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IPV4 vs IPV6 + Tunneling DC608.

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Presentasi berjudul: "IPV4 vs IPV6 + Tunneling DC608."— Transcript presentasi:

1 IPV4 vs IPV6 + Tunneling DC608

2 IP Address An Internet Protocol (IP) address is a numerical label that is assigned to devices participating in a computer network that uses the Internet Protocol for communication between its nodes. An IP address serves two principal functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing.

3 IPv4 Address IPv4 uses 32-bit (4-byte) addresses, which limits the address space to 4,294,967,296 (232) possible unique addresses. IPv4 reserves some addresses for special purposes such as private networks (~18 million addresses) or multicast addresses (~270 million addresses).

4 IPv4 Address The example of IPv4 address

5 IPv4 Address

6 IPv4 Private Address

7 IPv4 Multicast Address

8 IPv4 Classes

9 IPv6 Address

10 IPv6 Address Internet Protocol version 6 (IPv6) is the next-generation Internet Protocol version designated as the successor to IPv4, the first implementation used in the Internet that is still in dominant use currently. It is an Internet Layer protocol for packet-switched internetworks. The main driving force for the redesign of Internet Protocol is the foreseeable IPv4 address exhaustion. IPv6 was defined in December 1998 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) with the publication of an Internet standard specification, RFC

11 IPv6 Address The most important feature of IPv6 is a much larger address space than that of IPv4: addresses in IPv6 are 128 bits long, compared to 32-bit addresses in IPv4. An illustration of an IP address (version 6), in hexadecimal and binary. The very large IPv6 address space supports a total of (about 3.4×1038) addresses—or approximately 5×1028 (roughly 295) addresses for each of the roughly 6.5 billion (6.5×109) people alive in 2006.

12 IPv6 Address The example of IPv6 address

13 IPv6 Address

14 IPv6 Private Address The address block fc00::/7 has been reserved by IANA as described in RFC These addresses are called Unique Local Addresses (ULA).

15 IPv6 Private Address

16 IPv6 Multicast Address IPv6 does not implement broadcast, which is the ability to send a packet to all hosts on the attached link. IPv6 multicast shares common features and protocols with IPv4 multicast, but also provides changes and improvements.

17 IPv6 Classes IPv6 does not use classes. IPv6 supports the following three IP address types: unicast, multicast, anycast. Unicast and multicast messaging in IPv6 are conceptually the same as in IPv4. IPv6 does not support broadcast, but its multicast mechanism accomplishes essentially the same effect. Multicast addresses in IPv6 start with 'FF' (255) just like IPv4 addresses. Anycast in IPv6 is a variation on multicast. Whereas multicast delivers messages to all nodes in the multicast group, anycast delivers messages to any one node in the multicast group. Anycast is an advanced networking concept designed to support the failover and load balancing needs of applications. IPv6 Reserved Addresses IPv6 reserves just two special addresses: 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 and 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1. IPv6 uses 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:0 internal to the protocol implementation, so nodes cannot use it for their own communication purposes. IPv6 uses 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1 as its loopback address, equivalent to in IPv4.

18 IPv6 Classes Internet Protocol version 6, which is publish by the IETF (Internet Engineering Task Force) does not recognize class IP and subnet mask (Classless Interdomain Routing (CIDR)).but that there is Prefix length. Prefix length whether it? Prefix is a part of the IP address where the bits values have a fixed bits or is part of a route / subnet identifier. Prefix length determines the largest number of bits left to make the subnet prefix. For example prefix of IPv6 addresses are as follows: 3FFE: 2900: D005: F28B:: / 64 Number 64 on the right side is the prefix of an IP address is IPv6.

19 IPv6 Classes IPv6 support some type of format prefix following: - Address Unicast, which provides communications for point-to-point, directly between the two (2) hosted in a network. Multicast-Address, which provides a method for sending data packets to many hosts are in the same group. This address to use in the one-to-many. - Address Anycast, which provides the method of delivery of data packets to the nearest member of a group. This address to use in the one-to-one-of-many. This address is also used only as a goal (destination address) and given only to the router, not the usual hosts.

20 Dynamic vs Static IP Address
Dynamic IP addresses are most frequently assigned on LANs and broadband networks by Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP) servers. They are used because it avoids the administrative burden of assigning specific static addresses to each device on a network. Static IP addresses are manually assigned to a computer by an administrator. The exact procedure varies according to platform. Dynamic IP : changeable Static IP : permanent

21 MAC Address In computer networking, a Media Access Control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to most network adapters or network interface cards (NICs) by the manufacturer for identification, and used in the Media Access Control protocol sub-layer. If assigned by the manufacturer, a MAC address usually encodes the manufacturer's registered identification number. It may also be known as an Ethernet Hardware Address (EHA), hardware address, adapter address, or physical address.

22 Perbedaan IPv4 dan IPv6 1. Fitur
IPv4 : jumlah alamat menggunakan 32 bit sehingga jumlah alamat unik yang didukung terbatas yaitu atau lebih dari 4 miliar alamat IP saja. NAT hanya mampu memperlambat penggunaan tak berujung jumlah alamat IPv4, tapi tetap saja, karena pada dasarnya IPv4 menggunakan 32 bit sehingga tidak mengimbangi pertumbuhan dunia internet. IPv6 : Menggunakan 128 bit untuk mendukung 3.4 x 10 ^ 38 alamat IP yang unik. Sebuah jumlah yang sangat besar dan lebih dari cukup untuk memecahkan masalah terbatasnya jumlah alamat di IPv4 secara permanen.

23 2. Routing IPv4 : routing kinerja menurun dengan ukuran pertumbuhan tabel routing. Penyebab pemeriksaan sundulan MTU di setiap router dan hop switch.  IPv6 : Dengan proses routing yang jauh lebih efisien dari pendahulunya, IPv6 memiliki kemampuan untuk mengelola tabel routing yang besar.

24 3. Mobilitas IPv4 : Dukungan untuk mobilitas dibatasi oleh kemampuan roaming saat beralih dari satu jaringan ke yang lain.  IPv6 : Memenuhi kebutuhan mobilitas tinggi melalui roaming dari satu jaringan ke jaringan sementara yang lain masih mempertahankan kelangsungan sambungan. Fitur ini mendukung perkembangan aplikasi.

25 4. Keamanan IPv4 : Meskipun umum digunakan dalam mengamankan jaringan IPv4, IPsec header tambahan pilihan fitur pada standar IPv4.  IPv6 : IPsec dikembangkan sejalan dengan IPv6. Header IPsec menjadi fitur wajib dalam implementasi IPv6 standar.

26 5. Ukuran Header IPv4 : Ukuran dasar sundulan 20 oktet sundulan plus ukuran pilihan yang dapat bervariasi.  IPv6 : tetap ukuran header 40 oktet. Beberapa header IPv4 seperti Identification, Flags, Fragment diimbangi header checksum dan padding telah dimodifikasi.

27 6. Header Checksum IPv4 : Ada sundulan checksum diperiksa oleh masing-masing switch (perangkat lapisan ke 3), sehingga meningkatkan keterlambatan.  IPv6 : proses checksum tidak dilakukan di tingkat header, tapi end to-end. Header IPsec telah menjamin keamanan yang memadai

28 7. Fragmentasi IPv4 : Forum setiap hop yang memperlambat kinerja router, proses menjadi lebih lama jika ukuran paket data melampaui Maximum Transmission unit (MTU) paket patah sebelum dipasang kembali di tempat tujuan.  IPv6 : hanya dilakukan oleh host yang mengirimkan paket data. Selain itu, ada fitur MTU yang menentukan fragmentasi lebih tepat untuk menyesuaikan nilai MTU terkecil yang terdapat dalam jaringan dari ujung ke ujung.

29 8. Konfigurasi IPv4 : ketika sebuah host terhubung ke jaringan, konfigurasi dilakukan secara manual.  IPv6 : memiliki konfigurasi otomatis stateless dimana ketika sebuah host terhubung ke jaringan, konfigurasi dilakukan secara otomatis.

30 9. Kualitas Layanan IPv4 : Menggunakan mekanisme usaha terbaik untuk terlepas dari kebutuhan.  IPv6 : Menggunakan tingkat terbaik dari mekanisme upaya yang menjamin kualitas layanan. kelas lalu lintas sundulan menentukan prioritas pengiriman paket data berdasarkan kebutuhan akan kecepatan tinggi atau tingkat latency tinggi

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