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Presentasi berjudul: "PHLUM MOLUSKA."— Transcript presentasi:


2 PHYLUM MOLLUSCA  Is a group of invertebrates animals, which represented more than 150,000 lives & the thousands who have become fossil Mollusca: has spread to every place where water and life has been lived up to the land, the type of the most successful phylum of living over time other geological & trusted as to determine the index fossil Appear since the era of Kambrium until now Currently there are estimated 75-thousand species, and 35 thousand species in the form of fossil

Mempunyai bagian tubuh yang lunak dengan dilapisi oleh bagian kulit yang keras Merupakan golongan hewan yang tidak bertulang belakang Mempunyai daya adaptasi yang tinggi Hidup pada air asin, payau hingga air tawar Muncul dari Zaman Kambrium hingga sekarang Tubuh Mollusca terdiri dari kaki, massa viseral, dan mantel Ukuran dan bentuk tubuh Mollusca sangat bervariasi

Amphineura Class Scaphopoda Class Pelecypoda Class Gastropoda Class Chepalopoda Class

5 Basic classification on the feet and parts of the software
Amphineura class: there is a rare fossil (age: Kambrium-now) Scaphopoda class: rare fossil in the rock that is older than Mesozoik Pelecypoda class: entry in many genus & species, living from Ordovisium down - now Gastropoda class: abundant fossil knowledgeable and recorded from Kambrium - now Cephalopoda class: Paleozoik prevalent in the rock, is very abundant in the Mesozoik


7 Mollusca WHAT ? animals do not have the software and vertebra. tripoblastik this animal body, bilateral symmetry, generally have a coat that can produce material cangkok form carbonic calcium Cangkok tersebut berfungsi sebagai rumah (rangka luar) yang terbuat dari zat kapur misalnya kerang, tiram, siput sawah dan bekicot. Cangkok functions as a house (outside frame) made of calcium such as shellfish, oyster, snail and rice bekicot.

8 (a) Shell, (b) Slug, (c) Squid

9 cangkok shell consists of two cleavage
cangkok siput berbentuk seperti kerucut yang melingkar cangkok snail shaped like a circular cone Cumi-cumi dan sotong tidak punya cangkok Squid and cuttlefish do not have cangkok

Mollusca have the perfect tool digestion from the mouth that have a radula (tongue seam) to the anus in the mantle cavity. Di samping itu juga terdapat kelenjar pencernaan yang sudah berkembang baik. In addition, a digestive gland that has developed well. Peredaran darah terbuka ini terjadi pada semua kelas Mollusca kecuali kelas Cephalopoda . Circulatory open this happens in all classes except Mollusca class Cephalopoda. Pernafasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan insang atau “paru-paru”, mantel atau oleh bagian epidermis. Respiratory conducted using gill or "lung", a coat or by the epidermis. Alat ekskresi berupa ginjal. Tools ekskresi a kidney. Sistem saraf terdiri atas tiga pasang ganglion Nervous system consists of three pairs of ganglion Alat reproduksi umumnya terpisah atau bersatu dan pembuahan internal atau eksternal. Tools reproduction usually separate or together, and internal or external fertilization.

11 Mollusca class division
Based on the Symmetry of body, feet and feature cangkoknya, Mollusca is divided into five classes, namely: Gastropoda, Gastropoda, Cephalopoda, Cephalopoda, Pelecypoda, Pelecypoda, Amphineura Amphineura Scaphopoda Scaphopoda

12 AMPHINEURA CLASS  Mollusca class Amphineura animal lives in the sea near the coast or on the beach. Body bilateral symmetry, with the foot in the belly (ventral) aft. Coat room with dorsal surface, covered by 8 board berkapur, while the surface contains a lot of lateral gill This animal is hermafrodit (two pairs), fertilisasi external (meeting teur and sperm cells occur outside the body). For example Cryptochiton or kiton sp. Hewan ini juga mempunyai fase larva trokoper . This animal also has a phase flyblow trokoper.

13 Kiton

14 SCAPHOPODA  CLASS Dentalium vulgare is one of the example class Scaphopoda. If you walk on the beach, be careful with the body shell of this type of Scaphopoda. Because these animals are usually grown in a stone or other objects that form a sea-like canine Dentalium vulgare life at sea in the sand or mud. This animal also has a cylindrical cangkok that both ends open. Body length about 2.5 to 5 cm. Near the mouth there is tentakel kontraktif bersilia, the tentacle. Its function is to capture mikroflora and mikrofauna. Water circulation for respiratory movement is driven by the foot and silia, while gas exchange occurs in the mantle. Animals have sex separately

15 (a) Dentalium vulgare, (b) Struktur tubuh Dentalium sp.

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