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Chapter 10. Noun Compound.

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1 Chapter 10. Noun Compound

2 Noun Compound Noun compound (also called noun adjunct) are group of words, usually two but sometimes more, joined together into one vocabulary that function as a single part of speech. A noun compound may consists of noun+noun, adjective+noun or verb+noun. There are three forms for compound nouns: open or spaced - space between words (tennis shoe) hyphenated - hyphen between words (six-pack) closed or solid - no space or hyphen between words (bedroom) Words can be combined to form compound nouns. These are very common, and new combinations are invented almost daily. They normally have two parts. The second part identifies the object or person in question (man, friend, tank, table, room). The first part tells us what kind of object or person it is, or what its purpose is (police, boy, water, dining, bed)

3 Noun compounds consist of adjective+noun
Floriculture is a branch of horticultural science studying the cultivation of ornamental plants. The Bogor Botanical Garden is the largest garden in South East Asia, in terms of its flora and fauna. The old farmer is still strong enough to work everyday in his farm. To stimulate root growth on a hard wood cutting, you must apply an auxin at 1000 ppm. The quality of a flower is determined by its floral features such as diameter, peduncle length, colour and fragrance. Florikultur merupakan cabang dari hortikultura ilmu pengetahuan mempelajari budidaya tanaman hias . Kebun raya bogor yang merupakan bagian terbesar garden di asia tenggara , dalam hal flora dan fauna nya . Petani tua masih cukup kuat untuk bekerja setiap hari di peternakannya . Akar untuk merangsang pertumbuhan pada hard kayu memotong , kamu harus menerapkan sebuah auxin di 1000 ppm . Kualitas sebuah bunga adalah yang ditentukan oleh para fitur seperti bunga diameter , panjang pedunculus , warna dan bunga-bunga yang harum baunya .

4 Noun compounds consist of noun+noun
Palm oil plantations are found along the road from Jambi to Palembang. Vegetable oil is one of Indonesia’s export commodities to Australia. One of the ways to increase rice production has been the creation of new rice varieties through a series of research. Benda senyawa terdiri dari benda + benda . Perkebunan kelapa sawit adalah ditemukan di sepanjang jalan dari jambi ke palembang . Minyak sayur adalah salah satu indonesia � � � ekspor komoditas ke australia . Salah satu cara untuk meningkatkan produksi padi telah penciptaan beras baru penelitian varietas melalui serangkaian

5 Noun compounds consist of verb+noun
The travel agent plays an important role in promoting agro-tourism in Indonesia. The control mechanism of temperature, light intensity and photoperiod in a growth chamber are by a control panel outside the chamber. In plant tissue culture system, the inoculation of the explant is carried out in a transfer cabinet to avoid microbial contamination. Any plants and animals brought from overseas should be checked by a quarantine officer for their healthy and safety to human being. Don’t forget to complete the check list before submitting your application form. Perjalanan agen memainkan peranan yang penting dalam mempromosikan agro-tourism di indonesia . Mekanisme kontrol suhu , dalam sebuah intensitas ringan dan photoperiod yaitu dengan pertumbuhan kamar sebuah panel pengendali di luar ruang . Sistem pada tumbuhan kultur jaringan , dari explant inokulasi dilakukan transfer kontaminasi mikroba kabinet untuk menghindari .Setiap tanaman dan hewan yang dibawa dari luar negeri harus diperiksa oleh sebuah mereka karantina perwira untuk sehat dan keselamatan untuk manusia . Tidak � � � memeriksa bisa sepertinya melupakan untuk melengkapi daftar sebelum mengajukan aplikasi anda membentuk .

6 Food crops  Harvest time Growing season  Rain forest
Students’ activity Make your own sentences employing the following noun compounds. You may add other noun compound(s) in the same sentence to support your idea. Food crops  Harvest time Growing season  Rain forest Germ plasm  Hybrid crop Artificial drying  Growth habit Pest control  Modern technology Hand tractor  Tuber crops Hot pepper  Rice field Agricultural development  Rural area Ornamental plants  Technical irrigation system Membuat kalimat mempekerjakan anda sendiri berikut senyawa benda.Kamu dapat menambahkan benda lain senyawa ( s ) dalam kalimat yang sama untuk mendukung ide anda. Tanaman pangan hama

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