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(Verb Phrase) Modal auxiliary
Basic Sentence 2 (Verb Phrase) Modal auxiliary Modal Auxiliary Terjemahan Shall V1 Should Be + V-ing Will Be + V3 Would Have + V3 Can Have + been + V3 Could Have + been + V-ing May Might Must ……….. ….sedang…. …….di……… …..telah…… …..telah di….. …..telah…(dan masih sedang)
The chief executive officer of the trading company will deliver an opening speech in a seminar on global marketing in the hotel. (CEO perusahaan perdagangan itu akan menyampaikan pidato pembukaan di seminar mengenai pemasaran global di hote. She may be preparing the wedding party at this moment. (Dia mungkin sedang menyiapkan pesta pernikahan saat ini) He no longer works in the office. He might have been sent home due to the employment reduction. (Dia tidak lagi bekerja di kantor itu. Dia mungkin telah dirumahkan dengan adanya pengurangan karyawan) The secretary quickly adapts to the new environment.
Auxiliary Be Is Verb-ing Am to V1 Are V3 Was being + V3 Were Sedang……
Terjemahan Is Verb-ing Am to V1 Are V3 Was being + V3 Were Sedang…… Harus/diharapkan/akan….. Di….. Sedang di……. She is preparing the wedding party at this moment. (Dia sedang menyiapkan pesta pernikahan saat ini) The student are to do the school assignments. (siswa-siswa itu harus mengerjakan tugas-tugas sekolah) The box was placed at the corner of the room. (kotak itu ditempatkan di sudut ruangan) The computer is being repaired. Komputer itu sedang diperbaiki)
Auxiliary Have Have Has Had + V3 + Been + Been + Verb-ing + Been + V3
The committee have prepared the accommodation for the singers. (Panitia telah mempersiapkan akomodasi untuk para penyanyi) The internet has been available for the students. (Internet telah tersedia bagi para siswa) They had been working in the garden when the accident suddenly happened. (Mereka sudah dan masih sedang bekerja di kebun ketika kecelakaan itu tiba-tiba terjadi)
Auxiliary Do We do understand the problem.
Terjemahan Do V1 Does be Did not + V1 Benar-benar ….lah (imperative) Tidak….. We do understand the problem. (Kami benar-benar memahami permasalahan itu) Do be quiet for a while, please. (Mohon tenang sejenak) He did not think that a bomb would explode in the embassy. (Dia tidak menyangka kalau sebuah bom akan meledak di kedutaan itu)
Need (perlu) and Dare (berani) are followed by infinitive or to infinitive.
You need (to) help her (kamu perlu membantu dia) He dares (to) drive a bus. (Dia berani mengendarai bis) Need not (tidak perlu) and Dare not (tidak berani) are followed by infinitive. The girl dare not go home alone at night. Gadis itu tidak berani pulang sendirian di malam hari We need not rely on others (kita tidak usah menggantungkan orang lain) When the negative forms are using do/does/did not need/dare then the verbs are followed by to infinitive. We do not need to think of the problem any more. (kita tidak perlu memikirkan masalah itu lagi)
Infinitive The verbs followed by infinitive are: Verbs Terjemahan Let
Membiarkan, mengijinkan Make Membuat, menyuruh Have Menuruh Help Membantu Hear Mendengar Notice Memperhatikan Know Tahu Listen to Mendengarkan Observe Mengamati Look at/see/watch Melihat Feel merasakan
The clauses which show the request or advice such as advise, ask, beg, command, desire, forbid, order, propose, insist, suggest, recommend, require, request, urge, imperative, important, essential are followed by infinitive It is requested that all gentlemen wear coats and ties (dimohon semua laki-lai memakai jas dan dadi) It is essential that a guard be on duty at all hours of the day. (Perlu sekali satpam bertugas pada semua jam setiap hari)
To infinitive There are some patterns of to infinitive such as,
To + V1 To + Have V3 To be + V3 To have been + V3
To infinitive As purpose They go to guy a shirt.
(mereka pergi untuk membeli baju) The boy was at the airport to see her father off. (Anak laki-laki itu di bandara untuk mengantar ayahnya) As Passive verb She was seen to enter the office hurriedly (Dia terlihat masuk kantor dengan tergesa-gesa) Noun There is only one room in the hotel to stay in. (Hanya ada satu kamar di hotel untuk tinggal) Adjective It is very nice to see you ( Sangat senang betemu dengan kamu) Wh-Word we don’t know what to do if we fail in the entrance test (Kami tidak tahu apa yang harus kami lakukan jika kami gagal dalam tes masuk).
Verbs are followed by to infinitive
The verbs below are followed by to infinitive. Verbs are followed by to infinitive Deserve : layak mendapat Endevour : berusaha Hope : berharap Learn : belajar Intend: bermaksud Mean: bermaksud Plan: merencanakan Care : peduli Decide: memutuskan Ask : meminta Beg : meminta Expect: mengharapkan Wish: berharap Promise: berjanji Want: menginginkan
I don’t care to see him again.
(saya tidak peduli untuk melihatnya lagi) We have decided not to go. (Kami telah memutuskan untuk tidak pergi) She is planning to continue her study abroad. (Dia merencanakan untuk melanjutkan studinya di luar negeri) We expect them to leave tonight. Kami mengharapkan mereka berangkat nanti malam) They want you to visit them soon. (Mereka menginginkan anda mengunjungi mereka segera) He promised to tell her the truth. (Dia berjanji untuk memberi tahu dia sebenarnya)
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