Dr. Mariman Darto Kapus PKP2A III LAN Samarinda

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Presentasi berjudul: "Dr. Mariman Darto Kapus PKP2A III LAN Samarinda"— Transcript presentasi:

1 Dr. Mariman Darto Kapus PKP2A III LAN Samarinda
Disampaikan pada Diklat Pim IV di PKP2A III LAN, 18 Maret 2016 DR Diagnostic Reading

2 Peran ‘Proper’ dalam Latpim
Prioritas Pembangunan Daerah Aspirasi & Kebutuhan Publik Kebutuhan Inovasi Jenis & Area Perubahan Peserta PROPER

3 Kontribusi Latmim dlm Peningkatan ‘Kesra’
Diklatpim Pemimpin Transformatif Arus perubahan di instansi pemerintah Inovasi Daerah Pelayanan Publik, Proses, Kelembagaan, Governance, dst Kesra Kepercayaan publik Legitimasi dan dukungan publik Dukungan KEBIJAKAN PROPER

4 Change or Die

5 Change is Difficult. Not Changing is Fatal!


7 Resistance to Change


9 Future Reality Future Reality

10 Change should be transformational!
Change what needs changing. Not what is easy to change.

11 How to Diagnose? 3 Levels of Change Always Start with Why?
Thinking at 3 Time Horizons Barriers to Change Creating a Culture of Change

12 3 Level of Change External Business Environment Organizational Change
Personal Change

13 Curiosity Mindset Growth Mindset
Always Start with Why? Curiosity Mindset Growth Mindset

14 Thinking at 3 Time Horizons

15 Barrier to Change Peter Senge Dick Brown
“People are not afraid of change. They fear the unknown” “People don’t resist change, they resist being change”

16 Creating A Culture of Change
Organizational Aspect Anticipate & adapting change Business agility Ability to learn Ability to collaborate Individual Aspect Growth mindset Predictive mindset Adaptive mindset Possibility mindset



19 Ability to Learn Ability to learn

20 Ability to Collaborate

21 Growth Mindset


23 Adaptive Mindset

24 New Mindset New Result Possibility Mindset

25 Review 3 level of Change Your customers, your company and You
Always Start with Why? Great leaders inspire people to take action Thinking at 3 Time Horizons Think to achieve the target Barriers to Change Overcoming fear of the unknown Creating a Culture of Change Courisity  Growth Mindset

26 marimandarto@yahoo.com 08118209545
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