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Presentasi berjudul: "ENGINEERING PLUMBING AND SANITATION"— Transcript presentasi:

Makes Engineering Drawing Plumbing

2 Understanding About Standard. Line - Drawing line. Konvigurasi Line
1. According to the type : a. Ordinary drawing paper, white and having colour young b. Tracing paper, for drawing multiplied ( reproduced ) durable is kept c. Transparent paper ( glass paper ) Teknologi dan Rekayasa

3 2.Paper format Ao . 841 x 1189 Co 917 x 1297 Bo . 1000 x 1414
Do 771 x 1090 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

4 PAPER SIZE TABLES Teknologi dan Rekayasa

5 Position of paper according to its use :
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

6 LETTER - ENGINEERING Writing of technical letter has been normalization by ISO ( International Organization for Standardzation ) Position of letter either oblique or vertical of dextrorse of 150 second - two his may be applied. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

7 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

8 HIGH TABLES of LETTER Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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11 Function of scale and Writes Down Drawing Scale
To give an explanation of complete drawing at one particular working drawing, hence all descriptions at the drawing complete must. Between it is the dimension or drawing scale. So of the size this the substance can in making by others Teknologi dan Rekayasa

12 Way of writing down scale
1.Measure line in general and as possible in depicting outside [by] drawing , in order not to give intricate impression. Governing of like this may not cause measure line far from division which in measure Teknologi dan Rekayasa

13 2.Scale number is taken of the size 33 mm height ( ISO STANDARD ) and put down [by] mm to measure line. situation of Scale number as possible in the middle , but in some cases must in arranging is separate that good of the arrangement. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

14 3. Scale indicator assistant line in depicting around 1 mm through measure line.
4. Scale number must earns in read from right and from under . for special thing must be obviated writing of measure an at division which in hachures Teknologi dan Rekayasa

15 5. Scale as possible put down by one projections only ( front view)
6. Center Line and drawing line may not be used as measure line. 7. Principal scale a substance must in giving to determine level of material. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

16 8. Measure line as possible doesn't cut
8.Measure line as possible doesn't cut . but doesn't too far from substance which in measure , because becoming not explains Teknologi dan Rekayasa

Purpose Special of Study Participant must earn 1. Explains isometric projection basiss 2. Reads pipe drawing seen front, seen upper and isometric 3. Reads pipe connection symbols seen front and seen upper 4. Draws installation of pipe seenly front, seen upper, isometric and left side view Teknologi dan Rekayasa

18 Projection of Isomer is one of projection system axonometric with axis of the absis X ; Y ; Z = 1 : 1 : 1. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

19 To draw insulation of installation of pipe must use rule here under :
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

20 Rule : - There is no scale - Viewpoint based on position of subject
Tries imagining right left axis and front of behind staying in one horizontal flats, while axis to under is one vertical axises piercing horizontal area. Teknologi dan Rekayasa

21 Example : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

22 Teknologi dan Rekayasa

1. Drawing seen front and seen to scale drawing 1 : 25, if every pipe at drawing has the same length that is 50 cm Teknologi dan Rekayasa

24 2.Depicts isometric from drawing hereunder if every pipe have length 40 cm with scale 1 : 20
Teknologi dan Rekayasa

CLOSET SITS : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

26 URINOIR : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

27 WASTAFEL : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

28 BATH UP : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

29 BATH UP Teknologi dan Rekayasa

30 DRAWING SEPTICTANK Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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33 DIFFUSION DRAWING Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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36 TASK : Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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38 WASTAFEL Teknologi dan Rekayasa

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53 SAFE FINALIZES TASK Teknologi dan Rekayasa


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