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Presentasi berjudul: "BAGAIMANA CARA MEMBUAT"— Transcript presentasi:


POSTER ILMIAH Penyampaian kombinasi informasi visual dan verbal: ilustrasi, teks, dan penjelasan lisan.

3 Ciri Sebuah Poster Ilmiah :
Visualisasi dari sebuah telaah pustaka, hasil riset & laporan kasus Gambar lebih banyak daripada kata-kata, (mendominasi poster) Poster harus mengikuti format standart poster ilmiah Menggunakan bahasa komunikasi ilmiah

4 Alat komunikasi dasar:
teks jenis & ukuran huruf warna & kualitas fisik bentuk & pengaturan bagian-bagian poster penyajian data (tabel, gambar, foto)


6 FORMAT STANDART LITERATURE Title & Authors Abstract Introduction
Objectives Discussion Conclusions References Acknowledgements

7 RESEARCH Title & Authors Abstract Introduction Objectives
Materials & Methods Results/Data Discussion Conclusions References 10. Acknowledgements

8 CASE REPORT Title & Authors Abstract Introduction Case History
Case Management Discussion Conclusions References Acknowledgements

9 permintaan panitia (jika ada)
POTRAIT, 2 BARIS LANDSCAPE, 3 BARIS Mau pilih mana?? Sesuaikan dengan permintaan panitia (jika ada)

10 UKURAN POSTER Poster ukuran tinggi x lebar (80x60 cm) atau (120x90cm) Harus terbaca dari jarak 1-2 meter Dibuat dalam format RGB, tiff, jpeg ( cm x cm), posisi vertikal atau horizontal


12 Title & Authors Abstract Introduction Objectives Discussion
Conclusions References Acknowledgements

13 Result/ Data Material/ methods

14 Title & Authors: Title: Authors: Short, Succinct, Specific
Discuss with mentor, collaborators to determine appropriate inclusions and name order Include institutional affiliations Formatting: Centered across top Large, bold font Different sizes, colors to set off Can highlight presenter’s name

15 Abstract: Brief summary of your research:
Background information Objectives and/or hypotheses Abridged materials & methods Overview of findings Use text submitted for poster registration! Formatting: Upper left corner Smaller font than rest of poster Can italicize text

16 Background: Introduce reader to your subject:
Why is the issue important? What has other research shown? Basic facts/information about subject Formatting: Standard font size and style as rest of poster text Brief prose, don’t bullet Images are helpful

17 Research Objectives: Clearly state why you did the project:
Specific research question(s) Coordinate with your data & conclusions - questions here are answered in those sections “Aims”, “Goals”, “Hypotheses”, etc. Keep these short and succinct Formatting: Standard font size and style as rest of poster text Bullets or numbered sentences

18 Materials & Methods: Exactly what you did and how you did it.
Tables and diagrams are helpful and visually engaging Describe each effort individually: subject selection, recruitment, randomization,etc. type of data collected, how collected, statistical analysis No data in this section! Formatting: Standard font size and style as rest of poster text Images, diagrams Sub-titles

19 Results: Present your data: Statistical test results
– Tables & graphs when possible - don’t hide numbers in text Statistical test results Do not explain your data in this section! Formatting: Standard font size and style as rest of poster text Use tables & figures; limit prose Sub-titles

20 Conclusions: Explain your data:
Address your specific research objectives Summarize statistically significant data Report unexpected or abnormal findings Discuss problems encountered or suspected Formatting: Standard font size and style as rest of poster text Images, diagrams Sub-titles

21 References: Format as directed by poster guidelines, if specified
Use a standard, consistent format as observed in current scientific journals Numerical endnotes Parenthetical author’s name and year Formatting: Numbered as listed in text, or Alphabetical, chronological line spacing Don’t use bullets

22 Acknowledgements: Thank your supporters -- Important!
Who funded your project? Did you receive any donations? Is your research part of a larger project? Did someone else do your data collection? Analysis? Writing? Design? Formatting: Lower right corner Small, italicized font Multiple, separated lines for multiple acknowledgements

23 Buat alur baca yang logis!
Top left to bottom right Seting tiap bagian Sub judul (bold) Warna yang berbeda Direct reader’s eye Arrows Highlights

24 Buat jelas dan mudah di baca!
Ukuran huruf besar Warna yang kontras “White” spaces, tepi margin Judul & sub judul (bold) Paragraf pendek Bulleted points Can you read this? How about this? Is this better? Make it easy to read!

25 Tabel angka Diagram Kurva



28 LANGKAH PEMBUATAN Buat desain poster Rangkum keterangan penting dalam
bentuk paragraf pendek di tiap sub judul Cari gambar, diagram (kurva), dan tabel. Pilih aplikasi pembuat poster (corel draw, photoshop, powerpoint dll) Cek terlebih dahulu sebelum di cetak Cetak poster sesuai aturan panitia (kertas/kertas foto/ banner dll)


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