Health Assessment.

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1 Health Assessment

2 FISIK DIAGNOSTIK Dilakukan setelah anamnesa penderita Listen to the patients, he will tell you the diagnosis (E. W. Salzman) Yang Pertama : KEADAAN UMUM (Subyektif) Sebaiknya dilakukan secara sistematik, berurutan, dan tepat Dilakukan mulai dari kepala hingga kaki (head to toe) Diperlukan ketrampilan klinik dan pengalaman, sehingga harus tetap dilatih dan belajar Memerlukan sarana penunjang : Senter, Stetoskop, Hammer Refleks, Otoscope, Opthalmoscope, Garputala, dll

3 KESADARAN PENDERITA Kesadaran Penderita ada 2 : Kualitatif dan Kwantitatif AVPU Alert : Kesadaran Penuh Verbal : Panggilan, Suar Pain : Rangsangan Nyeri Unrespon : Tidak ada reaksi rangsangan apapun GCS (Glascow Coma Scale) Eye Score 4 Verbal Score 5 Motorik Score 6

SCORE Eye (Mata) Spontan Suara Nyeri Unrespon Verbal (Suara) Dapat komunikasi dengan baik (tdk disorietasi) 5 Komunikasi berupa kalimat (Bingung) 4 Komunikasi berupa kata “sepenggal” & tidak beraturan 3 Suara, tanpa ada kata, merintih (Garbled sound) 2 Unrespon Motorik (Pergerakan) Tidak ada kelainan motorik,sadar (Obey to comment) 6 Dapat mengisolasi rangsangan (dengan suara) 5 Dapat mengisolasi rangsangan dengan nyeri 4 Abnormal flexi (decorticasi) 3 Abnormal Extensi (decerebrasi) 2

Simetris/tidak “mencong”, motorik sensoris wajah Jejas (hematome,vulnus,dll), pergerakan artikulasi, MATA Jejas, Oedem, Motorik, Exopthalmus,ptosis,dll Anemia, Ikterus, Hypermi /perdarahan konjungtiva, Hypema Reflek Cahaya, Refleks Kornea, Pergerakan bola mata, Retraksi, Buta warna HIDUNG Inspeksi : jejas, Anatomi hidung, Pernafasan cuping hidung Corpus alieum dalam lubang hidung, Polip, Rhinorea BIBIR dan RONGGA MULUT Inspeksi : Sianosis, Oedem, Leukoplakia, Vulnus, Corpus alineum Lidah : Anemis, Thypoid Keadaan Gigi : Caries, Hungtinton, warna, dll TELINGA Inspeksi : Keadaan anatomi, vulnus, Otorhoe Pemeriksaan ketulian : Garputala, Audiometer REGIO COLI Inspeksi : Pembesaran KGB, Thyroid, Jugular Vein Palpasi : Nadi carotis, konsistensi benjolan/tumor, ada tidaknya Kaku kuduk

6 Methods of Examination
Inspection Palpation Light Deep

7 Percussion flatness dullness resonance hyperresonance tympany

8 Auscultation pitch intensity duration quality

9 Components of the General Physical Examination (cont.)
Be familiar with the components and the equipment used for a general physical examination. Ensure the patient is comfortable and his/her modesty is protected. Can you name these pieces of examination equipment?

10 General Physical Examination -Head, Neck, Eyes, Ears
Head - any abnormal conditions of scalp, skin, or growths Neck – checks for symmetry and range of motion Eyes – check for the presence of disease or abnormalities Ears – checks for symmetry, presence of lesions, redness, or swelling

11 General Physical Examination -Nose, Sinuses, Mouth and Throat
Nose- checks for presence of infection or allergy Sinuses – checks for any discharge, lesions, obstructions, swelling or inflammation Mouth – check general impression, condition of gums and teeth Throat – checks for redness or swelling

12 Head and Neck Inspect scalp and hair Facial Symmetry
Palpate Sinuses Eyes Ears Inspect Nose Mouth Neck ROM Lymph Nodes Palpate trachea Palpate carotids Auscultate carotids Assess for JVD

13 Structure and Function
Subjective Data—Health History Questions Objective Data—Physical Exam Abnormal Findings

14 Head & Neck Review Anatomy of head History Headache Head Injury
Dizziness Neck pain Lumps, swelling Surgery

15 Structure and Function
Head Cranial bones Sutures Facial bones Facial muscles Salivary glands

16 Abnormal Findings Abnormalities in Head Size and Contour
Hydrocephalus Paget’s disease of bone (osteitis deformans) Acromegaly

17 Abnormal Findings (cont.) Pediatric Facial Abnormalities
Fetal alcohol syndrome Congenital hypothyroidism Down syndrome Atopic (allergic) facies Allergic salute and crease © Pat Thomas, 2006.

18 Abnormal Findings (cont
Abnormal Findings (cont.) Abnormal Facial Appearances With Chronic Illnesses Parkinson’s syndrome Cushing’s syndrome Graves’ disease Hyperthyroidism Myxedema (hypothyroidism) Bell’s palsy Brain attack or cerebrovascular accident Cachectic appearance Scleroderma

19 Cardinal Fields of Gaze
Return to Head and Neck


21 Important to evaluated
Exopthalmus Stellwag sign Von Graefe sign Mobius sign Joffroy sign Rosenbach sign Intracranial Aneurisma  berdenyut Thrombosis sinus cavernosus  odem + paralisa muscle

22 Enofthalmus  dehidrasi/ sindrome horner Eye movement (N: III,IV,VI)
Saccade Pursuit Refleks okulosefalik (Doll’s head manoevre) Strabismus Divergens Konvergens Hipertrofia hipotrofia

23 Nystagmus Palpebra Sekresi air mata

24 Arcus Senilis

25 Pterygium





30 Eye: Physical Exam Visual acuity Test visual fields
Extraocular muscle (EOM) Corneal Light reflex Diagnostic Positions of gaze Inspection of External structures General Eyebrows Eyelids and lashes (lag, ptosis, closure)

31 Eye: Physical Exam Eyeball Conjunctiva and Sclera Lacrimal status
Cornea and lens Iris & Pupil PERRLA Ocular Fundus Findings: arcus senilis, conjunctival hemorrhage, ophthalmic herpes, ptosis

32 Ear History Earache Infections Discharge Hearing Loss
Environmental noise Tinnitus Vertigo Self-care



35 Ear: Physical Exam Size and shape of Pinna Tenderness External meatus
Otoscope pg 308 for normal with landmarks; 317 for serous otitis EAC TM Hearing tests Whispered voice, Weber, Rinne Romberg

36 Nose, Mouth, Throat History: Nose Discharge Infections/Colds
Sinus Pain Trauma Epistaxis Allergies



39 Nose, Mouth, Throat History: Mouth & Throat Sores & Lesions
Sore Throat Bleeding gums Toothache Hoarseness Dysphagia Altered Taste Smoking, ETOH Self-care

40 Nose: Physical Exam Inspect Palpate or Percuss Sinuses Outer Nose
Nasal Cavity Sinuses Palpate or Percuss Sinuses

41 Mouth & Throat: Physical Exam
Inspect Mouth & Throat Lips Dentition Gums Buccal Mucosa Tongue Palate Pharynx Uvula, pillars, tonsils, laryngeal wall Palpate tongue, sublingual


43 Mouth & Throat Abnormal
Herpes simplex Gingival hypertrophy in a phenytoin patient Oral Candidiasis (Thrush) Enlarged tonsils






49 Neck Exam Abnormal findings, Goiter Grave’s disease Adenopathy
Neck masses


51 Objective Data—Physical Exam (cont.)
Neck–Inspect and palpate Symmetry Range of motion Lymph nodes

52 Return to Head and Neck Slide

53 Objective Data—Physical Exam (cont.)
Neck–Inspect and palpate (cont.) Trachea Thyroid gland Posterior approach Anterior approach Auscultate

54 http://www. utdol. com/online/content/image. do


56 Measuring JVD

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