Engineering Faculty Ulm.

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1 engineering Faculty Ulm

2 Disusun Oleh NUR HARIS HUSAINI (H1F114053)
PERENCANAAN DAN PENGENDALIAN PRODUKSI (HMKB763) Peramalan Jumlah Kertas Yang Terpaki Perminggunnya Menggunakan metode AGREGAT Disusun Oleh NUR HARIS HUSAINI (H1F114053)

3 STRUKTUR ORGANISASI Rektor Universitas Lambung Mangkurat
Prof. Dr. H. Sutarto Hadi, M.Si., M.Sc. Wakil Rektor Universitas Lambung Mangkurat Dr. Ahmad Alim Bachri, SE., M.Si Dekan Fakultas Teknik Dr. Ing. Yulian Firmana Arifin, ST., MT Wakil Dekan I Fakultas Teknik Dr. Chairul Irawan, ST., MT Wakil Dekan II Fakultas Teknik Maya Amalia, ST., M.Eng Wakil Dekan III Fakultas Teknik Nurhakim, ST., MT Kepala Prodi Teknik Mesin Achmad Kusairi S, ST., MT., MM Dosen Pengampu Prof. Dr. Qomariyatus Sholihah Amd. Hyp, ST., M.Kes Mahasiswa Nur Haris Husaini (H1F114053)

4 WHAT IS FORCASTING??? Forecasting is an activity estimate or predict what will happen in the future with a relatively long time. While the forecast is a situation or condition that would be expected to occur in the future. To predict this required data is accurate in the past, so it can be seen the prospect of the situation in the future.

5 OBJECTIVE FORECAST As a tool in planning effective and efficient.
To determine the resource needs in the future. To make the right decision.

6 PROBLEM ANALYSIS ukm printer services Mapala ft Unlam is one service that provides printer for student Unlam ft. ukm printer services Mapala Unlam ft was established to facilitate students scoring in the task . With forecasting system was designed using the AGGREGATE can help in predicting the amount of stationery stock .

7 penyesuaian persediaan sebesar 500 lembar pada preode 1
periode (minggu) ramalan penelitian kumulatip permintaan kecepatan produksi kumulatif produksi persediaan penyesuaian persediaan sebesar 500 lembar pada preode 1 biyaya persediaan 1 778 650 -128 372 5580 2 422 1200 1300 100 600 9000 3 277 1477 1950 473 973 14595 4 233 1710 2600 890 1390 20850 5 158 1868 3250 1382 1882 28230 6 342 2210 3900 1690 2190 32850 7 456 2666 4550 1884 2384 35760 8 334 3000 5200 2200 2700 40500 TOTAL 187365

8 Based on the studies focused on forecasting, the authors can conclude the following:
~Forecasting is an activity estimate or predict what will happen in the future with a relatively long time. While the forecast is a situation or condition that would be expected to occur in the future. To predict this required data is accurate in the past, so it can be seen the prospect of the situation in the future. ~Given the forecast, we can control the production to avoid excess production materials purchasing so we do not lose that much.

9 Suggestion This prediction should be applied in all aspects of daily life so that we can minimize losses and reduce the necessary budget


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