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Diterbitkan olehFanny Setiawan Telah diubah "7 tahun yang lalu
Bridging Program Mutia Hariati Hussin. December 3, 2016
English for IR Bridging Program Mutia Hariati Hussin. December 3, 2016
Language Is part of Culture
A set of ‘main’ Cultural Identities define the National Identity A sense of a nation as a cohesive whole, represented by distinctive traditions and language. Oxford Dictionary Define National Identity as Cultural identity including ethnicity, religion, social class, generation, locality and any social group that a person feel he/she belongs to
Why using English Personally : Study Ambition Interest
Publicly : international language
Pencapaian Level pada KKNI Melalui Berbagai Jalur
PENDIDIKAN : GELAR AKADEMIS SMP SMA D1 D2 D3 S1 PRO S2 S3 9 U 8 M D 7 M 6 5 4 3 2 1 OPERATOR ANALIS AHLI PROFESI : SERTIFIKAT PROFESI (PII) OTODIDAK : PENGALAMAN KEAHLIAN KHUSUS Level 6 utk Sarjana : Mampu mengaplikasikan bidang keahliannya dan memanfaatkan IPTEKS pada bidangnya dalam penyelesaian masalah serta mampu beradaptasi terhadap situasi yang dihadapi. Menguasai konsep teoritis bidang pengetahuan tertentu secara umum dan konsep teoritis bagian khusus dalam bidang pengetahuan tersebut secara mendalam, serta mampu memformulasikan penyelesaian masalah prosedural. Mampu mengambil keputusan yang tepat berdasarkan analisis informasi dan data, dan mampu memberikan petunjuk dalam memilih berbagai alternatif solusi secara mandiri dan kelompok. Bertanggung jawab pada pekerjaan sendiri dan dapat diberi tanggung jawab atas pencapaian hasil kerja organisasi. INDUSTRI : FUNGSI JABATAN KERJA
Notes from previous Batch
Most are good in speaking but need more practice in writing Most have good pronunciation with their own accent while some already have a British or American accent In speaking some are careless with the detail of pronunciation and tenses Most need more practice in speaking and you have the venue, the people and the athmosphere to feel encourage
Some pronunciation cues
GH NiGHt, neiGHbor, kniGHt, althouGH, hiGH, enouGH KN Knee, knight, knife, knowledge, knock X = iks six, box, sex, ox, complex, fox, example T tea, pit, sit, potato, bit, teen D did, God, good, blood, Muhammad ...ty as for 50 short, downward ...teen as for19 long, upward Anti
Some sentence structure cues
S + V + O Subject = The doer = Noun or pronoun Verb = what the doer do to the object Object = Noun or pronoun A complete sentence consist of: S and V Adjective and adverb are also important to give more meaning to a sentence
COMPARE English has more firm sentence structure
i.e. : My sister and I went to 5 European countries in 2014
Avoid Plagiarism Academic honesty and integrity TURNITIN Phrase and Paraphrase Diction Thesaurus (?)
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