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Peluang & Tantangan Dalam Pelayanan Kini & Masa Depan

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1 Peluang & Tantangan Dalam Pelayanan Kini & Masa Depan
ALUMNI KMK USU Peluang & Tantangan Dalam Pelayanan Kini & Masa Depan

2 Matius 24 : 14 Dan Injil Kerajaan ini akan diberitakan di seluruh dunia menjadi kesaksian bagi “semua bangsa”, sesudah itu barulah tiba kesudahannya. Roma 1: 16-17 Sebab aku mempunyai keyakinan yang kokoh dalam Injil, karena Injil adalah kekuatan Allah yang menyelamatkan setiap orang yang percaya, pertama-tama orang Yahudi, tetapi juga orang Yunani. Sebab di dalamnya nyata kebenaran Allah, yang bertolak dari iman dan memimpin kepada iman, seperti ada tertulis: "Orang benar akan hidup oleh iman.”

3 Matthew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.” (ESV) The Greek phrase for “all nations” is “panta ta ethne” which refers to all of the ethnicities or people groups of the world. We believe that Jesus was very clear in stating that His gospel would be preached to all nations/ ethne/ people groups before He would return.

4 Revelation 7:9: “After this I looked, and behold, a great multitude that no one could number, from every nation, from all tribes and peoples and languages, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, with palm branches in their hands,” (ESV) The apostle John gives us a glimpse of what worship in heaven will look like. The Bible has made it very clear that God will not be satisfied until there are people from every people group represented in His heaven.

5 Current Data by Mission Strategist
Ada sekitar 16,600 distinct people groups : Suku Bangsa di Seluruh Dunia : Sekitar 180 Negara Ralph Winter in his book p. 536 defined : people group is "a significantly large grouping of individuals who perceive themselves to have a common affinity for one another because of their shared language, religion, ethnicity, residence, occupation, class or caste, situation, etc., or combinations of these."

6 Reached vs Unreached? An unreached people group is "a people group within which there is no indigenous community of believing Christians able to evangelize this people group." They settled on the criteria for unreached as less than 2% true Christ-followers and less than 5% Professing Christian (this includes all forms of Christianity i.e. anyone that would call themselves a "Christian.") Estimates suggest that approximately 6,700 people groups are still considered unreached. While these percentage figures are somewhat arbitrary, "we should not underestimate the significance of the small group of people who have a vision of a just and gentle world. The quality of a whole culture may be changed when two percent of its people have a new vision." - Robert Bellah, Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University, originally quote in Psychology Today in the 1970s, currently quoted.

7 Over 42% of the world’s population live in these over 6,700 people groups.
Here are some sobering facts about just the 50 largest unreached people groups: All 50 of these people groups have less than 2% Christ-followers Individuals in these groups may have very limited, if any, access to the Gospel.

8 One in five people on earth live in these 50 unreached peoples.
These 50 unreached people groups are comprised of 1.48 billion souls. One in five people on earth live in these 50 unreached peoples. Every group is larger than 10,000,000 in population None have an indigenous church capable of taking the Gospel to the entire group. Primary religion: 23 are Muslim, 18 Hindu, 6 Buddhist, 2 Ethnic Religions, 1 non-Religious.

9 44 of these 50 unreached people groups are in the 10/40 Window, 47 are in sensitive countries.
Apa Artinya : Jendela 10/40 Negara-Negara yang belum terjangkau Injil yang terletak di sepanjang Benua ASIA dan AFRIKA dari 10 derajat LU sampai 40 derajat LU dari Garis Khatulistiwa .

10 10 / 40 window

11 Negara-Negara di 10/40 Window
Afganistan Egypt Japan Morocco Yemen Algeria Eritrea Jordan Myammar Syria Bahrain Ethiopia Korea Utara Sudan Taiwan Bangladesh Gambia Korea Selatan Nepal Tajikistan Benin Gibraltar Kuwait Niger Thailand Bhutan Greece Laos Oman Tunisia Burkina Faso Guinea Lebanon Pakistan Turkey Cambodia Chad China Cyprus Djibouti Guinea-Bissau India Iran Iraq Israel Libya Macau Mali Malta Mauritania Philippines Portugal Qatar Saudi Arabia Turkmenistan United Arab Emirates Vietnam West. Sahara

12 Data Statistik Suku-Suku Belum Terjangkau
865 million unreached Muslims or Islamic followers in 3330 cultural sub-groupings 550 million unreached Hindus in 1660 cultural sub-groups 150 million unreached Chinese in 830 groups 275 million unreached Buddhists in 900 groups 2550 unreached tribal groups (which are mainly animistic) with a total population of 140 million Forming a smaller -- though important -- unreached group are the 17 million Jews scattered across 134 countries. Good news: Missions researcher David Barrett says the country with the most rapid Christian expansion ever is China where there are 10,000 new Christian converts every day.

13 ADA 3 TUGAS PENTING 3. Be a Witness to the Nations
1. Enlarge the Church by Evangelism  2. Bring the Church to Maturity through Discipleship  3. Be a Witness to the Nations 

14 DISKUSI KELOMPOK 10 Orang per Kelompok Apa yang akan kulakukan Sesudah Alumni Untuk Memperluas Gereja Tuhan di tempat saya hidup dan bekerja untuk mendukung Penginjilan. Apa yang akan kulakukan untuk menolong Gereja saya nanti menjadi Dewasa melalui Pemuridan. Kontribusi saya sebagai Saksi Kristus menjangkau Suku-Suku yang belum Terjangkau oleh Injil Kristus Yesus.

15 Presentasi Ke Depan Wakil Kelompok
Komitmen dari Setiap Alumni UKM KMK USU sangat dibutuhkan karena melihat Perkembangan Zaman yang semakin dekat kepada akhir dan untuk menghambat Murka Allah .

16 WAHYU 7 : 9 Kemudian dari pada itu aku melihat: sesungguhnya, suatu kumpulan besar orang banyak yang tidak dapat terhitung banyaknya, dari segala bangsa dan suku dan kaum dan bahasa, berdiri di hadapan takhta dan di hadapan Anak Domba, memakai jubah putih dan memegang daun-daun palem di tangan mereka.

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