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Effective School Leaders

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Presentasi berjudul: "Effective School Leaders"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Effective School Leaders

2 Leaedership Concept Leadership : the ability to influences others (followers) through communication to carried out the task for pursuing organizational (school) goal Three sources of influence: credibility, expertise, and relationship

3 Conceptual Framework Mission Learning environment LEADERS
Social Network School culture People achievement

4 School’s Mission & Goal
Creates and establishes a clear school’s missions and goals Builds a consensus on school’s goals Communicating school’s goals Behaves in accordance with school’s goals

5 Social Network Builds an effective teamwork
Fosters collaburative action among teachers and staff Provides support for problem solving Builds an order and comfort work environment Resolves conflict among staff

6 People Stimulates intellectual development
Encourages teachers autonomy and innovation Communicates high expectation to teachers and students Maintaining teachers commitment and responsibility Providing individual support Building a warm and personal relationship with all staff, parents and community, and students

7 TUGAS ANDA! Diskusikanlah dengan teman sekelompok anda tentang:
Definisi budaya sekolah Keterkaitan antara budaya sekolah dengan hasil belajar siswa Karakteristik budaya sekolah yang efektif Tulislah hasil diskusi anda dengan tulis tangan maksimal 2 halaman kertas folio!

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