilih, menyeleksi, dan menjangkau pasar. mengevaluasi segment yang berbeda – beda untuk memutuskan seberapa banyak dan segment mana yang akan dilayani

18 Langkah-langkah Targeting

19 Basic strategy of Selecting target segment
Undifferentiated marketing Differentiated Marketing (Segmented Marketing) Concentrated Marketing (Niche Marketing) Micro Marketing (Local or Individual Marketing)

20 Basic strategy of Selecting target segment
Undifferentiated  Marketing (Mass Marketing) Focuses on what consumers have in common rather than what's different. The original Coca-Cola was marketed to everyone. Differentiated  Marketing (Segmented Marketing) Prepares many separate offerings for many different markets. Coca-Cola today offers dozens of different kinds of coke, including this one that I drank safely when I was pregnant - no caffeine, no sugar. Concentrated  Marketing (Niche Marketing) A product for one small group. The drink EQUIL is aimed at a very small target market (only for high class); Gadis magz only for teenage girls.  Micro Marketing (Local or Individual Marketing) One special bottled drink for one special person or group. A soft drink manufacturer might bottle a drink in a special memorial bottle for a local high school to sell at a fund-raising event. This would be micro-marketing.

21 Mass Marketing           Henry Ford offered any colour "as long as it's black" Undifferentiated Segment Marketing  GM offers a different kind of car for all kinds of different people Differentiated Niche Marketing                      Ferrari is something special for a very small special group Concentrated  Micromarketing      - Local and Individual 1-on-1 Something special just for you, yes, just you! Local or Individual


23 positioning Market positioning:
Establishing and communicating the key distinctive benefit(s) of the company’s market offering to each target.

24 Positioning bukanlah Strategi produk, tetapi STRATEGI KOMUNIKASI yang berhubungan dengan bagaimana target adopters MENEMPATKAN PRODUK ANDA DIDALAM OTAKNYA,sehingga target adopters memiliki PENILAIAN TERTENTU DAN MENGIDENTIFIKASIKAN DIRINYA dengan produk tersebut.

25 leader challenger follower nicher


27 Positioning statement : for internal use only
Kami mengharapkan agar …. (target market)…. Melihat…(produk/ entitas yang ditawarkan/desired behaviour)…. Sebagai …(deskripsikan)…. Dan lebih penting dan bermanfaat daripada….(kompetitor). (kotler and lee , 2008) Turunan dari positioning statement (agar dapat dimaknai target adopter) : easy phrase  SLOGAN

28 Model dasar Positioning
attribute or benefits consumer strongly associate with a brand and believe they could not find the same positive benefits with the brands ex -> commercial : fedex – guaranteed overnight points of differences association that are not necessarily unique to the brand but may be considered essential to be a legitimate offering within certain product or services category ex : commercial  bank – atm, online banking ; points of parity (kotler and lee , 2008)

29 task 1. Analysis your products segmentations 2. Targeting 3. Postioning -- > positioning statement

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