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The Polarity of Covalent Bonds

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1 The Polarity of Covalent Bonds
Kepolaran Ikatan Kovalen

2 Teaching Learning Objectivers
The student can observ polarity of compound by doing experiment. The student can dicrimination polar covalent compounds and non polar covalent compounds. The student can explain properties of covalent compound.

3 1. Polar Covalent Bonds If shared pair of electron moves closer to one atom, it will produce a polarization. Memiliki momen dipol > 0 Bentuk molekulnya tidak simetris Beda keelektronegatifannya sangat besar Molecule polar : HCl, H2O, NH3

4 Example : ev : 1 Hx ev : 7 H H ― Cl 2 8 7 δ+ δ- 1H 17Cl Cl Cl o o o o

5 2. Non-Polar Covalent Bonds
If the bonding electron pair is shared equally and uniformly distributed between two atoms bonded, there will no polarization. Memiliki momen dipol 0 Bentuk molekulnya simetris Beda keelektronegatifannya kecil / 0 Molecule non polar : H2, N2, Cl2, CH4, CCl4.

6 Example : Hx Ho H x Cl Cl ― Cl H―H ev : 1 2 8 7 ev : 7 ev : 1 2 8 7

7 Skala Keelektronegatifan Pauling
2,0 B 2,5 C 3,0 N 3,5 O 4,0 F 1,5 Al 1,8 Si 2,1 P S Cl 2,8 Br I 2,1 H

8 What are the Properties of Covalent Compounds?
Covalent coumpounds have some physical properties. Among orthers are : have the form of solid, gas, and liquid at room temperatur, Have a low boiling and melting point, Mostly cannot conduct electricity, Generally soft

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