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Program : Rekayasa Pertanian (SITH) Tujuan : Memberi Pemahaman Praktis Mengenai Aplikasi Teknologi Penginderaan Jauh dan Sistem Informasi Geografis untuk Kebutuhan Pengelolaan Bentang Alam Jenis : Praktikum Kelas Berkelompok Jumlah : 55 Mahasiswa 2013 Waktu : Senin, – WIB Kelompok : 4 orang per kelompok (3 orang sesuai kebutuhan) Kebutuhan : Komputer min spek i3 ram 4gb (standard: ArcGIS) Roll cable/ electricity extender untuk seluruh kelas Software: QGIS Stable Ver.; ArcGIS v10; ILWIS 3.7 Penilaian : Kehadiran dan Laporan (Bobot ±25% dari total) Asisten : FITB - SITH
Praktikum Penginderaan Jauh No Praktikum Kompetensi Kegiatan 1 Struktur Data dan Fungsi Perangkat Lunak Mahasiswa mengenal struktur data citra satelit multispektral dan fungsi perangkat lunak yang digunakan Input/ Output Citra Layer Stacking 2 Utilisasi Citra Satelit Mahasiswa mengenal aplikasi dan manfaat umum dari berbagai citra satelit multispektral Resolusi Comparison Band Blending Kunci Interpretasi 3 Pra-pengolahan Data Mahasiswa mampu melakukan kegiatan pra-pengolahan citra multispektral resolusi menengah secara geometrik maupun radiometrik Koreksi Geometrik Koreksi Atmosfer Image Enhancement 4 Utilisasi Index Mahasiswa mengenal indeks-indeks umum yang digunakan melalui utilisasi citra satelit multispektral NDVI Analysis LST Analysis FCD Analysis 5 Klasifikasi Tutupan Lahan Mahasiswa mampu menerapkan teknik klasifikasi tutupan lahan sederhana dengan klasifikasi terawasi dan tidak terawasi Unsupervised dan Supervised Classification Sampling technique Confusion Matrix
Praktikum Sistem Informasi Geografis No Praktikum Kompetensi Kegiatan 6 Struktur Data dan Fungsi Perangkat Lunak Mahasiswa mengenal struktur data titik, garis, dan poligon serta fungsi dari perangkat lunak SIG Pengenalan QGIS dan ArcGIS Struktur Data 7 Digitasi, Perbandingan hasil klasifikasi, dan Model ketinggian digital Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan dasar dalam perangkat lunak SIG Digitasi Model Ketinggian Digital dan Kontur 8 Spatial Analysis Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan algoritma dasar dalam SIG untuk menghasilkan suatu produk pemetaan Multi Criteria Descision Making Algorithm untuk Land Suitability Basic Map Layouting
Format Penulisan Laporan : Laporan Kelompok tidak lebih dari 3 halaman tanpa cover Laporan terdiri dari Pendahuluan (Latar Belakang, Tujuan, Dasar Teori); Cara Kerja ; Hasil Praktikum ; Analisis dan Kesimpulan; Daftar Pustaka Laporan dikumpulkan kepada asisten 2 minggu setelah praktikum dilaksanakan Dilarang untuk melakukan penjiplakan atas laporan kelompok lain
Tujuan : Mahasiswa mengenal struktur dan karakteristik data citra satelit multispektral serta fungsi perangkat lunak yang digunakan Data dan Meta data The center of the image is located at the following coordinates: * Lat,Lon DMS: 8°39'28.10"S, 115°53'44.43"E * Lat,Lon DD: S, E * Map: , * Proj: UTM, Zone 50 N, WGS-84 * MGRS: 50LLR LANDSAT 8 (166/066) 2013
(Very High Resolution Imagery)
PRAKTIKUM I - DATA DAN PERANGKAT LUNAK Data and Meta data PLEIADES (Very High Resolution Imagery)
Data dan Meta data ASTER GLOBAL DEM (RADAR Based Sensor)
Free open source GIS software "Integrated Land and Water Information System, ILWIS, the world's most user-friendly integrated software with raster processing capabilities to work on remotely sensed satellite images and vector processing capabilities for making vector maps and countless spacial modeling abilities. It’s fully integrated raster and vector approach and user-friendlyness make it particularly suitable for natural resources managers, field scientists, biologists, ecologists, etc., as well as for educators.
Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) Input the image layers Stack the image layers into single Maplist Utilize the available settings, by changing them Apply the basic filtering algorithm called “stretching” with 2%, 5%, and 10% value of histogram stretching Make the preliminary (visual and qualitative) landscape/ geospatial analysis from the multispectral images Report Questions How to understand the characteristics of a spesific satellite sensor based on their published meta data? In your opinion, what kind of parameters are more import and than others in order to choose the best sensor for our landscape analysis? How the band settings and filtering algorithm may differs the visual interpretation in your group use landscape/ remote sens. theories
Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) Image Pre-processing Geometric correction (Image to Image, Image to Map, Map to Map) Radiometric correction (Radiometric calibration, Atmospheric Correction, Image enhancement) Rad. Cal. = DN Radiance TOA Reflectance Index Index utilities Vegetation Index (NDVI) Building Index (NDBI) Water Index (NDWI) Forest Canopy Density (FCD) Chlorophyll-A Index (CA) At Sensor Brightness Temperature (Kelvin) ETC
Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) Workflow Apply the radiometric correction to the LANDSAT 8 Dataset Calculate the Radiance Calculate the TOA Reflectance Calculate the Sun-Angle Corrected TOA Reflectance Calculate the AS Brightness Temperature Calculate the NDVI Index Report Questions How to apply a simple radiometric calibration to the RAW Landsat 8 dataset? How is it different between the RAW data and calibrated data of Landsat 8? Analyze it in color and value domain What is the NDVI representing on the real landscape, and how is it correlated to the AS Brightness Temperature? Find 2 or 3 in situ applications possible of this approach of landscape analysis based on your expertise
SUPERVISED AND UNSUPERVISED CLASSIFICATION Salah satu tujuan akhir dari pengolahan data INDERAJA adalah klasifikasi. Dalam praktiknya, dikenal 2 teknik dasar klasifikasi, yaitu supervised/ terawasi (membutuhkan sample) dan unsupervised/ tidak terawasi (tidak membutuhkan sample, hanya mendefinisikan parameter) Contoh algoritma / sub-teknik dari klasifikasi terawasi : nearest neighboor, minimum distance, mahalanobis distance Klasifikasi tak terawasi : clustering, slicing/ density slicing, dan ISODATA
Integrated Land and Water Information System (ILWIS) Workflow Make a maplist and stretch it 1% to make it looks brighter Open the maplist using combination of atau 4-3-2 Make a sample class and sample of : bare soil, water body, cloud, cloud shadow, vegetation, and cultivated land. Apply the supervised classification technique, compare 2 of them! Apply the clustering technique, do trial and errors of the parameters and find the best result according to your preferences Report Questions Using the sample set of minimum pixels per object, try at least 2 supervised classification and compare each other. Find the algorithm theories of the internet Try to find the best clustering parameter (number of class) to classify as logical as possible According to your result, which classification technique do you prefer to? Supervised or unsupervised? why?
PRAKTIKUM SIG ArcGIS 10.2 Commercial Software (PUBLISHER : ESRI)
Toolbar - Editing tool - Arc Toolbox - Arc Catalog Navigation Panel Main window Main view/ layout view Keywords : GIS, Spatial and temporal data and information, Data layer, Digital Map, Coordinate System, Spatio-Temporal Analysis
Praktikum Sistem Informasi Geografis No Praktikum Kompetensi Kegiatan 6 Struktur Data dan Fungsi Perangkat Lunak Mahasiswa mengenal struktur data titik, garis, dan poligon serta fungsi dari perangkat lunak SIG Pengenalan QGIS dan ArcGIS Struktur Data 7.1 7.2 7.3 7.4 Kemampuan Dasar SIG Mahasiswa memiliki kemampuan dan pengetahuan dasar dalam perangkat lunak SIG untuk mengolah data-data spasial Digitasi Clipping/Masking Model Ketinggian Digital Buffering Klasifikasi 8 Spatial Analysis Mahasiswa mampu mengaplikasikan algoritma dasar dalam SIG untuk menghasilkan suatu produk pemetaan Multi Criteria Descision Making Algorithm untuk Land Suitability Basic Map Layouting
Data used : ASTER GDEM, Rainfall Intensity, Soil Type, Bandung and Kab. Bandung Administration Boundary Weighting : Slope (50%) + RI (30%) + Soil Type (20%)
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Class :
Build a simple LANDSLIDE SENSITIVITY MAP of Bandung What kinds of data do we need ? Digital Elevation Model , CURAH HUJAN, JENIS TANAH, ADMINISTRASI BANDUNG, LANDCOVER, hidrologi How to build the map? Clip / Mask each layer according to the administration boundary / your Region of Interest Prepare the thematic map of each layer (each data set require differrent technique to prepare) Create sensitivity table of each layer; classify them info low – mid – high risk Rasterize all the layer according to the sensitivity table Reclassify all the layer according to the sensitivity table Apply the Weighted Overlay Algorithm to all layers
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Prepare your boundary/ Region of Interest What kinds of data do we need ? National Administration Boundaries How to build the map? Open the .shp file using add data command Right click the layer, properties, and choose the Querry toolbar Use a proper querry command to make only your ROI is available on the main window. Querry function will make another area outside your boundary invisible Open the attribute table, and make sure that you are on the right municipality South option : Pangalengan; Ciwidey; Cililin East Option : Cicalengka; Rancaekek; Majalaya North Option : Lembang; Cikalong wetan; Parongpong West Option : Cipatat; Cipongkor; Batujajar Central Option : Baleendah; Soreang
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Build a simple Rainfall Intensity Map of Bandung What kinds of data do we need ? National Rainfall Data How to build the map? Open the attribute table, create additional coloumn called “sensitivity” and put the value of low mid and high Then, extract by mask the rainfall data according to your boundary Rasterize the layer using polygon to raster command in ArcToolbox Then reclassify the rainfall intensity using “sensitivity” coloumn into 3 classes, low mid and high (1, 2 and 3) Change the visualization into your preference
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session: Build a simple Slope Map of Bandung
What kinds of data do we need ? ASTER Digital Elevation Model How to build the thematic map? Extract by Mask the DEM data according to your boundary Find slope command in ArcToolbox and calculate slope from DEM Classify the slope into 3 classes, low mid and high (1, 2 and 3) Change the visualization into your preference
PRAKTIKUM SIG The First Report of GIS Class Goal :
Explain the usefulness of all the layers (administration, rainfall, and DEM) Identify and list the function and variation of the attribute information in each layer (see them in the layer selection > right click > open attribute table) Re-explain how to make each thematic map of rainfall intensity and slope percentage, and explain the result (*). Show the screenshot of the administration boundaries, the rainfall intensity, and the slope percentage, with your preferable color of low mid and high (*) Do not copy paste the simple step in this power point, use your own words Keep your report under 3 pages, and use simple yet efective words
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Build a simple Soil Type Sensitivity Map of Bandung What kinds of data do we need ? Soil Type Map How to build the thematic map? Extract by Mask the soil type data according to your boundary Open the attribute table, create additional coloumn called “sensitivity” and put the value of low mid and high Rasterize the layer using polygon to raster command in ArcToolbox Then reclassify the rainfall intensity using “sensitivity” coloumn into 3 classes, low mid and high (1, 2 and 3) Change the visualization into your preference
PRAKTIKUM SIG The Second Report of GIS Class Goal :
Explain the usefulness of all the layers (Soil type and LANDSAT 8) Identify and list the function and variation of the attribute information in Soil Type layer (see them in the layer selection > right click > open attribute table) Re-explain how to make each thematic map of Soil Type Sensitivity Map and Land Cover Map, then explain the result (*). Show the screenshot of the Soil Type Sensitivity Map with your preferable color of low mid and high Qualitatively analyze your clipped LANDSAT 8 data by land cover type domination, according to the type of land cover exist in your area of interest. (*) Do not copy paste the simple step in this power point, use your own words Keep your report under 3 pages, and use simple yet efective words
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Build a simple 5 Class Land Cover Map What kinds of data do we need ? Basemap and Administration boundary How to build the Landuse map? Add the Basemap data (your own basemap/ ESRI database is acceptable); then extract to your boundary Go to the right panel, Arc Catalog and make 1 outline (polyline) + 5 Landuse (polygon) shapefile. Make sure you are selecting the right Projection System Start digitizing in Editor Start Editing Create Feature Select Feature Digitize Outline first according to all the land cover you found, by using the outer vertex of administration boundary. When finish, use Editor Stop Editing Trace and classify Outline result into each land cover Using Trace Tool in Editor Toolbar. Editor Start Editing Select Feature Trace Save your result, create Sensitivity Table of Attribute, Rasterize and Reclassify the sensitivity into 1, 2, or 3 value
PRAKTIKUM SIG The Third Report of GIS Class Goal :
Re-explain how to make the Land Cover Map, show and explain the result (*) Show the screenshot of the Land Cover Sensitivity Map with your preferable color of low mid and high Quantitatively analyze your clipped LANDSAT 8 data by land cover type domination, according to the type of land cover exist in your area of interest. Compare the result to your previous (*) Do not copy paste the simple step in this power point, use your own words Keep your report under 3 pages, and use simple yet efective words
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session: Build a simple Landslide Sensitivity Map What kinds of data do we need ? All the previous data in raster and Reclassified into 3 classes = low, mid, high How to build the Map Add all data into the navigation panel, check and match the projection system Search spatial analyst tool named : Weighted Overlay Input all the layer and give proper assumed weight (actual weight are ussually applied according to government policy or published research) Applied a proper color to your classification result How to layout the map? (Soendjojo, H., and Riqqi, A Kartografi. Penerbit ITB) Map layout consist of : Main Map (Map, Orientation, Inset, Grid/Graticule) + Side Information (Title, Legend, Numerical and Bar Scale) + additional info- graphics for modern maps In the cartographic process, map layout is designed according to the user’s preferences. Find your best template on the internet (keyword : Peta Rupa Bumi Indonesia, National geographic map, etc)
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Build a simple Landslide Sensitivity Map
PRAKTIKUM SIG Goal of the Session:
Build a simple Landslide Sensitivity Map
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