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Presentasi berjudul: "SISTEM PEREDARAN DARAH"— Transcript presentasi:

Drh. Bambang Ariyadi, MP., Ph.D











12 Blood Vessels: Veins Veracose veins occur when valves deteriorate; much larger of blood pooling, veins bulge out






18 Respiratory System They lack a diaphragm, have nonexpandable lungs and a system of air sacs which extend into many of their bones. Vocalization is by means of a syrinx, not a larynx as in mammals Unidirectional air flow System of air sacs Average of 9 Chickens 8 Serve variety of functions

19 The nostrils or nares are usually located at the base of the beak
The nostrils or nares are usually located at the base of the beak. In psittacines (parrots) they are located within the area of the cere The nasal cavity is divided into a right and left side by a nasal septum. This septum is composed of cartilage and bone A large sinus known as the infraorbital sinus, surrounds the eye and extends into the upper and lower beak

20 The larynx is at the entrance of the trachea
The larynx is at the entrance of the trachea. The opening of the larynx is the glottis. Birds differ from mammals in that the larynx does not have vocal chords and therefore is not involved in voice production. The trachea is formed by a series of ring-shaped cartilages, which are completely closed in birds* The trachea bifurcates (divides) after entering the thoracic cavity. The syrinx or voice box is located at this bifurcation. *easy to intubate

21 Anatomically, their lungs are connected to large thin-walled air sacs, which appear to function sort of like bellows rather than like lungs, such that they have a minimal blood supply and they are not involved in gas exchange. Oxygen exchange in the bird occurs on inspiration and expiration The nine air sacs also act as a cooling system since birds do not have sweat glands.


23 Sistem Kerangka Fungsi Otot bertaut membentuk tubuh
Melindungi organ dalam Tempat sumsum, membentuk SDM+SDP Pernafasan, meringankan tubuh Tulang ringan dan kompak Tulang belakang berfusi jadi satu, kecuali leher dan ekor

24 2 kelompok Keistimewaan Tulang ayam
Tulang pneumatic = berlubang dan berhubungan dengan sistem pernafasan Skull. Humerus, clavicle, keel, lumbar, sacral Ayam dapat bernafas dg t. humerus yg dipotong saat trachea ditutup Tulang medullary= tl.dg isi yg unik=rongga sumsum berbtk anyaman spicula halus = siap disediakan sbg sb, Ca utk pembtk shell telur pd saat Ca intake rendah Tibia, femur, pubic bone, sternum, ribs, ulna, toes, scapula

25 12% tulang ayam dara berupa tulang meduler, pada tulang rusuk 30% berupa tulang meduler (10 hari sebelum ovulasi pertama) Ketersediaan Ca untuk membentuk telur pertama: apetite calsic specific 40% Ca tulang hnya cukup untuk 6 butir telur Perlu tambahan Ca pakan untuk memproduksi telur

26 Ilmu Dasar Ternak Unggas 2006
Tulang kompak, ringan, sangat kuat Vertebrae neck and tail movable, Vertebrae sepanjang badan berfusi & memberi bentuk kaku untuk memudahkan & mendukung badan terbang atau lari Penyangga tubuh Sri Sudaryati Ilmu Dasar Ternak Unggas 2006


28 Vertebrae cervicalis: tl leher 13-14 ruas
V. columnalis/dorsalis; tl punggung, 7ruas V. pygostyle dan urostsylus; tl ekor, membentsuk coccygeal, 4 ruas Tl. Rusuk 7 buah Tl sayap, 3 jari, 1 saja yang berkembang Tl. Pubis terdiri dari 7 buah v. sacral dan 7 buah v. lumbar, membentuk elastis untuk bertelur Antar tl pubis 3 jari, kloaka-sternum 4jari

29 T. thorax, tersusun oleh sternum dan rusuk, no 2-5 saling bertaut membentuk rongga dada yang kuat, uncinate apiphysis T. anterior limb membentuk sayap (humerus, radius, ulna, karpus, metakarpus, phalange) T. posterior limb (femur, patela, tibia, fibula, tarsometatarsal, phalanges. Jari satu di belakang, 3-4 di depan

30 Sistem perototan Fungsi otot: Jenis otot Menggerakkan tubuh
Meningkatkan suhu tubuh Membentuk tubuh Jenis otot Pectoralis(sternum dan keel): terbang Pektineus/ambiens: bertengger Dermal: menggerakkan bulu Gastroknemius: otot paha/penopang tubuh

31 Prinsip jaringan otot adalah organ penggerak tubuh, bertanggung jawab dalam gerakan tubuh
3 tipe otot Smooth muscle: Blood vessel, intestine, Cardiac muscle Skeletal muscle: edible portion, carcass Dark/white meat Otot dada dan kaki bagain terbesar dari otot Dark/red meat mengandung lebih banyak myoglobin

32 Otot putih: dada Otot merah: paha Lebih banyak mengandung myoglobin
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