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Presentasi berjudul: "IMPLEMENTASI FMS."— Transcript presentasi:


2 Pendahuluan Implementasi FMS melibatkan pembuatan semua komponen-komponen yang diinstal dapat bekerja dan berfungsi sebagai sebuah sistem. Implementasi harus mengoptimalkan kinerja tiap komponen FMS termasuk perangkat keras dan lunak komputer untuk mencapai kinerja puncak (peak performance)

3 Pendahuluan (lanjutan)
Implementasi FMS merupakan tahapan transisi untuk menurunkan kebergantungan pada personil supplier dan vendor dan meningkatkan kebergantungan pada personil dan pakar di dalam perusahaan (in-house personnel and expertise). Personil supplier dan original equipment manufacturer vendor mulai ditarik ketika mesin/alat bekerja dan dapat diterima. Sekalipun mesin/alat FMS diberikan garansi untuk beberapa waktu, membuat sistem bekerja sesuai harapan dan tingkatan-tingkatan produktivitas bergantung pada system purchaser.

4 Pengujian Penerimaan (Acceptance Testing)
Acceptance testing is making sure the entire system and all its processing modules run and perform to expected performance and specification levels as a complete and operational cycle. Generally bigger and more complex a cell or system is the longer the customer demand for a continuous, uninterrupted acceptance test.

5 Pengujian Penerimaan (Acceptance Testing)
The purpose of acceptance testing is to have the system purchaser conditionally accept the system. That is in order to be formally accepted the system must run and flawlessly perform for a specified number of continuous shifts. The number of continuous operating shifts can vary widely, but usually the required number is from 9 – 15. Acceptance testing is the time for fine tuning and honing the system to peak performance

6 Syarat Keberhasilan Acceptance Testing
1. Each equipment module has been singularly run off and individually performs to functional specifications 2. All computer hardware and software are installed, operational and functioning properly 3. Purchaser personnel have been trained and learning has occurred through demonstrable and observable competencies 4. The complete system has been started and tested for operation and functionality as an entire system 5. Work orders and other executable commands for the entire system have been tried and tested during the initial startup and debug phase

7 Aspek –Aspek Pengujian Penerimaan
The system purchaser and supplier will be checking, recording and verifying other aspects of system acceptance for specification compliance. Items to be checked and verified during acceptance testing include: Productivity and part throughput levels Equipment accuracy, functionality and utilization levels Tooling and fixturing availability and deployment Processing equipment downtime for maintenance and service Material handling performance reliability and dependability Part quality, accuracy and repeatability Incoming and outgoing system work flow Flume system capacity and dependability Computer software feature execution and verification

8 Software testing pada berbagai situasi produksi selama waktu pengujian penerimaan yang disediakan mungkin akan sulit dilakukan. Namun, biasa terjadi pada berbagai instalasi sistem dan uji penerimaan, personil supplier melaksanakan uji penerimaan dan diamati oleh personil pengguna (user). Sistem yang diinstal tidak dapat diserahkan secara formal sebelum melewati uji penerimaan. Namun, sebuah ide yang lebih baik adalah menggunakan user baru untuk melakukan acceptance test dimana supplier personnel mengamati, membantu dan mengarahkan.

9 Such a change from the norm is important because:
After final acceptance, the supplier team leaves. And even though the user team has been trained, they have little time functioning as a complete team with the new system and with complete system in actual production Adults learn by doing and having the user team run the acceptance test instead of the supplier team intensifies and lengthens the actual training time. This places and keeps the user in the student’s role and the supplier in the instructor’s role.

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