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2 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS TEACHING MATERIALS : Basic engridience of modern cosmetics Classification of modern cosmetics 1). Cosmetics for cleaning up / treating scalp and hair : - shampoo - hair tonic 2). Cosmetics for rinsing 3). Cosmetics for conditioner - Feature of conditioner - Types of conditioner Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

Modern cosmetics is …. cosmetic which is produced by factory (laboratory). The engridience is included chemical so that it is long lasting. Classification of modern cosmetics : a. Basic engridience for modern cosmetics 1). Asam merkoptoasetat, calcium and the asetat, functioned as : a). the substance for straightening / pirming hair b). the substance for depilatory c). the substance for treating hair d). must not drop it on eyes and wounded scalp. Bahan dasar kosmetika modern sesuai Permenkes RI No. 359/Men.Kes/per/IX/1983 tanggal 19 September 1983. kosmetika yang diproduksi secara pabrik (laboraturium). Bahan-bahannya dicampur bahan kimia supaya awet. Pengelompokkan kosmetika modern : a. Bahan dasar kosmetika modern 1). Asam merkoptoasetat garam dan asetatnya, sebagai - bahan pelurus/keriting rambut - bahan depilatori - bahan pemeliharaan rambut - tidak boleh digunakan untuk mata dan kulit kepala yang luka. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

4 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 2). Asam okslat, ester and alkali calcium as : a. hair treatment b. this is used by hair dresser only. 3). Asam paramino, benzoat and the ester as : a. hair Losio and sun cream 4). Diaminofenol,as : a. oxidizer of hair dye b. contains diaminofenol c. can cause allergy d. don’t use to dye eyelids and eyelashes 5). Hidrogen Perokside, as a. oxidizer of hair dye b. contain 8% of Hidrogen Peroxide 6). Kahun hydroxide, as a. nail cuticle dissolvent (Pelarut kutikula kuku) b. hair straighten and neutralizer c. Avoid contact with eyes d. can cause blindness e. keep away from children Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

5 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 7). Kinia and calcium, as a. engridience for shampoo b. engridience for hair losio 8). Metillfenilendiamina, element of N-substitution and the calcium, as a. hair dye conditioner b. can cause allergy c. do sensitivity test d. don’t use to dye eyelids and eyelashes e. contains fenilenendiamina 9). A-Naftol, as a. hair dye stimulator b. contains a-Naftol Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

6 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 10). Natrium Hydroxide, as a. cuticle dissolvent. b. hair neutralizer c. avoid contact with eyes d. can cause blindness e. keep away from children 11). Pirogalol, a. as stimulator of hair color b. must not use for eyelids and eyelashes c. when contact with eyes, rinse with water promptly d. contains pirogalol 12). Resorsinol, as a. stimulator of hair dye b. hair losio and shampoo c. can cause allergy reaction d. contains resorsinol Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

7 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 13). Selenium disulfida, as engridience for shampoo 14). Seng piriton, as the main engridience for cosmetics. 15). Timbal asetat, as hair preparat - must not use for injured scalp. 16). Castor oil (minyak Castor), - for plants - is used for hair oil b. Classification of modern cosmetics 1). Cosmetics for cleaning / treating scalp and hair a). Shampoo, is cosmetic which is used to wash scalp and hair The aim : remove dirt, mucus of palit gland and sweat gland from hair and scalp Bonggol yang tidak bisa dipakai adalah bonggol pisang susu. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

8 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS Shampoo classification : a). Wet Shampoo, is all types of shampoo which need water. The form is cream, liquid, or powder. Kinds of wet shampoo : 1). Lemon shampoo (shampo jeruk) a. basic engridience is nitrat acid b. remove dirt which is sticky on the scalp c. for normal and oily hair 2). Egg shampoo (shampo telur) a. for dry, thin and porous hair b. basic engridience is lanolin 3). Cream shampoo a. contain oil compound b. function as hair cleaner and conditioner Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

9 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 4). Bear and champagne shampoo a. is not characterized as acid b. for dry and smooth hair c. the substances in this shampoo will coat the hair stem so that it looks smooth and thick 5). Nonstripping shampoo/shampo anti luntur a. the hair color will not fade easily. b. characterized as alkali c. functioned as conditioner 6). Oil shampoo a. main engridience : cemara oil, olive oil, coconut oil, body oil, vegetable oil. b. the purpose is to clean dirt, oil, sebum and leave thin coat of oil after washing Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

10 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
MODERN COSMETICS 7). Medicated shampoo a. contain antiseptic b. used to prevent ailment of scalp and hair 8). Treatment shampoo a. contain disinfectant, selenium sulfide, zinc-pyrithione b. treat ailment of scalp and hair c. must avoid contact with eyes b). Dry Shampoo, the use is without water. Kinds of dry shampoo : * Liquid spirit shampoo 1). sprinkle the shampoo throughout the scalp 2). can stimulate the occurrence of dandruff when not clean Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

11 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
* Dry powder shampoo 1). sprinkle the shampoo throughout the hair 2). cleaning up the shampoo is by brushing 3). used for sufferer who may not contact with water. b). Hair tonic, cosmetic which is used to plan the growth of hair, normal as well as fall 2). Rinsing cosmetic a). Vinegar for rinsing a. method : 4 tbs. vinegar (cuka) add with 1 liter warm water, rinse until clean. b. characterized as acid c. effective to release tousled hair because of back combing. Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

12 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
b). Rinsing with lemon a. method : 1-2 lemon and 1 liter water, rinse again until clean b. for oily hair and decrease tousled of hair after back combing (bouffant) c). Rinsing with citric acid (asam sitrat) a. method : 1 tbs. crystal citric acid put into 500 ml hot water, add with water until totally 1000 ml b. used for neutralize the remaining alkolin, cover hair imbrications, shine hair. d). Cream for rinsing a. in the form of cream and it characterized as citrus b. contains lanolin, cholesterol, pelikan oil, preservative and perfume c. function as hair smoother and coat the hair to be smoother e). Color wash off a. shine up the hair Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

13 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
3). Conditioner Cosmetic is cosmetic which is used to improve hair performance Kinds of conditioner : a). Vinegar rinse (cuka) / acid rinselvinger rinse a. for oily hair b. neutralize foam c. soften the remaining soap which is not dissolved b). Lemon rinse (jeruk) a. neutralize oily hair b. fade off hair color c. decrease the scalp pores until it reduce the produce of oil c). Non strip rinse - prevent the fade away of hair color after dying Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

14 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
f). Medicated rinse - with medication benefit to prevent dandruff g). Cream rinse - for the final rinsing - smoothen and ease hair setting h). Bluinng rinse - give color white / silver grey on the yellowish hair i). Color rinse - fade off / improve hair color a). Conditioned : - characterized as citrus - function : - replace natural hair oil which is gone cover hair imbrications - elasticize and soften hair Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

15 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
b). Kinds of conditioner 1). Conditioner for surface a. it works on the surface of hair stem b. covers hair imbrications c. make the hair solid d. smoothen hair surface e. coat hair stem with oil 2). Conditioner for inner a. this conditioner penetrate through scalp and hair imbrications and pores (asacapilarity) b. improve hair cross keratins bound c. also called as penetrating conditioner Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

16 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
3). Re-conditioner - Return the condition of damage hair Basically, conditioner is known as softener The use of softener The open hair scales because of alkali, will close again Fasten the dissolved of the remaining shampoo which still left during washing Hair is easy to comb and to set. Hair looks more shinny and isn’t dry / pale Rinse which give color to the hair Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata

17 Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata
Daftar Pustaka Dalimartha, Setiawan dkk. (1998). Perawatan Rambut Dengan Tumbuhan Obat dan Diet Suplemen. Gramedia. Jakarta yellow_flower.jpg Seni Kerajinan dan Pariwisata


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